Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1712: Energetic

As if knowing that he could not catch up with Di Ping, the evil demon began to wield a sickle to attack the tornado storm and thunder and lightning, as well as those golden snakes. Every knife cut was thousands of feet away. A large number of storms were annihilated, and the ghosts on the sickle were more prosperous Crazily devouring his soul power.

Di Ping let out a horrible roar, and the pain in his soul was so painful, as if someone was cutting his brain. His eyes looked at this sickle and gave birth to extreme jealousy. This sickle could even swallow the soul.

The Yin Demon was like a madman, holding the sickle in excitement and reaping everywhere. As the power of the soul swallowed by the sickle increases, it becomes more black and black, exuding fluctuations that make the space unbearable.

The sea of ​​spirit once again set off waves of anger, and even the sound of whining seemed to be like fear, Di Ping was a little depressed.

This yin demon seems to be a Xiaoqiang who can't kill him. Whenever you think you want to solve him, he burst out with terrifying power. He launched a dying counterattack so strong that the two of them could not beat him. .

"Om Ma Chimou Ye Saled..."

At this moment, a loud sound of Sanskrit singing suddenly sounded in the space, and the evil demon who was attacking frantically was taken aback, and a trace of fear flashed through the purple pupils.

boom! The next moment, golden light filled the sky, and a huge Buddha descended from the sky to the Yin Demon and pressed down, like a mountain pressing on the top.

Di Ping was also taken aback, isn't this big Buddha the one outside? Why did he appear here, where did the old monk go?

No figure of the old monk was found in the entire soul space, but at this time he was not paying attention to this time.

The big Buddha descended from the sky, and once again shrouded the Yin Demon under the Big Buddha. The ten thousand Buddha lights formed a golden thread to entangle the Yin Demon. Each golden thread is composed of thousands of runes, and each rune is full of huge Buddha light.

"Get out of here... Ming Fanzi, you can't hold me down!"

The Yin Demon is like a crazy demon with black energy and madness, and he cuts the sickle toward the Buddha in his hand. But what makes the Yin Demon crazy is that the golden light shot by the Buddha is like mud, and the sickle seems to be stuck in and becomes extremely difficult. The golden light wrapped around the sickle tightly. Although the mouth of the sickle was swallowing the golden light, the Buddha's light crazily surging downward to complete it.

"Ah! Ming Fanzi, you actually burned the power of your soul... Ok! I see how many souls you have enough for me to swallow... .."

The Yin Demon roared as if madly waving a sickle, and a black flame rose up from the sickle, the flames crackled together, and the golden light was annihilated at a faster speed.

Di Ping was a little dumbfounded, the two of them were obviously fighting, and even Di Ping felt scared by the black flame rising above the sickle.

At this moment, suddenly there was a new consciousness in Di Ping's soul. This is a piece of information. Di Ping was not ready to read it yet. A voice rang in his soul, "Please help kill this evil demon!"

"Are you Ming Fanzi?"

Di Ping asked in surprise.

"It is the old monk. My will has been integrated with the icon. I can only have a moment of sobriety. I cannot talk to my little friends. The evil demons are cruel and devour the world. Once I leave, I will be a disaster for the world. Please help the old friends. The Seng Yili kills the evil demon. It’s best not to swallow its soul energy directly. Its soul energy is already full of dark energy. If swallowed too much, it will cause the soul to be unstable and easily polluted by the dark energy. A soul skill can wipe out its soul and cost the power of the source soul, and absorbing it will not have any impact!"

The old monk still had a stiff voice in Di Ping's mind.

Di Ping had some doubts in his heart, but his soul still swept through this magic trick, which was called the "flaming furnace". The soul would learn this skill in an instant.

This is a soul-swallowing skill, much more advanced than the original devouring!

The Flame Furnace uses the fire of the soul to form a furnace to refine the soul, turning its original origin into the power of the original soul. Natural absorption by the soul will not have any negative effects.

The soul is swallowed by its origin, and it can fully receive the soul of the opponent, but everything about him will be received. The complex information may cause the soul to be confused, so it must be refining for a long time to be well integrated, and it is like a ghost to cultivate dark energy souls. It is already impure, and if it is swallowed, his soul may also be contaminated.

But the Flame Furnace is no longer needed. He will directly refine the soul to the source. The advantage is pure soul energy, but the disadvantage is that everything about the soul owner in the refined soul will disappear.

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