Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1667: enter

"Squat down!"

Di Ping led the crowd around the hillside and walked around 200 meters from the left side of Thunder Dragon Beast. Suddenly, Di Ping's face turned into a low voice, and then he squatted down and covered his figure with tall weeds.

Everyone behind him was already shocked, Di Ping's low shout, shocking everyone, almost squatted down in response to a conditioned reflex.

Fortunately, the weeds are dense here, and everyone uses the weeds to block their bodies. Di Ping grabbed the weeds and looked in the direction of Thunder Dragon with half-squinted eyes.

After a while, on the other side of the Thunder Dragon Beast, a group of three giant beasts with flaming red fur, more than five meters tall, that looked like a lion, appeared on the horizon. They were slowly encircling the Thunder Dragon. It seemed that they were preparing to hunt the thunder. Long gone.

Thunder Dragon Beast seemed to be aware of it, and it was rare to stop eating grass and raised its head to look at the three fiery giant lions, but it only glanced at it and lowered its head to graze again.

This careless thing seems to be less important than grazing outside.

Di Ping didn't dare to scan the three fiery giant lions with a probe, and he knew at a glance that they were three ferocious mutant beasts. The half-open and half-closed eyes were fierce, and they were definitely not as meek as the Thunder Dragon beast.

Fortunately, there are Thunder Dragons who have not found themselves and others. If they find themselves, they will be dangerous. Without probing, he can feel that the three monsters on the opposite side are not low-level, but they are only at Tier 3. The majestic coercion that came out was not something that the second-order mutant beast could have.

As the fiery red lion-shaped beast approached, Dezheng and his team saw them, and immediately lowered their bodies one by one, fearing being discovered.

One of the biggest flaming giant lions raised their eyes and glanced over here. Di Ping immediately exploded his scalp and his back was chilled. He knew that the flaming giant lion found himself waiting for someone.

However, it seems that the giant lion is not interested in Di Ping and the others, just glanced at it and focused on the Thunder Beast again.

When his eyes were removed, Di Ping let out a long sigh of relief and let go of his holding heart. Only then did he realize that his back was soaked. The look just now was so scary that he didn't notice when he was nervous. I sweated so much in an instant.

The three giant lions slowly surrounded the thunder dragon beast, until 30 meters away, they began to slowly rotate in circles, with a dull low roar in their mouths, the muffled sound like thunder, and the shock of Di Ping and the crowd Beating wildly, the shaking heart seemed to jump out.


Suddenly, the biggest giant lion suddenly roared, and the other two giant lions seemed to have heard the instructions, and immediately rushed to the Thunder Dragon Beast.

At this time, Thunder Dragon finally raised his head and looked at the two giant lions that were coming.


Suddenly, there was a sizzle, and then the whole world was lit up, as if a strong light was suddenly turned on, and the white reflected pale and horrified faces, as well as the blank eyes.

It turned out that the giant lion pounced, and Thunder Dragon's pair of sharp horns suddenly shot a power grid, just covering the two giant lions.

When the two giant lions were caught by a corner of the power grid, their bodies immediately stiffened, and their entire body's fiery red hair suddenly burned, and it was instantly blackened. The giant lion’s thumped body hit the ground with a bang, and black smoke came out of its nose, ears, and mouth. It looks like there is electric focus in the body.

The biggest giant lion stared at this scene blankly, but the next moment it whined, turned around with its tail clamped, and ran away, as fast as a ghost chasing behind it.

Di Ping also opened his mouth slightly at this time. This scene was so dramatic that the two giant lions were electrocuted by Thunder Dragon.

Everyone behind him was also in a daze, watching this scene in a daze, and many people even swallowed their saliva.

Thunder Dragon Beast killed the giant lion, as if it had only done a trivial thing. He raised his head and roared, and then he shook his huge body and walked away, following the sound of the ground shaking, Gradually moved into the distance.

Only after its huge figure gradually disappeared into the horizon, everyone still looked dull.

Di Ping sighed slowly and stood up. He walked quickly to the two giant lion beasts that had been scorched and swept his exploration skills. Sure enough, they were two Tier 3 behemoths.

The Wasteland Lion, whose strength reached Tier 3 and Tier 6, was so destroyed by the Thunder Beast, Di Ping was secretly surprised.

However, keeping the principle of no waste, two wasteland lions were collected into the space with a wave of hands.

"This is what you mean by docile?"

At this time, a crisp female voice sounded behind Di Ping.

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