Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1677: Strangling

Di Ping was fighting, and Dezheng and his party were in crisis. The endless skeletons and monsters came out of the thick fog like a tide and besieged and killed them. The number seemed to be endless.

Although the skeletons were smashed by them, there were too many skeletons, and the dead bones around everyone had been piled up.

But at this moment no one dared to stop, no one dared to retreat, and once they were besieged to death, no one could escape. In this regard, these people who are the leaders of the forces are quite clear, and they encourage the power to fight frantically.

The sword light on the battlefield flickered like lightning, the sword star looked like a shooting star across the sky, the shadow of a stick danced like a mountain, and a roar of violent roar pierced the valley.

Shi Yanwu’s steel rod danced like a wheel, and it sank vigorously. Skeleton monsters shattered when they touched it, and they died when they touched it. The rise of killing for a while, he let out a roar of excitement, killing can sometimes bring people pleasure It is to smash a skeleton monster, which is even more refreshing.

"Look at my withered trees!"

Shi Yanwu was very excited, and the steel roots in his hand swept away from the skeleton monster, and a dozen skeleton monsters were immediately broken by him.

"Watch me sweep all directions!"

"Look at my Fenghuo Lotus!"

Shi Yanwu shouted out the name of the stick method every time he made a move, as if he was in a strong momentum, but it was true that everyone was shocked by his shouting, and the heroic fighting spirit surged in his heart, and his combat power rose straight. Even Lin Yun waved a short knife to cut off a skeleton monster.

"Look at my Huang Fengjuan... Bang..."

Shi Yanwu yelled again, but the next moment, the stick seemed to hit the big tree, and a strong counter-shock came from it.


He was taken aback. He knew that there were no trees around him. He was paying attention during the battle. The people who used the sticks attached great importance to the environment. Long weapons would not be able to deploy if they did not pay attention to the environment.

However, as he looked over, his face suddenly changed. Among the skeleton monsters, there was a skeleton that was less gray and closer to gray. This skeleton even picked up a stick and did not fall apart.

"Be careful, that skeleton monster is stronger than normal!"

At this time, Dezheng shouted loudly. It turned out that Dezheng also discovered this problem. He encountered one. Skeleton monsters fight with himself for five or six strokes without losing points. If it is not for his proficient technique, he used it. With one move, it cut off its skull with one sword, and it had to fight for a while.

After reminding Shi Yanwu, Dezheng shouted to everyone: "Attention, everyone, the skeletons with whiter bones in this skeleton are stronger than ordinary skeletons, don't be careless!"

Everyone’s expressions changed when they heard this. So many ordinary skeletons are hard to deal with. Who knows that there are stronger skeletons mixed in it. Everyone is refreshed, paying attention to whether there is a color in the skeleton group. The whiter skeleton monsters dropped more than one level in combat power for a time.

Shi Yanwu got the prompt of virtue, and his expression became serious, but he was also a brave man, he rushed up with an angry, a sweeping sweep of a few skeleton monsters, and then the stick turned around, from back to front, round up Smashed at the gray-white skull.


The steel rod slammed on the bone sword, making a sharp sound of gold and stone, and the skeleton monster actually blocked Shi Yanwu's powerful force.

However, his stick was heavy and fierce, and his power was all concentrated on the tip of the stick. The skeleton monster's power was obviously not as good as being hit by his concentrated force. After an instant, he withdrew five or six meters away, knocking two or three skeleton monsters apart. !

Shi Yanwu didn't let anyone know, and once again flashed quickly and caught up with the skeleton monster, and the steel rod in his hand slammed down at it again.


Shi Yanwu's steel rod was danced by him, knocked, or smashed, or swept, or clicked, or hit the gray and white skeleton monster. The strength and response of the skeleton monster were still not as good as that of Shi Yanwu. Finally, One of the azure dragons went out to sea and hit its chest with a stick to break the bones, which killed the skeletal monster!

At this time, it was not only that he encountered this gray-white skeleton monster!

Lin Mujin also ran into one. He was attacking the surrounding skeleton monsters with all his strength. At this moment, a gray and white skeleton monster mixed in among the skeleton monsters and attacked him, and a bone spear quietly pierced his chest.

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