Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1609: Meet pedestrians

Although she was half leaning on the bed while reading a book, there was some panic and shyness in her center. She couldn't help being ashamed when meeting Di Ping under such circumstances.

She did feel a little unwell, but she didn't want to stay in bed yet, but she did it like a ghost, and even lay half on the bed to meet Di Ping.

She doesn't seem to reject Di Ping's closeness anymore, even if she was seen most of them just now, but she was not ashamed, she felt Di Ping's hot gaze, which she did not dislike, but a little bit of joy, in order to attract Di Ping was obsessed and delighted.

Feeling Di Ping's affectionate eyes that could not be opened, De Feiya blushed again, but she quickly calmed her mind and said softly: "What are you still waiting for...? Sit down! "


Di Ping was stunned for a while but couldn't return to his senses!


Seeing Di Ping's dumb-headed look, De Feiya could no longer help but let out a chuckle, and she gave Di Ping a pretty eye, showing infinite amorous feelings.


At this time, Di Ping finally reacted, scratching his head with a smirk, and then walked to the chair in front of De Feiya's bed and sat down.

"How was your injury, Xiaobi said that your injury happened again?"

Di Ping boldly grabbed the slender jade hand that De Feiya had placed on the book and asked with concern.

De Feiya was caught by Di Ping suddenly, and she trembled immediately, instinctively trying to pull it out, but in the end she didn't move, leaving Di Ping to hold her, her face flushed.

Xiaobi secretly saw this scene outside the door, and her eyes suddenly became sad. She knew that her master no longer belonged to her alone. The master was snatched away by this rogue. She thought that the master was such a noble and proud princess. The man held his hands, that showed how she could not understand.

Some desperate Xiaobi slowly left, she went back to her room, sat on the bed and stayed, not knowing what she was thinking.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, just take a rest for two days!"

De Feiya said softly with a shy face.

"Don't lie to me! Is it because the mental injury is still not good, the intensity of the battle today caused the injury?"

Di Ping stared at De Feiya with burning eyes and asked.

A trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and she did not dare to look at Di Ping's eyes. Seeing Di Ping, she didn't know that she was right.

"Fiya, why don't you tell me about the injury! You still carry it yourself, if you know how I won't let you go out with me, and let you fight, if something happens to you, you let me What should I do? I still don’t feel bad about it!"

Di Ping held her jade hand tightly and complained softly, but his eyes were full of pity, as if his heart was aching.

After hearing such numbing sweet words, De Feiya suddenly trembled in her heart, shyly trying to withdraw her hand, but Di Ping was holding her tightly and she couldn't get it out. A numb feeling passed from her fingers to the bottom of her heart. Began to bang and bang.

"I...I'm fine..."

De Feiya's voice was as thin as a mosquito.

"It's okay! You see your face is pale!"

After hearing the words, Di Ping complained again, and unexpectedly stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her pale face, and a feeling of ice slippery like fat came from the palm of his hand.


De Feiya's body trembled, and she involuntarily let out a soft moan. Her body straightened, her fingers gripped the book tensely.

Stroking Dephia's pretty face, Di Ping's heart was also agitated, with a feeling of sorrow, but he still forcibly suppressed the ripples in his heart, it was always a big problem that Dephia's injury could not be resolved.

"Fiya, is there no way for this mental damage? If you can't let Gina and the others take turns to cast spells for you, I wonder if it will be useful?"

"It's useless.... There is no good way for mental damage, unless there is a special medicine to repair it... It's just that this medicine is too rare!"

When De Feiya mentioned her hurt, her heart sank and she shook her head gently.

"What about this?"

Di Ping was anxious when he heard the words, and even pulled his hand back.

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