Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1621: Zhaibao Gathering Heroes

"We are both wrong in today's matter. I don't care about it. Now you leave immediately, don't follow us, otherwise don't blame us for being cruel and cruel!"

The young man looked at Di Ping coldly, his eyes flickered for half a minute before he pointed to the front and said coldly.

"Boss, can't let him go!"

The next few people were taken aback when they heard the words, and looked at the young man with incredible eyes and exclaimed.

"Shut up!"

The young man snorted coldly, but his eyes kept falling on Di Ping.

Obviously the prestige of this young boss is very high. All of his subordinates closed their mouths. Although their faces were flushed and their eyes were angry, no one dared to turn back.

Di Ping's eyes swept over the group of people, his eyes flickered, and a moment later, he shrugged and said: "Yes!" Then he ran around the group of people quickly and ran forward.

This group of people looked at the background of Di Ping's fading away, and a short and thin young man next to the young man whispered: "Brother Yang, why let him go? If you don't kill him, it would be a curse!"

This person is called Hua Qingyang, and there is a small town more than ten miles away from here called Xishan Town. He is the leader of Xishan Town. He is extremely powerful in ground splitting. There are two to three thousand people gathered under him, and there are two awakened people. In the surrounding dozens of miles, it is also a big force.

It's just that he is too cold and moody, and if he doesn't agree with him, he may kill people. Moreover, his gang are all hateful people and often take murder for pleasure, so many forces are reluctant to interact with them.

"At this time I can't see through, but with the hand just now, the strength is definitely not weaker than me. Now in the wild, we can't stop him at all. Once we let him escape into the jungle, we will be in big trouble, and immediately It’s almost here, it’s not a good time to branch out!"

Hua Qingyang looked at Di Ping's background in silence for a while, shook his head and said.

"What about the third child?"

The short and thin young man glanced at the third child who was lying on the ground and asked in a low voice.

"Find a place to bury him! Today he is responsible for this matter. He doesn't know the depth every day, and he always wants to kill people for fun. Sooner or later there will be such a day. You will also pay attention to me. There are many powerful people out there. If you are so reckless, don't blame others for death!"

Hua Qingyang glanced at the old third on the ground, and said with a gloomy expression.

Di Ping left without taking this person in his heart. As he said, the killers always kill them. The group of people just now obviously enjoys killing people, they don’t take the killing seriously, they seem to be taking Di Ping. bet.

That's why he shot a brutal blow, with no mercy at all.

He is not a Virgin. He wants to use the system to do something for humans, so that more humans can survive, but it does not mean that he can tolerate the existence of such people, especially those who want to kill him. He always fights back strongly. , He will not be merciless to kill such a person.

He wanted to leave these people behind, but Hua Qingyang was very smart and seemed to feel his danger, and he didn't give him a chance to do it again, and he didn't want to waste time before leaving.

Hua Qingyang didn't know that they had already gone through Guimenguan.

Di Ping trot all the way, and here is already entering the mountainous area. Although the mountains on both sides are not tall, they are 100 meters high and dense with trees. If it weren't for a road led by a red rock beast, it would be difficult to walk.

He ran out for another five or six miles, and he raised his head and saw a big tall mountain. This mountain was higher than the surrounding mountains. It was three hundred meters high. It stood out among the many mountains, this mountain and the surrounding two mountains. A valley is formed.

At this time, the time was pointing straight to nine o'clock, the sun was slanting the sky and the heat was radiating, and there was a white mist in the valley, which still did not dissipate in the sun, covering the entire valley under the mist.

There was only a scorched black road made by the red rock beast extending towards the middle of the valley. Di Ping stood and watched for a while, he felt that he should be there, this red rock beast should have come from here.

Slowly drew out the heavy knife behind him and walked towards the valley. He didn't dare to be careless when he got here. He had seen the strength of the Red Rock Beast, what if there was another one here.

Entering the valley, the entire valley was silent. There was no sound of insects or birds, as if the entire valley was dead, which made Di Ping feel uneasy.

He walked cautiously less than five or six hundred meters, and suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from a distance. He was shocked, and his body dodged behind a big tree.

After a while, the rustling voice approached. At this moment, he heard that it was the sound of someone walking. This made him wonder, how could there be anyone in this valley?

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