Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1604: The Liang family has a girl named Feiya

We say it's too late, then it's fast, all this only happened in the blink of an eye!

Di Ping also saw Khan at this time. He felt that Xiaobi was going to be dangerous this time. The level of this red rock beast was much higher than her. Xiaobi's ability to fight the red rock beast to this extent was far beyond Di Ping's expectation. Up.

Seeing the fiery red arrow approaching Xiaobi little by little, he was anxious. He couldn't save him when he was far away, and he found that De Feiya hadn't moved. Maybe she didn't have time to save it?


Suddenly, Xiaobi's eyes widened, he let out a roar, then punched out suddenly, and there was a violent noise in the air.

The air in front of her seemed to be compressed to the extreme, and the last punch broke the balance, like water poured into boiling oil, bang! With a sound, the entire air burst like bubbles. These dozen or so flaming arrows could no longer withstand such a strong explosion. They instantly disintegrated, breaking into countless fragmented flames, and dissipating with the wind.

At this moment, the Fire Rock Arrow was only an arm away from Xiaobi, and it almost hit her in the next instant.

Seeing the flaming arrow collapse, Xiao Bi took a long breath, even Di Ping took a long breath!

But the next moment, Di Pingxin mentioned her throat, and when Xiaobi was relaxing, a dark red giant claw shot out from the smoke.


Xiaobi came eagerly to protect his chest with his arms, and the whole person was instantly knocked out, like a cannonball, crashing into an old building with a bang, and a big hole was smashed out of the thick brick wall. Then there was a rumbling sound from the back building.


The red rock beast's head rushed out of the smoke and dust, and it suddenly raised its hair and let out a wild roar, as if swearing its victory. The entire Zhongzhou with its sound was shaking, even if Di Ping's such powerful strength was still shocking. Qi and blood were churning, but fortunately, he is now strong in spirit, but he felt his head sink, and then the discomfort disappeared when his mental strength moved.

"Naughty animal!"

At this moment, a clear moan sounded.

Di Ping only felt that when the air around him moved, he saw a white shadow flashing, and De Feiya had reached the red rock beast across a 100-meter space.

Facing the sudden appearance of De Feiya Red Rock Beast, she was taken aback, and then it seemed to be provoked. A pair of red-red magma-like eyes stared at De Feiya, and with a sudden low roar, she rushed towards De Feiya.

The Red Rock Beast rushing in front of her, saw De Feiya lightly raised her palm, slapped it casually, the wind whistling with her palm.

boom! The palm was shaped, and a giant blue palm was printed on the head of the red rock beast, and the palm print broke apart, and the red rock beast also turned out with a horrible roar, as if it had been hit by a Yilie train.

"Fiya, you haven't healed from your wounds! I'll..."

Di Ping only reacted at this time, his face changed, and he shouted at Dephia worriedly, and then his whole body jumped down from the upper floor and rushed towards the battlefield.

He didn't take the opportunity to behave. He was really worried about De Feiya's injury. He didn't know before and now that he knew it, so he couldn't let her do anything indiscriminately. Don't get hurt again.

When De Feiya heard the words, she turned her head and looked at Di Ping, with a pair of beautiful eyes revealing a gentle "I'm fine..."

"Fiya! Be careful..."

At this moment, the Red Rock Beast climbed up again and rushed towards De Feiya, as fast as a thunderbolt. The speed was not under his impact. Di Ping, who was a few tens of meters away, looked terrified. Shouted.

It's just that he was worried for nothing. De Feiya seemed to have known it a long time ago. She finally showed a trace of anger on her always peaceful face. She suddenly took out her palm and slashed at the Red Rock Beast like a knife.

Tweeted! A huge half-moon white sword light was cut out of De Feiya's palm. The sword light was about two meters long, and it was cut on the red rock beast's head. Dang!

There was a crisp sound, like gold and iron clinking! The blade light broke and the red rock beast roared out again. One of the huge sharp horns above its head was cut with a deep crack by the blade light, and its head was cracked with a knife mark more than a foot long. Well out of the wound.

The dark red blood like magma sprayed on the ground and made a sizzling sound, emitting a puff of white smoke!

Dai Feiya's pretty face changed, a pair of jet-black eyes flashed solemnly, this mutant beast was beyond her imagination!

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