Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1618: Arrivals

"Brother Di laughed. Brothers like this have suffered with me and can't even eat a full meal!"

Zhou Jianming looked at his gang like this, his face was dark, and said quietly.

Di Ping then cut a big piece again and handed it to Zhou Jianming with a string of wooden sticks: "Brother Zhou, don't think too much, it is not easy to live in the last days...Come and **** craft!"

The dark color on Zhou Jianming's face disappeared, and he immediately took the barbecue from Di Ping's hand with joy, and sniffed hard and said: "Smell it fragrant, eating it will definitely be more fragrant...hehe...ahhh!"

He laughed twice and bit it in one bite, his mouth filled with oil, his eyes lit up, he chewed and said vaguely: "'s so fragrant!"

Di Ping showed a slight smile on his face, shook his head, cut off a piece and ate.

This is mutant wild boar. Of course it tastes delicious when roasted. He roasted more than 20 kilograms of this piece. These people should be enough. This mutant wild boar is at least Grade 1 and Grade 3, and the meat is rich in energy. If you can eat half a catty, you will be unable to move. Digesting mutant beast meat is not that easy.

Just as Di Ping expected, these people were not restrained at all. For 20 catties of meat, he ate five or six catties by himself, and Zhou Jianming ate more than two catties. The rest was eaten by these people. Then in less than ten minutes, one One can only lie down, clutching his stomach and crying.

"Big brother...he...poison is in the meat!"

At this moment, one of the two previous people pointed at Di Ping with a look of horror, and then touched the gun with a look of pain.

When he said this, several other people suddenly changed their colors, and their faces showed horror, and they touched the guns around them, preparing to kill the poisoned Di Ping.

"To shut up!"

When Zhou Jianming heard this, his face changed, and he sternly shouted: "Don't be embarrassed there, just lie down!"

Then he looked at Di Ping with a very embarrassed expression: "These brothers have little knowledge to make Brother Di laugh!"

Of course he knew this. He had hunted and killed a few mutant beasts. The first time he ate too much, he had a stomachache at night and didn't sleep all night. From then on, he knew that mutant beast meat could not be eaten.

These brothers have never eaten enough. There are too many people in the gathering area. It would be nice to eat two pieces of meat. It is impossible to imagine eating like this today, so these brothers don’t know the situation, and he doesn’t know Di Ping this is mutant beast meat.

You must know that mutant animal meat is extremely precious. He knew that after eating it once, this thing not only fills the stomach, but also contains a lot of energy to strengthen the body.

It's okay to meet one or two singles with his strength. If three or five are together, he will have to run away, so there are not many chances to hunt mutant beasts, let alone eat how many times.

He never thought that Di Ping was roasting mutant beast meat. He remembered it when he ate it, but he forgot to remind him of Zhengmei.

"It's nothing!"

Di Ping smiled calmly, took out a pack of tissues and gently wiped the oily short knife, slowly stood up and said, "Brother Zhou, I should leave!"

", you...this is going to leave! They are...unintentional..."

Seeing Di Ping standing up to leave, Zhou Jianming hurriedly stood up and said anxiously.

He thought that Di Ping was angry and was dissatisfied with the behavior of his subordinates, so he was about to leave. He felt a little sorry for Di Ping. They kindly invited them to eat mutant beast meat, and he would be misunderstood by his subordinates.

"Brother Zhou, don't get me wrong, I have already rested for a while before you came, now I have to leave!"

Di Ping smiled.

Zhou Jianming said with an awkward expression: "Brother Di is really very sorry, our brothers are not sensible, I..."

Di Ping waved his hand and interrupted him when he didn’t say what he said below. Di Ping laughed loudly and said, "Brother Zhou also underestimated my Di Ping. I really have something to leave...Brother Zhou There will be a period later!"

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