Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1687: new task

Di Ping felt a strange fluctuation in the chanting sound, which made people unconsciously affected. The ethereal spirit in his heart seemed to be washing his soul. After everyone sat down, he slowly Sit down cross-legged.

He could feel that the Buddha image should be harmless, and the chanting sounds that can purify the soul quickly improve his spiritual realm and slowly stabilize it.

This made Di Ping feel a bit of joy. His mental power growth was sudden, and each time it was greatly improved, and the foundation was very unstable. However, using Yuqing·Zhenjue to practice firmly and slowly, which is just a good Opportunity, he used this great Buddha to solve and completely stabilize his mental power.

After a while, Di Ping suddenly felt something different, and scenes of scenes that did not belong to his memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

This is a majestic and majestic monastery sitting in a valley full of green grass and fragrant birds. There are bald monks wearing yellow clothes in every house and courtyard. They are practicing martial arts with spears and sticks. A huge Buddha statue stands tall. In the temple, the monks sitting under the Buddha statues closed their palms, their eyes and mouths trembling, and they faintly sang Buddhist sounds. The whole scene was extremely quiet and peaceful.

Suddenly the style of painting changed, the sky was overcast, and the wind was gusty. A large number of skeletons came from all directions. There was battle everywhere in the temple. The monks were very strong, and they could breathe fire and wield a giant energy palm to destroy the square. A hundred-meter skeleton monster.

But the skeleton monsters are also very strong. From the first ordinary skeleton to the large number of gray skeletons behind, to the gray skeletons, and the white skeletons fighting Di Ping, there is a cyan skeleton that is the most powerful. No monk can. Block it.

The picture turned around. Thousands of monks gathered around the giant Buddha to resist the attack of sea-tide skeleton monsters. One by one, the monks fell on the ground, as if they were dead sea hell.

However, the monks never retreated, and even the monks sat cross-legged on the statue of Buddha and chanted Sanskrit sounds. The big Buddha suddenly rang loudly, and every time the bell rang, it would shake the large skeletons and monsters to pieces. The death of the skulls seemed to anger the blue. Skeleton monster.

It shot, and rushed directly into the front line. Its entire body was dark and lingering like a magic cloud. In the wave of its hands, countless yin Qi turned into a horrible ghost and plunged into the monk crowd, taking away hundreds of powerful monks in an instant.

At this time, a monk with white beard and hair came out to fight with him. The old monk saw that the old man turned out to be as strong as usual, his body was filled with Buddha's light, and his fighting strength was unmatched. Was knocked down.

In the end, the old monk still couldn't defeat the skeleton monster. Its dark devilish energy was so powerful that it suppressed the pressure of the Buddha, and finally severely injured the old monk. The old monk desperately rushed out of his body and rushed into the Buddha. Among them, it seemed to activate the Great Buddha.

This big Buddha stretched out like a living Buddha's palm, as if the palm of a Tathagata fell from the sky, covering the sky and avoiding the sun, with invincible power. The skeletons within a kilometer radius were all shattered to pieces. The powerful Buddha light suppressed the cyan skeletons. Although it dared to struggle desperately, it was still captured by the giant palm, and then thrown into the base to suppress it under the Buddha statue.

However, the cyan skeleton is so powerful that it swayed the Buddha violently, and was about to break the seal.

The monks in the whole temple swarmed under the giant Buddha, closed their eyes and sang Sanskrit, poured their spiritual power into the light of the Buddha's head, and this suppressed the cyan skull again, but the thousands of monks were also consumed with their spirits. The force died one after another.

The battle ended with the cyan skeleton being crushed under the Buddha, and the monks of the whole temple died in battle. The whole temple and the valley were surrounded by unconscious skeletons, wandering everywhere. Whenever creatures enter the valley, they will be besieged and killed. They surround the monastery without leaving the valley.

Gradually, the yin qi in the entire valley gradually rose, as if it turned into a ghost domain. All the plants were corroded by the yin qi to become dead, and the earth became scorched, and there were wandering skeletons everywhere. A little bit of mist covered the entire valley, turning it into what Di Ping had seen before.

When the picture turned again, the Great Buddha made vibrations from time to time, and the light of the Great Buddha became weaker and weaker, and there were more cracks on the Buddha statue. It was obvious that it was about to suppress the cyan skull monster that was crushed underground.

Seeing this, Di Ping understood that his guess was right. The Buddha couldn't suppress the skeleton monster, so he summoned Sushan and others to come.

But at this time, his heart was bitter. There was a more terrifying cyan skeleton under the Buddha. He originally thought that the Buddha was suppressing the white skeleton. Now it seems that he is thinking too well.

Although he can see the power of the cyan skeleton monster from the picture, he still has no imitation of him. Can't stop the corrosion of devilish energy, not to mention myself.

Di Ping felt that he might have stepped into a terrible trouble.

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