Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1629: Fuhu Arhat Gong

Hua Qingyang looked at Chen Qing'an with a questioning expression: "Qing'an why did you stop me just now?"

"Don't you know the person just now?"

Chen Qingan looked at Huaqing Yangdao.

Hua Qingyang shook his head in doubt, Chen Qingan looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "That's Shimen Shi Yanwu!"

"It's him!"

Huaqing Yang heard this for a moment, and then his complexion changed. Shi Yanwu knew that not only was the force super strong, but also powerful, and it was ranked in the top five among these forces in Yangcheng.

He was a little grateful at this time, but fortunately Chen Qing'an pulled it around. Otherwise, if he started to suffer, he would definitely be the one who would not be able to fight these big forces with his own power. He is proud, but not stupid!

"Qing'an thanks!"

Hua Qing Yang hugged Chen Qingxing's fists, although his face was still a little cold, but his tone of voice slowed down a lot.

Then the two chatted, they turned out to be college classmates, and they were talking about some nosy. Di Ping stopped listening after hearing a few words. There was no one around, and he was happy and quiet.

However, he wanted to be quiet but couldn't.

At this time, another group of people came in. Di Ping looked up and was taken aback. The people came in again.

It was Zhou Jianming and a group of people. They arrived almost two hours late. They seemed to be really struggling. Thinking of this, Di Ping secretly laughed.

"Eh! Brother Di..."

Zhou Jianming came in and looked around, looking for the empty table. Only Di Ping was the most empty side. He saw Di Ping sitting quietly, his eyes lit up, his face was filled with joy, and he was excited to Di Ping. Waved his hands.

With his voice, the whole noisy hall suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Zhou Jianming with weird eyes.

Zhou Jianming didn't expect this scene to happen, he was a little dazed, raised his hands and smiled awkwardly and nodded apologetically to everyone, then came to Di Ping's table griefly.

When he arrived at Di Ping's table, excitement reappeared on his face, and he clasped his fists full of smiles:

"Brother Di, I didn't expect you to be here too?"

"Come along and take a look!"

Di Ping also smiled slightly and got up to salute.

"Brother Di, can I have a table with you?"

Zhou Jianming asked in a tentative tone.

"Brother Zhou, please feel free!"

Di Ping pointed to the chair beside him and smiled.

Zhou Jianming motioned to the brothers to sit on the side table and sat beside Di Ping. Then he glanced around and asked some weird: "Brother Di, I feel something is wrong, why are you so empty here? They look at us weird!"

Di Ping shrugged and said, "I didn't intend to offend people!"

"Who offends?"

Zhou Jianming asked in a hurry.

"Hey!" Di Ping motioned to Hua Qingyang, who was sitting at a table not far away, and then smiled: "Brother Zhou, it's too late to leave, otherwise others will hate you too!"

Originally, Zhou Jianming's eyes shrank when he saw Hua Qingyang’s table. The last thing he wanted was to grudge against others. He didn’t expect to fall into conflict as soon as he came, and he would retreat in his heart. But when Di Ping said so, he felt Suddenly, thinking of Di Ping's strength, he gritted his teeth secretly, and then smiled: "Brother Di, what is this, I look down on Zhou Jianming too much. Although I am not strong, I am not afraid of things, and we Brother sees you like a guilty one, and dealing with you is dealing with me; can you say I can go? That's not slap me Zhou Jianming in the face?"

Di Ping was a little surprised. He looked at Zhou Jianming and saw that he did not seem to be false. He was a little touched, so he smiled and said, "Brother Zhou, I said the wrong thing. Come! This tea is good, I will give you Pour tea to make amends!"

When Zhou Jianming heard this, his face suddenly showed joy, and he laughed and said, "Good! Drink tea... Drink tea!"

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