Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1390: Frozen world is now traced

As the word "kill" was spit out, the giant sword in the metal doll's hand suddenly ignited a raging flame. The cyan flame was terrifying. The surrounding air was agitated and made a crackling sound. I saw him step out of his hand suddenly. The giant sword slashed towards the woman in red.


An arc-shaped flame sword light cut towards the red-robed woman, and the space seemed to be cut through by the powerful sword light.

Looking at the slashed sword light, the woman in red threw the wave-chasing knife on the ground, and said in a cold voice: "I just wanted to get some energy stones. Since I don't let it, then I will kill you, this little one. The True Sun Sect is inherited from the human world, even the warriors of the Transformation Realm dare to block me without a small sect!"

"Frozen Thousand Miles"

Suddenly a voice that was extremely cold, like eternal ice, sounded in front of the hall. This voice had no emotion or temperature, as if to freeze the soul.

As the red-robed woman's voice fell, the whole hall suddenly became cold, as if it had dropped a few hundred degrees in an instant, even the light was dim.


There was a creaking sound, everything in the entire hall felt like a blizzard, and it was frozen instantly. Probably everything in the whole was covered with a thick layer of ice, and it was as white as a crystal world.

The humanoid puppet was also set in place, covered with ice, and only maintained a sword swing. His scarlet eyes flashed red, but he could not move. The runes on his body flashed from time to time. .


The red-robed woman was hit in the center by the flame of the sword, and the whole person flew out again, hit the center of the hall with a bang, fell to the ground, and bright red blood flowed from her body.


"Why hasn't there been any movement, it's almost a day?"

Xiaobi stood outside the dark gate with anxious eyes in her eyes. She didn't expect to catch someone to explore the way, but there was no news yet, which made her dare not wait any longer.

The master has been in for four days, it is likely that something has happened, and she has become even more innocent.

"It seems that I can only find him to come to the savior!"

Suddenly, Xiaobi's eyes lit up, and a fist-sized white silver ball appeared in her hand. Looking at the ball, her eyes hesitated, and she slowly whispered: "If you tell him that he is coming, I wonder if the master will Blame me? You know the master hates him?"

But she just hesitated, her eyes became firm again, she bit her red lip, and said in a deep voice, "I am for the savior, even if the master kills me, I am willing!"

Determined, Xiaobi held up the ball again, and then slowly pressed a slender finger on a dot on the ball. The ball suddenly appeared a blue light and lit up, and she quickly dropped the ball on the ground. , And take a step back.

Two seconds later, the silver ball resembled a transformer, buzzing, and then quickly deformed, a small ball turned out to be like magic.

In two seconds, it became a strange thing like a launcher, and then, there was a sudden shock, and there was a wave in the air. The next moment, a blue dot on it began to flash and sparkle. And made a slight sound of dripping.

Seeing this machine start up, Xiaobi's face showed a complex color, but she didn't know if it was right or wrong to do so!


Di Ping didn't know what happened. After two hours of training, his spirit and physical strength returned to their peak state again.

At this time, the old voice sounded in the room again.

"The third level is about to begin, please prepare!"

As the body landed, a green light swept across, and Di Ping disappeared in the room the next moment.

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