Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1623: Yang Yantai resolves the conflict

Di Ping was also not welcome, and walked in with Wu Jiang's company, and only after entering the wooden wall did he see what was going on inside.

There are not many trees in the fence. Instead, it is a bare rocky ground. A good cement floor hardened pavement and stone steps are built at the gate.

Moreover, five or six ancient walled fortresses were built on the mountain, which looks very spectacular and impressive.

Di Ping saw a sign on the side of the road. He glanced at it and realized that this was a scenic spot. There was a cave in it called Xueyan Cave. Di Ping also knew about this scenic spot, but he had never been there.

However, he couldn't help but nod secretly when he looked at this place. It is indeed a very good gathering place. The tall wooden wall outside was obviously built before, and there are many buildings inside that are enough to live, and the buildings are built into a walled city. It looks like it has a certain protective effect.

Moreover, there are not many trees, many huge rocks, there will not be many mutant beasts in such an environment, they do have some vision to occupy this place as a gathering place.

After walking a few steps in, Di Ping saw that two of the collapsed fortresses flickered. This should have been brought down by the Red Rock Beast.

There were a lot of people in the city, they all came and went in a hurry. Di Ping saw a lot of bald heads in the crowd. They were wearing yellow monk robes. They were all monks, but he didn't ask much, just following Wu Jiang. Go in.

"Brother Laidi, please!"

Wu Jiang led the way and asked with a smile: "Has Brother Di been here before?"

Di Ping shook his head and said, "I have never been here!"

Wu Jiang smiled and said, "How does Brother Nadi feel here?"

Di Ping looked around when he heard the words, and then praised sincerely: "Good place!"


Wu Jiang smiled and said: "Brother Di is concise, but it is in one sentence. Everyone who comes here will say a good place!"

Di Ping also smiled and nodded.

If it weren't for a void passage, it would definitely be an excellent shelter, as long as a protection at the mouth of the valley prevents mutant beasts from entering, this place is an extremely safe place.

Under the leadership of Wu Jiang, after walking less than 100 meters, they came to the outermost walled city on the right.

The square walled city is surrounded by a city wall, and houses built along the city wall are connected by a corridor, and a huge patio is vacant in the middle. The defense and housing are integrated. This kind of walled city was very common in ancient times. Before Yan State was founded, there were still many bandits entrenched, and these castles were left at that time.

The area of ​​the fort is not small, three or four thousand square meters. The courtyard in the middle has a large area, which is very empty. At this time, there are many tables and chairs in the courtyard. These tables are sparsely seated with seven or eight tables, thirty or forty. people.

These people were drinking and bragging, and when they saw Wu Jiang leading Di Ping in, they all turned their gazes at him, with exploration in their eyes.

"Brother Di, can you sit here?"

Wu Jiang led Di Ping to a table aside and asked with a smile.

Di Ping smiled and arched his hands and said: "Just here! It's good!"

Seeing Di Ping's consent, Wu Jiang's face bloomed with a smile again and said: "Brother Di, please sit down, I have to go out to welcome others, so I won't accompany you! There are simple dishes on the table, tea and drinks. Whatever you need Ask the service staff!"

"Guan Wu, please!"

Di Ping nodded.

Looking at the background where Wu Jiang hurriedly left, Di Ping slowly retracted his gaze, swept around the court, and then sat down.

There were some simple melon seeds and peanuts on the table, and two or three cold spells. He glanced at it and didn't move, but picked up the teapot and poured himself a glass of water.

The tea is green tea, not too good, at best it can be drunk, Di Ping sniffed the tea and there was no peculiar smell, and then started drinking with confidence.

But his demeanor has attracted the attention of many people. At this time, everyone sitting at each table in the field is looking at him. Some have three or five people at one table, some seven or eight people, and two tables. There are dozens of people sitting together, obviously from the same force.

These people looked at Di Ping for a while, then turned their gazes back and started talking in a low voice.

Di Ping heard clearly, these people are just saying, who is this person? How come alone? Maybe it's something like coming to fight the autumn wind.

He didn't care, just waited quietly for tea.

If you come, you will be at ease, and he will not run away if the space is there, and he also wants to see what these people want to do in the space.

Since these people are going to this alien space, it's a good thing for someone to explore the way, and it's better than breaking in by yourself.

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