Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1694: Unwilling

The Sanskrit singing became louder and louder. Ten people sang with hundreds of thousands of voices. The entire valley was shaken by the Sanskrit singing, the mountains reverberated and roared, and the golden light on the top of the Buddha was so grand that even the fog of the valley could not In the suppression, the red sun, like a cocoon, rose from the sea, and the sky was filled with red light, and even the mountain peaks were dyed into a golden color, like a holy land in the Buddhist kingdom.

But as he sang, Di Ping felt that more and more mental power was consumed. After a while, he was consumed by two levels. So far, he has consumed five levels of spirit. He has begun to feel pressure and his mind has appeared. exhausted.

However, he could only clenched his teeth and insisted. Di Ping felt that there were two more unstable fluctuations in his spiritual power in the resonance. He did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly extended his spiritual power. He was always paying attention, and he could not let the Great Buddha confuse these people. The mental energy is exhausted.

As soon as his mental strength passed, he saw the two of them this time, one is Yang Yantai and the other is Liu Fangcheng. Their faces are as pale as Lin Yun before, and their bodies are shaking unconsciously, as if they are suffering a lot. A trace of blood has flowed out of the human nostrils.

Seeing this, he knew that the two of them had reached their limit, so he kicked the mental power of the two from the resonance without hesitation. The two of them shook their bodies as soon as they were kicked out, but fortunately they did not. He vomited blood, both of them suddenly opened their eyes, and their consciousness quickly became clear.

Feeling their condition, both of them showed horrified expressions, as if they hadn't slept for a few days or nights, mentally exhausted, mentally dizzy, extremely weak, and their heads were also accompanied by cracking pain.

If it were not for their insistence, they might fall down and fall asleep at any time. They feel that once they fall asleep they can sleep for several days or nights.

Di Ping did not have time but explained to the two that his mental energy was fully concentrated on the chanting. He felt that it had reached a critical moment. He could feel a trace of eagerness and excitement from the meaning of the big Buddha's fluctuation.

This makes him a little weird. A cohesive consciousness is like a person, with his own thoughts and emotions.

The two looked around, and when they saw Lin Yun sitting on a stone fence forty or fifty meters behind, closing their eyes and resting, they braced themselves and climbed up to the side of Lin Yun, and then leaned against him. Never wanted to get up on the stone fence again.

The movements of the two awakened Lin Yun. She opened her eyes and looked at them, and then closed them again. Although she was in a much better state than before, she was still very tired.

As Yang Yantai's spirits reached their limits, and soon others reached their limits, Di Ping felt the spirit fluctuations appear again, and his face became serious.

This time the fluctuation was not one or two people. Several mental powers were fluctuating. He hurriedly explored the spiritual power and found that the three of Shi Yanwu, Xing Dian, and He Chunsheng had reached the limit. Only morality, Xingzhi, Suffering, Shi Yanshan and Lin Mujin are still insisting.

Di Ping's thoughts sank. If these people withdrew, there would be only six of them, and the consumption would definitely increase. He was too late in his heart, but he couldn't let these people persist.

Without hesitation, kick the consciousness of these three people out of the resonance!

Sure enough, as soon as the three of them left, Di Ping felt that his spirit sank as if he was pressing a mountain on his body. The spirit became extremely heavy, stagnant, and even the operation was not smooth, and the consumption of mental power was significantly increased. The Big Buddha is pumping his mental power like a pump.

However, fortunately, the Buddha did not lie to himself, the secret method of mind control given to himself was indeed useful, only that he kicked out these people smoothly, and the Buddha did not stop it.

Therefore, as soon as he feels that something is wrong, he uses the secret method to withdraw. I believe there is no danger in this way!

His mental power has been monitoring the movement of the Buddha light. He found that the Buddha light had reached half of the platform. The golden light had covered the entire Buddha, and the Buddha launched an attack to kill the skeleton monster. Now it is only one step away from success.

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