Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1398: Spirit sea idol pour

The mysterious woman wore a white close-fitting long skirt. I don’t know what material this long skirt is made of. It looks like silk and not silk, or gold but not gold. It is extremely soft in the hand, but it is extremely tough when pulled up. It was his strength that tore it but didn't tear it apart.

Di Ping was a little dumbfounded for a while. After searching for a long time, he didn't know how to untie it. He had to pick up the woman and take off the red robe completely.

In this way, the whole picture of the woman is really revealed. She wears a white dress like a fairy, with a misty air. It is really bright like an autumn moon and a few stars, and the ling waves and jade feet are like a lotus fairy, soft and elegant, like a poetry cloud. : The flowing wind returns to the snow, the light clouds cover the sun, the world is so impeccable, and it is unique for thousands of years. It is really not the color of the world, the daughter of the fairy family.

Di Ping only felt that his heart was rippling with admiration in his eyes. A gentle lady, a gentleman, he is also a normal man. In fact, even a woman would love and admire the stunning beauty in front of him.

However, the fairy in front of him was as if he was knocked out of the earth, and the red in his abdomen was so sad, like a snow lotus sprinkled with blood, how can it be described with pity.

Di Ping had no **** in his eyes at this time, but on the opposite side was a deep appreciation and pity. He did not dare to neglect, and found the ribbon on the woman's waist and gently untied it, and then slowly pulled her white-clothed legs under her.

Seeing the dazzling snowy icy skin and jade skin, his eyes shook for a while, but for a moment he settled down again and gently took off the white clothes, trying not to look at the jade mountain peak.

Sure enough, there was a wound nearly half a foot long in the lower abdomen, but the wound was blackened, as if it had been burned by flames, the wound split open, it looked terrifying, blood was still flowing outwards, so long. There was no sign of healing in time.

Di Ping mentally explored to see how deep the wound was. Suddenly he felt a shock in his mind. As if he had been hit hard, he was instantly knocked out more than ten meters away and hit the ground with a "boom". A trace of blood poured out from the corner of his mouth.

Slowly got up from the ground, and shook his stunned head vigorously, but his face was full of horror. His head was as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer just now, painful.

Only then did he understand that it was no wonder the wound could not heal. It turned out that there was an amazing energy in the wound preventing the wound from healing.

When he probed, it provokes the hornet's nest, powerful energy rushes toward him, and a terrifying pressure rushes over with his spiritual power, knocking him into the air. If it weren't for him to feel that something is wrong, he is busy withdrawing his spiritual power. This time I will definitely be seriously injured.

But that's it, he was also dizzy at this time, as if he hadn't woken up from a hangover, his headache was splitting, and his bones were about to fall apart.

He took out a bottle of healing liquid and drank it. Then he came to the woman and watched the lingering energy fluctuations in the wound. He had a headache for a while and didn't know what to do.

"Di·The system detects unknown energy fluctuations, and energy extraction begins...Analysis and comparison This is the c-level best sword technique flame sword, included in the system martial arts library, the host only needs one-tenth of the original price to purchase this skill Inheritance of Law Jade Slips!"

When Di Ping listened to the system's voice in his mind, he was taken aback, and then he was ecstatic. The system had this function again. He didn't care about the flaming palm on the rock wall before, thinking it was there.

It doesn't seem to be right now, this is a new feature of the system, and he won a C-level flame sword.

However, the next moment he was ecstatic again, because he discovered that the violently fluctuating energy on the wound on the mysterious woman's abdomen suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Seeing this, he didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly took out a bottle of water, poured it on the wound to clean up the wound, and then took out a bottle of anti-inflammatory potion to reduce the inflammation of the wound, and only then bought a bottle of the best healing liquid from the store. Fell on the wound.

After that, I bought a bottle of trauma powder, poured it on the wound, and wrapped the woman's wound with the purchased gauze, and then she reluctantly put on her white dress.

Immediately afterwards, he bought five bottles of healing potions again and poured them all into the woman. Since the quality was not good, he would use the quantity to pile them up.

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