Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1718: Nao

The thick fog in the valley finally gradually dissipated, and the long-lost sunlight finally ushered in the valley that had not seen sunlight for thousands of years.

This once magnificent Wannian Temple has reappeared, and the ruined building is bathed in the fiery sunset, revealing the vicissitudes of the years.

However, there are people moving in this desolate ancient temple today. Shi Yanwu, Yang Yantai, and Liu Fangcheng are not seriously injured and recover relatively quickly. He can’t get down and start searching rooms one by one, wanting to see if he can find something good. .

But in the end, everyone was extremely disappointed. After thousands of years of dark energy erosion, many unaccepted weapons had long since turned into a pile of rust. They only found a few weapons that were fairly complete, but they were shattered with a touch.

A few people came back empty-handed. This was something Di Ping had expected long ago. This is not like the space he went to last time. That space has a temple of inheritance, which is maintained by all rune energy to maintain it for ten thousand years.

The Ming Jingzong inheritance is relatively simple, mainly because the disciples obtained the inheritance through communication with the Great Buddha. The Great Buddha's suppression of the evil spirits has long been severely damaged after thousands of years of fighting.

Now the will of the Big Buddha and the will of Ming Fanzi dissipated, and the Big Buddha was broken without energy support. Without the Big Buddha, there would be nothing to see in Di Ping's eyes.

The biggest loss this time should be Shaolin and his team. They were summoned by the Buddha and thought they could get a mysterious inheritance. As a result, Sushan was exhausted and his soul was destroyed and passed away. Dezheng and others also suffered serious injuries and mental damage. It is difficult to recover after recuperating without a period of time. It can be said that the lady has been damaged and the soldiers have been broken.

At this time, the biggest beneficiary was Di Ping, who not only strengthened his soul and improved his spiritual power, but also refined Ming Fanzi's inheritance runes and obtained a lot of information.

Dezheng and others are recuperating, while he is digesting and absorbing the harvest. Ming Jingzong's inheritance techniques and martial arts are more than those of Zhenyangzong, and the level is not low, but these techniques Di Ping didn't like much. The main reason is that Ming Jingzong established the sect based on Buddhism, and many of the exercises also require the cooperation of Buddhism, which is not suitable for him, but is more suitable for Shaolin Temple, but he will not easily give it to Shaolin Temple.

The most beneficial to him are the secrets about cultivation and this planet.

For example, the division of cultivation realm, the system did not popularize this knowledge for him, but some simple information obtained through Owen Ava and others.

Now he knows the division of stages. The first stage is called the forged body stage, the second stage vitality stage, the third stage Gang stage, the fourth stage transformation, the fifth stage Dharma image stage, and the inheritance of the Ming Jingzong is not clear. , It’s just that Ming Jingzong is only a small sect and there is no too high record.

Di Ping also discovered the secrets of the small world from the memory of inheritance!

According to the inherited information, this planet is extremely weird. There are so many different spaces. There are nearly a hundred large and small ones that have been discovered. The small ones have a radius of several hundred meters. Beasts abound.

And these spaces are occupied by all powerful sects, and become their secret sects, mostly used as resources and places for training disciples.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the planet was extremely huge, with countless powerful sects. Some powerful people could fly into the sky and escape from omnipotence, and even more people could traverse the starry sky physically, and cultivate the plain text extremely prosperously, but all this has changed from one day.

One day, the vitality on the planet is rapidly decreasing, and the laws of heaven and energy are not apparent. The cultivator depends on absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth and understanding the rules of heaven and earth to improve his realm.

And now the exhausted vitality and the deceived rules of heaven and earth, so that everyone can not learn from it and improve their perception, which is tantamount to breaking everyone's path of cultivation.

Many people have enough vitality in the small world, so the big sects can only enter and hide in different spaces with energy.

But the good times didn't last long. Many people discovered that they couldn't be promoted to Tier 4 in a different space, the energy level in the small world was not enough, and the world rules were broken and incomplete.

The major sects were in an uproar, and if this continues, these sects will all go extinct.

Moreover, many people find that the passage between the small world and the outside world is becoming unstable, void storms often erupt, and there are signs of shrinking, all of which indicate that the space is about to disappear.

The major gates are in a hurry, contact all the gates, build and build a starry sky ship, and prepare to travel across the starry sky to find a more suitable cultivation planet.

The efforts of countless sects, the creation of people, the creation of objects, after a few months of runes and forgers, they actually built starships, and countless sects moved into huge starships, almost planetary The cultivation sect was emptied, and only some small factions were unable to join the plan and could only watch the starship flying out of the starry sky.

But a scene that shocked everyone appeared. As soon as the starship left the planet and entered the void, it was twisted into pieces by a wave of violent energy and turned into bright fireworks.

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