Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1659: Happy bird

The small world is sunny, the sun has just risen one tree high, and the fiery morning sun shoots out hundreds of millions of red lights. The red light passes through the dense leaves and shoots into the dense forest, forming a beam of light, bringing a ray of light to the dark jungle .

A group of more than ten people are walking through the dense forest of light beams.

De was leading the way, and Di Ping followed behind, and beside him was an old monk with white hair and beard.

The pedestrians were all awakened, and among the crowd were Shi Yanwu, Yang Yantai, brothers who were idiots, and handsome-looking young brothers and sisters.

This young man with a knife is called Lin Mujin, his younger sister is Lin Yun, the leader of the forces in Lin'an Town, and there are three to four thousand people in the gathering place, which is no small force.

There are also a few familiar faces who all entered the small world together yesterday, but Zhou Jianming was not there. It seemed that he had followed Di Ping's advice.

It has been more than an hour for this group of people to enter the alien world. They passed through the grass and entered the virgin forest. Monk Sushan has been showing the way, and everyone hurried in the direction he pointed.

I don't know how long there have been no traces of human activity in this jungle. There are big trees with a diameter of five or six meters. The trees are densely covered with vines. It is very hard to walk.

Therefore, one hour did not travel far, and the old monk Sushan was even more supported by sorrows and hardships. It is better to say that he is supported than he is.

Di Ping regretted it more at this time and shouldn't be involved. If he didn't have to spend such a lot of effort on his own, he could speed up a little bit. At this speed, he didn't know when he could find Ningshenhua.

At this time, he missed Xiaobi's feeling of flying on the top of the tree very much. He had already known that he had agreed that Xiaobi had also come. If she had come much simpler, this small world would not know how big it was, and how long it would take to go !

"Master, how far is it?"

Di Ping asked.


The Zen master answered like this every time.

This made Di Ping very speechless, but he had no choice but to believe him!


Suddenly his brows trembled, a silver light flashed, and a basin-sized spider was nailed to the trunk by a flying knife, and its pointed feet with green light were less than one meter away from Dezheng.

Everyone was surprised and looked over. When they saw the giant spider that was still struggling, everyone's expressions changed. Although this is not the first time they have encountered a mutant beast, they still see such a terrifying spider. Discoloration.

Dezheng stabbed the spider to death with a sword, took Di Ping’s throwing knife, wiped it clean, and handed it back to Di Ping. This was something to preserve. He was afraid that Di Ping would run out of this one, and then the danger would be gone. In trouble.

Everyone felt that it was very safe to be with Di Ping, but Di Ping was not so relaxed. Last time with Di Ping, he could have gone through several battles and encountered mutant beasts above Tier 3, so he dare not take it lightly. .

During the journey, Di Ping suddenly throbbed in his heart. He felt that a danger was approaching. He quickly raised his hand and shook it. Everyone immediately understood, stopped moving, and squatted down, looking around nervously and vigilantly. .


After ten seconds, a slight rustling sound suddenly sounded. Although the sound was soft, it was like thunder in everyone's ears. Everyone changed their faces and looked at the voice.

Di Ping's face also became serious, his mental power quietly spread over, very careful, after all, some powerful mutant beasts can perceive the mental power exploration.

However, he immediately recovered his spirit, because the mutant beast was already in the sight of everyone, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

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