Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1692: misfortune

Di Ping gritted his teeth when he saw this, set his mind, and waved his hand solemnly: "Go, come forward and help!"

No matter how you look at his image, there is a bit of tragic feeling when the death team went on the battlefield.

He took the lead and stepped forward more than ten meters. When he came to the people of Dezheng, he also sat down cross-legged and began to follow the chanting. This scripture was transmitted by the Buddha before. Now he has fully remembered that the chanting is not a problem at all.

With his move, Shi Yanwu, Yang Yantai, Lin Mujin, Lin Yun and others all rushed over to sit down and chant the scriptures.

The buzzing sound of chanting began to resound in the valley, and the light above the Buddha's head brightened again.

Sure enough, Di Ping did not have the feeling of being confused before chanting the scriptures again. With the chanting of the scriptures, he found that his spiritual power had slowly reached a common frequency with the spiritual power of everyone, and it seemed to be shaking together. It resonates, and gradually has a ray of radiance with the Buddha's light, and the Buddha's light becomes more grand with the spiritual resonance of the people.

boom! The Buddha light on the top of the Buddha's head expands outwards like growth. It is like the rising sun in the same round that is getting brighter and brighter. When it shines to the extreme, it suddenly expands outwards and expands to more than ten meters. , And then the golden light spreads under the Buddha like a stream of water.

In a short while, it had reached the chest, the brilliant golden light was like coating the big Buddha with a gold coat, and the ray of light from the clouds reflected even more dazzling brilliance, like a true Buddha descending.

At this time, Di Ping discovered that as the golden light diffused, the cracks on the Buddha's body showed signs of shrinking, and the violently swaying Buddha statue was also stabilized, as if the golden light weighed hundreds of millions of catties, and it was born and weighed down. The demon was unable to move at all.

Ho Ho Ho!

It seemed that the situation was not so good, there was a roar from the ground, the blue skull monster madly attacked the big Buddha, and the big Buddha shook again and seemed to be overturned at any time.

"Nan Wu He Na Da Na Duo Na Ye Ye, Nan Wu A Li Ye Po Lu Jie Di, Shuo Bo Na Ye Bodhi Sa Tuo Po Ye..."

Seeing the violent shaking of the big Buddha, everyone's eyes were a little disturbed, and the chanting of the scriptures rose again, and even Di Ping hurriedly settled to chant the scriptures.

The Buddha's light is even more grand, like the blazing sun spraying golden light on the earth. The bright golden light is so fierce that people don’t dare to look directly at it. A piece of the kingdom of Buddha.

The Buddha light spreads downwards at a faster rate than before, slowly from the chest down to the abdomen, and began to cover the legs. As the Buddha light spreads downwards, the vibration of the big Buddha calmed down, and even the roar from the ground seemed to be heard. Faint gradually, it seemed that the Yin Demon was being suppressed and was already unable to resist.

Di Ping has been paying attention to the changes of the Great Buddha. From the bottom of his heart, he is still a little wary of the Great Buddha and dare not relax at all.

However, as he lowered his heart to chant the scriptures, he found that his mind was slowly becoming ethereal again, and even the hostility brought about by his killing since the last days was slowly dissipating.

Moreover, he found that with the sound of the scriptures, his spiritual sea was also fluctuating with a strange frequency. He had a feeling that this kind of fluctuation was like a hammer, and many scattered spiritual forces in the spiritual sea were slowly overflowing. Being shattered, and then slowly reintegrating into the spirit sea, he felt that his spirit sea became more stable.

Especially the golden light soul group above the sea of ​​spirit is also slowly condensing in the fluctuations. Although the golden light has shrunk, the golden light is more prosperous, fiery like a star, radiating powerful energy outward.

Seeing these benefits, he slowly relaxed his vigilance a bit. It seems that while helping the Buddha as the Buddha said, he can really condense his mental power. He feels that if this continues, he will soon be able to increase his previous sharply. The spiritual power of's is completely used, maybe it can break through to the third level of the spirit sea realm in one fell swoop.

Obtaining the benefits, Di Ping became more focused. He began to mobilize the huge spiritual power in the spiritual sea to participate in it. He wanted to fully condense his spiritual power and lay a solid foundation.

As soon as his huge spiritual will participates with all his strength, the Buddha's light is once again grandiose, suddenly bursting, and it can't be twice as large as before. The Buddha's light is as real as it is, and the Buddha's light spreads downward at a faster speed.

As time passed by, Di Ping felt that his mental power was getting more and more condensed, and his control over the sea of ​​spirit was getting stronger and stronger. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the third level. He fell into excitement, even the spirit. He did not pay much attention to the rapid consumption of the mental power in the sea.

Di Ping suddenly felt that something was wrong. There was an abnormal fluctuation in the mental frequency of his mental consciousness. It was bright and dark, and it seemed that there was a feeling of insufficient energy.

Di Ping suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the source of this spiritual will, his expression changed.

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