Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1651: New world

Although six people died in this battle and almost all of them were wounded, there was not much sadness. Only the subordinates of the awakened were somewhat sad.

However, the joy of harvest was quickly dissipated. There were one hundred thirty or forty wind wolves in one place. These are all mutant beast meat. Many people know the role of mutant beast meat. If so much meat is allocated, , Everyone gets a lot.

Moreover, the spirit grass was also picked, and there were more than a hundred plants. Everyone looked at the piles of mutant animal meat, and the eyes of more than one hundred spirit plants flashed hot.

"I have a proposal!"

Looking at this pile of things, Master Dezheng finally calmed down his excitement and looked at everyone.

"Master, please say!"

Everyone turned their eyes to Master Dezheng and waited for his next words, and everyone's eyes flashed with excitement, thinking that this was about to distribute the fruits of victory.

I just listen to Master Dezheng saying: "I believe everyone knows that we can survive this time and have so much gain, thanks to City Lord Di. Do you have any questions about this?"


Everyone responded in unison, and then cast their eyes to Di Ping, with gratitude. After all, many people had been saved by Di Ping. It would not have been these people who would have died today without his throwing knives. Di Ping killed the Wolf King, and the whole army may be wiped out today.

Di Ping smiled indifferently and did not make a sound. He already knew what Dezheng was about to do.

Just listen to Dezheng continued: "That's good! Now that everyone agrees, then we will give half of the harvest to City Lord Di, do you have any opinions?"

There was silence after hearing the words, you look at me, I look at you, for a while, I don't know how to decide, after all, this is something to separate them.

"I agree!"

There was a loud voice from the crowd, everyone looked over, and a burly figure crowded out the crowd.

This is not someone else, it is Zhou Jianming. He has no opinion on this proposal. It stands to reason that it should be given to Di Ping. If they save their lives, they have to divide their victory. It is not justified. He is very particular. People, he can't do that kind of black conscience.

Di Ping looked at Zhou Jianming, and a smile flashed in his eyes. This was a friendly person.

"I agree!"

Shi Yanwu suddenly raised his hand and said loudly.

After speaking, he looked at Di Ping and nodded slightly, Di Ping also nodded with a smile.

"I agree!"

At this time, the beautiful boy cleaning the knife also said loudly.

His voice was crisp, and it turned out to be very similar to a female voice, but even though his voice was soft, everyone heard it really.

With these three people expressing their opinions, the crowd responded one after another. Although some people saw this, although they were reluctant, they also agreed.

Among them were people who were saved by Di Ping with a flying sword, but when it was his turn to benefit, these people had forgotten Di Ping's life-saving grace.

However, Di Ping feels relieved that there are still so many people who are still good at heart, and they are only grateful.

At this time, Master Dezheng showed an awkward smile on his face. He looked at Di Ping and said, "City Lord Di, we are actually taking advantage of you, but I think it’s not good for everyone to return empty-handed. How about the city plan!"

Di Ping smiled slightly, waved his hand, and did not speak. Before coming to the spirit grass, he gently squeezed a spirit grass and smelled it under his nose. There was a faint smell of corruption, which was not very good. smell.

He turned his head and looked at the place where the Bone Forge Grass was growing. It was a soil slope. It was not too large and only much flat. Seeing that there were bones in the opened soil, he immediately understood what was going on.

It turns out that this is the place where the wind wolves bury the bones. The bones of the mutant beasts that should be hunted usually are thrown here, and the bone forging grass grew up on the corpse of this mutant beast, and it gathered the essence of the bones. , So it has the effect of forging bones.

Everyone in the room was watching Di Ping quietly, not understanding what he was doing. Could it be that he was dissatisfied with the distribution plan and all had to be taken up? Many people had this idea in their hearts.

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