Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1664: Magic barracks

Su Shan was right. Everyone walked out no more than five kilometers, and there was an open area in front of them, which turned out to be a vast expanse of grassland.

Seeing the grassland, Di Ping was not surprised. There are no more animals on the grassland than in the forest. He can know how many mutant beasts there will be in such a broad grassland without even thinking about it.

"Let's go!"

Di Pianyang waved his hand expressionlessly and took the lead. Since he must go, then go ahead!

There are indeed a lot of mutant animals on the grassland, and the talents came across a herd of mutant wildebeests with more than 100 heads within two kilometers.

These wildebeests are tall, with a height of three meters and a small one more than two meters. They are hideous in appearance and have a pair of large, meter-long horns on the top. Their limbs are strong and powerful, and they are very good at running.

These wildebeests are eating grass quietly, seemingly docile, but they put a lot of pressure on Di Ping.

After the animals mutated, they seemed to be extremely irritable. As long as they saw people, they would attack like enemies of life and death. Even a docile sheep would dare to attack humans.

Di Ping raised his hand back to signal the crowd to stop advancing, and then lowered his body lightly to prevent the wildebeest group from alarming.

"Brother! What a big wildebeest!"

Suddenly a clear female voice sounded from the crowd. Although this voice was extremely low, it was no less than thunder in this quiet place.

Di Ping's face changed drastically, and he didn't need to look back to know that this was Lin Yun.

Everyone was also shocked. They turned their heads and glared at Lin Yun angrily. Lin Yun also knew that he was in trouble, and quickly covered his mouth with panic on his face, but her brother Lin Mujin pulled her quietly. Behind him, a pair of bright eyes looked at everyone.

This Lin Mujin's love for her sister is really to the extreme, even if she made a mistake, she would not let everyone blame her.

Di Ping didn’t have time to blame Lin Yun at this time. He stared at the movement of the wildebeest group. As soon as Lin Yun’s voice fell, he found that the wildebeest group raised their heads and looked at here. His face changed and his hands changed. Holding the handle of the heavy knife, he whispered:

"Ready to defend!"

Hearing Di Ping's order, everyone hurriedly turned their eyes back. Now is not the time to blame Lin Yun!

Everyone clenched their weapons and looked nervously in the direction of the wildebeest. What if such a large group of wildebeest rushed over?

Seeing the one-meter-long sharp corner of the wildebeest gleaming with the cold light, it was extremely sharp at first sight, and a chill rose in everyone's hearts.

At this moment, the wildebeest group was in a commotion. Di Ping had already mentioned his throat at this time. The wildebeest had discovered them. He was not afraid that these wildebeests could not threaten him with their own strength. But the group of people behind him is in danger.


Suddenly the wildebeest group moved, and more than one hundred wildebeests moved with amazing aura, like thousands of horses, the ground vibrated like thunder and roared, everyone was sweating on their foreheads, thinking that today might be possible When it was over, even Di Ping's scalp was numb when he watched. He didn't dare to charge against these wildebeests, and for a while, he quickly thought about countermeasures.

But in the next moment, everyone's eyes widened. The wildebeest herd was actually a frightened wild horse. It turned around and ran away like black beasts. The speed is as fast as lightning, and it disappears into the sight of everyone in a blink of an eye. wind.

Everyone watched this scene blankly, and couldn't believe it was true. The wildebeests were scared away by them!

"City Lord Di, this...what is going on?"

Dezheng swallowed, looking at the direction where the wildebeest disappeared, his voice hoarse.

Di Ping also shook his head, he knew what was going on!

Seeing the wildebeest disappearing like a wind, he really sighed that his speed was fast enough, but the speed of this wildebeest was even more amazing.

Although everyone was surprised at the dramatic scene that happened, everyone was still pleased whether it was dangerous. Now, Lin Yun, the original culprit, no one blamed her anymore.

Later, they encountered some mutant animal groups, but these were all mutant animals that ate grass. They still retained their previous habits and ate the grass leisurely. As soon as they found Di Ping, they immediately flee away, and they are not approached at all. Opportunity, even less like the mutant beasts outside attacking when they see people.

Looking at these mutant animals, Di Ping suddenly had an urge. He had the idea of ​​building a resource land here. If so many mutant animals were hunted, they could obtain a large amount of mutant meat and crystal nuclei.

And looking at the group of wildebeests, Di Ping had a thought, maybe these wildebeests can be domesticated, and the city of refuge can get a lot of mounts.

Moreover, the mutant animals here are obviously not as powerful as the space between him and Xiao Bijin last time, and the strongest from Jin to the present has only encountered the first and ninth levels.

And in the last space, random beasts of rank 2 or higher, and rank 3 mutant beasts were encountered randomly, so he didn't dare to set up a resource station in such a place. Maybe the front leg was built and the back leg was destroyed. Such a possible thing.

But, is this space really as good as he thought?

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