Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1696: Battle of souls

As a person withdrew, Di Ping's pressure grew. He felt that his mental power was pouring outwards like a flood, which surprised him quickly. He could feel that his mental power was declining at an extremely rapid rate before.

You must know that his mental power is extremely large, as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, but at this time he feels obviously weak.

A trace of doubt flashed in his mind. Before, the Buddha's light extraction of mental power was not one-tenth of what it is now. It is reasonable to say that his mental power is stronger than these people combined, and it should not be reduced by a few people to increase it.

Moreover, the spreading speed of the Buddha's light behind this is a bit too slow, and it has only spread to half of the huge platform, which is completely in proportion to the previous speed.

At first he thought it was the reason for the decrease in people, but it was obviously not, as if the intensity of the light fluctuations had not been reduced due to the decrease in people, but his mental power was madly invested.

Ho Ho Ho...

At this time, the roar from below became crazy again. Although it sounded very vague, Di Ping could perceive the powerful power contained in the roar.

Boom boom boom...

Along with the roar, a tremor sounded on the ground, as if an ancient beast was violently hitting the ground, trying to rush out of the ground, and the seal on the ground appeared again, and it disappeared every moment, and followed the ground. The vibration was constantly deforming, and the big Buddha swayed again with the impact. The Buddha's light unexpectedly appeared unstable, and the golden light that had originally covered the middle of the platform showed signs of retreat.

"What's the matter?"

When Di Ping saw this situation, worries surged on his face. The Buddha's eyes were about to spread across the entire Buddha. According to reason, the Yin Demon should no longer have such a big momentum, but now the situation shows that it is almost the same as before, so he is anxious. Sent out consciousness to the Buddha.

"Buddha light is the condensing of the will of sentient beings. The more people there are, the stronger the belief. Now that there are fewer people, the suppression effect will be weakened. The Yin Demon must have the last fight. I will speed up the output, and the mental consumption will increase greatly. Don't pay attention!"

A piece of consciousness of the Great Buddha passed into Di Ping's mind.

Di Ping only understood now that it turned out that these people are weak, but the strength of each person's belief is stronger, so the Buddha's light progressed slowly.

But now the Yin Demon is obviously unwilling to be suppressed. It is madly hitting the seal. Now Baili has been ninety-nine, and there is one step to suppress the skeleton monster. He can only agree to the request of the Great Buddha.

Sure enough, the next moment, Di Ping felt his mental power began to gush out crazily, and his mental power was subtracted by almost a dozen breaths. His current mental power was already less than four levels. He felt a pain in his head. As if he was hit by a heavy hammer, he was instantly stunned, and there was a sudden surge in the spirit sea.

Seeing this, Di Ping panicked. He felt something wrong, and was about to struggle to withdraw. It was just that he suddenly found that the Buddha light had grown up again, and it spread quickly to the bottom of the platform, almost approaching at an extremely fast speed. Rune gold net on the ground.

Moreover, the impact of the Yin Demon was also weakened, and it seemed to be suppressed again by the rapidly increasing Buddha's light, which made Di Ping see hope, and he forcibly supported it again.

At this time, the two spiritual consciousnesses in the spiritual resonance are rapidly weakening. These two strands belong to virtue and behavior. They were drawn crazy just now, and the two of them were already at their limit. The two were not drawn. It's lucky to do it.

Di Ping didn't dare to neglect, and the two of them would definitely die any more, he hurriedly kicked them out with a mental effort.

He has no time to check the situation of the two, his mental power is venting wildly, and he wants to control the consumption of mental power with all his strength.

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