Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1698: Golden Palm vs. Thousand Demons

At this time, everyone around felt that something was wrong. Di Ping held his head tightly and roared like a crazy beast with hair, as if it was extremely painful, and his eyes, nostrils, and ears were bleeding outwards. , Like a weeping devil.

They all knew that this was a manifestation of mental overdraft, but seeing Di Ping’s performance was too painful and frightened everyone, and they found that the Buddha was still spitting out Buddha's light, and it seemed that it did not stop because of Di Ping’s overdraft. .

At this time, everyone hadn't noticed that it was wrong.

"Save people!"

Lin Mujin, who had woken up, was lying in Lin Yun's arms. He yelled in surprise when he saw this scene suddenly change, and then he got up with all his might to rush forward to save people, but he was too weak and no one stood. He got up and fell down instead.

However, after his reminder, Shi Yanwu and He Chunsheng moved first and rushed towards Di Ping, but they had just rushed to Di Ping five meters before a Buddha light suddenly appeared, and they seemed to hit a wall. The upper body was directly knocked upside down and flew out, and the person spurted blood again in the air.

This scene frightened the people who rushed from behind. Yang Yantai followed behind. Seeing that the two were knocked into flight, a jealous spirit suddenly stopped the figure, embarrassingly pressed against the golden light, and his face showed a trace of fortune.

"Drive me!"

Liu Fangcheng also rushed over at this time. He also stopped urgently, but he didn't stop moving but slashed at Jin Guang with an angry face.


As if slashed on a steel plate, a powerful counter-shock force flew out dozens of meters away, and Liu Fangcheng also flew upside down, slamming heavily on the ground, spouting a mouthful of blood. The hands trembled violently, and the hands were dripping with blood. The back shock just now had already cracked the tiger's mouth.

Everyone was dumbfounded at once, with this tortoise shell blocking it, they couldn't move it, nor could it be cut, what can we do now?

Everyone stood in front of this layer of golden light, watching Di Ping roaring in pain and anxiety and worry in the eyes of all the people, Lin Yun was even more tearful, his hands were tightly twisted together, and they had already felt too hard. White.

"City Lord Di, wake up soon!"

Yang Yantai also had worries in his eyes and shouted loudly while standing at the mask.

At this time, everyone reacted and shouted, but Di Ping was still screaming as if he hadn't heard.

At this time, Di Ping was desperate, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the spiritual power of the Buddha.

He could only watch the spirit sea crazily diminish, and at this moment, the sea level had dropped a lot, and cracks appeared on the walls of the surrounding space, as if the water was drained and the silt at the bottom of the lake was chapped by the sun. It seems to break at any time.

But he can only be a spectator watching himself go to death.

"By the way! I am a humanoid war puppet!"

Suddenly Di Ping thought of the human-shaped war puppet. He hurriedly released the human-shaped war puppet. However, the hope that he had just surged again the next moment was also annihilated. At this time, he could not even open the system backpack.

"System...system, back!"

Di Ping gritted his teeth and roared.

But the backpack still did not open, and there was still no sound from the system, as if it had never appeared before.


Di Ping let out a horrible roar of anger, with a terrible voice that made people shudder.

After roaring a few times, Di Ping actually calmed down gradually. The more pain he became, the more calm he became. Gradually he stopped the screaming. The screaming could not solve the problem, and he was not angry. Anger is a manifestation of the weak, and he is The strong.

He has always relied on the system. Now that the system has no response, is he going to wait for death?

Since the last days, he has gone past death time and time again. He found that he was getting bolder and more careless. Facing such a weird and powerful existence like the Great Buddha and the Underworld, he hadn't prepared well in advance. If he advances the humanoid war puppet If you let it go, I'm afraid you won't face such a situation.

He believes in the system too much, and relies too much on the system!

This must be changed, even if he does not die this time, and next time, he may not be able to escape again and again.

At this moment, he suddenly thought a lot, the extreme pain made his consciousness extremely calm, his thoughts turned quickly, and the people and things he experienced flashed through his mind time and time again.

What happens to his parents if something happens to him?

What will happen to Dephia?

What will happen to the sanctuary city?


The more he thought about it, the unwillingness in his heart began to surge, he had too much concern and there were people waiting, he couldn't die!

He didn't want to die even more. He won't give up until the last moment. If he thinks of a way to save himself, the spirit sea can support it for a while. As long as the spirit sea doesn't wither and can't hurt his original soul, he won't die.


At this moment, a bell that pierced the soul suddenly rang. The bell was magnificent, sacred, and full of supreme majesty and shocking power.

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