Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1703: Swallow

Yin Mo and Ming Fanzi attacked and defended one by one, fighting in Di Ping’s sea of ​​consciousness. The sky was dim, the sun and the moon were dark. Although Ming Fanzi wanted to protect Di Ping’s soul space, his strength was not much stronger than Yue Yin. The battle was very hard.

The Yin Demon used the method of attacking Di Ping many times to consume the energy of the old monk, so that the old monk's attacks were not effective at all, and a large amount of combat power was lost.

Di Ping also became anxious. Although this battle was on the battlefield in his own consciousness space, he could only watch like an outsider. He would attack with that sword light back and forth, which made him very embarrassed.

If it weren't for Ming Fanzi and Yin Demon obviously didn't want to destroy their soul body, maybe their soul would have been destroyed long ago.

But allowing them to fight like this is no way. He feels that the soul space is in danger of collapsing at any time. The cracks in the space wall are getting bigger and bigger, and they have spread all over the space wall. collapse.

This is too dangerous. Stop them anyway. If the system takes action, these two soul bodies can be erased easily, but if the system doesn't move, he can only figure out a solution by himself.

He forced himself to calm down and began to find a way. This reminded him of the True Sun Sect inheritance that was passed down in the inheritance space before. He wanted to see if there was any way to restrain it.

He was just about to lean towards the flame-shaped rune of Zhenyang School, when he suddenly discovered that there was an extra black rune in the rune surrounding the soul body like a star.

This rune is extremely weird, the whole body is black like the billowing magic cloud of the evil demon outside, exuding a cold luster, weird and dangerous, in his impression of the soul before this rune, he really can't think of anything There is such a rune in his consciousness space.

He paused, and decided to look at what this black rune was first. When the power of his soul touched the black rune, a wave of information flooded in, and for a moment he knew what it was. Up.

There is actually a soul technique recorded in it?

Di Ping felt like a long drought and the rain, like swallowing a piece of ice-shocked watermelon on a hot summer day, and the ice from the top of his head to the soles of his feet was suddenly refreshed, and his whole body cells cheered comfortably.

His spiritual sea opened up, and his soul body was nearly materialized. It has shown that his spiritual cultivation has basically reached the third-level spiritual sea realm, and his strength is not weak. At this time, he is facing the Yin Demon and Ming Fanzi. There is no backhand power at all, it is because he has no soul skills.

If he could learn the skills inside, he might be able to defeat these two **** who broke into his soul space.

Although Ming Fanzi protected him several times, he was not grateful at all. He had absorbed his spiritual power before, and he believed that the old monk would know it, but he did not stop it. It was also using his own mind to save himself most of the time. Let the monster achieve its goal.

There is not much content in the rune, the power of the soul is running, and he will finish reading the content soon!

Only after reading it did he understand what mental power is and what soul power is!

Spiritual power and soul have a complementary relationship. The soul is fundamental. Spiritual power is born in the soul. As long as the soul is produced, spiritual power will naturally appear. The stronger the soul, the stronger the spiritual power. In the same way, practicing spiritual power also promotes the strengthening of the soul body. .

At the same time, they are also different. Soul attacks can only be aimed at souls, while mental powers can be manifested, even turned into physical attacks, and control objects are all-encompassing.

Although the power of the soul is more advanced, it is the root, it is the origin, but he can only attack the soul body in the soul space. Just like Ming Fanzi and Yin Demon are attacking Di Ping's soul space, they can't attack externally like mental power.

The content of the spirit and soul in this rune is not much, it is just a few words, and Di Ping only read a half explanation. He doesn't care about this, he is more concerned about the soul attack methods in it.

At a glance, he realized that he was too stupid. It turned out that the soul attack was so simple. To put it bluntly, in his soul space, he is the god, the creator, who can transform all attacks, and any soul body that enters his soul space They will all be suppressed by a certain degree, unless they exceed themselves too much and can directly destroy their soul space, otherwise they can only be suppressed.

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