Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1662: Female hero

After that, many people looked at Di Ping's eyes even more weird, as if they were looking at a monster!

They couldn't imagine how terrible it was that there was such a huge power hidden in such a human body that even an astonishing bull could hit and fly.

The battle with the bull let people see the other side of Di Ping, which is simply a powerful tyrannosaurus, with majestic power hidden in its body.

Now everyone has truly seen the power of the Awakened. It turns out that human beings can really be so strong.

But what surprised everyone more was that Di Ping waved his hand and the huge bull had disappeared, as if it had been changed.

It’s just that no one dared to ask, but there was a hint of inexplicable meaning in the eyes looking at Di Ping. The background of Di Ping looked at Di Ping's heart deeply. He felt that the more he got along with this City Lord Di, he The more secrets there are.

Lu Diping below was more careful. He couldn't keep his mental power out, and he couldn't stand it for too long. He could only push his ears to the limit and listen to everything in front of him.

The forest is extremely secluded, and the scorching sun in the sky can only occasionally fall from the gaps in the leaves, forming rays in the forest.

Walking under here for a long time is a test of the human spirit. Although the outside world has mutated a lot of woods, the time is not yet comparable to the wild forests of unknown years.

Many people have already regretted it and retreated. They just left Di Ping and couldn't go back. They could only bite the bullet and step forward.

Lin Yun, the originally extremely brave girl, came into this world as if she had restored the girl's natural timid nature, closely following her brother, her eyes nervous and frightened.

In the morning, they walked more than 30 kilometers, and finally the surrounding trees began to sparse, and they could see the blue sky, which dissipated a lot of the haze in everyone's hearts.

Everyone found an open area and began to rest. They walked nervously all morning, and everyone was a little tired. Even Di Ping felt sluggish and needed a rest.

Yang Yantai and the other two awakened people began to get busy. They had wind wolf meat and an iron pot. The aroma of the cauldron spread after a while.

"How far is Zen Master?"

Di Ping came to Zen Master Sushan, sat on a rock opposite him, looked at him and asked.

Zen Master Sushan closed his eyes, rolled his eyes carefully, and suddenly opened his eyes. Di Ping actually saw the brilliant light in his eyes. Knowing that this is just an ordinary person and has not awakened, Di Ping was a little surprised. .

This is a reaction after the spirit reaches a certain level. It seems that this Zen Master Sushan has a high level of Zen practice, and he has made breakthroughs in his spiritual power.

It should have reached the level of perception of internal illumination, far beyond ordinary people. Relying on Buddha cultivation to reach this level really surprised Di Ping.

Zen Master Sushan's eyes seemed to leap across space to see the distance, and his voice was a little vague, "There should be a grassland ahead, and we can reach our destination after we pass the grassland!"


Di Ping was taken aback, the old monk was talking nonsense! He could still see the grassland. Could it be that something was calling them? Di Ping was a little puzzled and even more weird. He was not sure what was there. After a moment of thought, he asked:

"Master, can you perceive what our destination is?"

Zen Master Sushan seemed to be talking in a dream, his eyes looked into the distance, and he muttered: "I can't see clearly, it's just a fog. The dense sullen air everywhere is like a dead place. I can't see clearly...I can't see clearly. ...There is a little golden light between that yin air, he is calling me!"

"Yin Qi?"

Di Ping suddenly changed his face and exclaimed.


Suddenly, Zen Master Sushan seemed to be hit hard, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face fell backward.

"Zen Master!"

Di Ping's face changed drastically, and he stretched out his hand to help Zen Master Sushan. Fortunately, Master Dezheng has been holding him by Sushan, and exclaimed anxiously, "Uncle! What happened to you?"

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