Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1378: Reward for breaking through

Back in front of the gate of the primary trial site, there was also a palm print on this gate. After hesitating for a moment, Di Ping gritted his teeth and pressed his hand on the palm print of the gate.


As soon as the palm of the hand was pressed, the handprint flashed green, and then there was a buzzing sound from the door, which opened slowly.

A white light came out through the slowly opening door, and it shone on Di Ping's body. Di Ping felt the same feeling of wrapping before his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he reappeared in the same place. In a new environment.

This is a room with about 100 square meters. There is also a little light on the top to illuminate the whole room. The whole room is still in the same color as before. There is nothing else in the room. There is only a stone wall in front of me with three large letters. , Test stone.

Just as Di Ping didn't know what to do, a low voice suddenly sounded in the room: "Training disciples, make the strongest fist attack on the test force stone. The better the score, the more rewards you will get. You can enter the next level if you reach the target! "

Di Ping was taken aback by the sound that suddenly appeared in his mind. He originally thought it was a system, but then knew it was not. The system's voice was different. He hadn't heard the language at all, but he could hear strange things. Understanding the content of the words is like explaining in his soul.

After experiencing system events, Di Ping has some immunity to such things. If he wants to come to such a powerful place of inheritance, it is normal to have such a sound function, and he is not surprised.

Pressing the shock of his heart, Di Ping came to the test stone and saw him, standing with his feet differently, not very different, his whole body converged, sinking like a mountain, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his blood began to agitate slowly, like a big river. The flow of the river flows slowly but it feels irresistible.


Suddenly, Di Ping's eyes suddenly widened, and he shouted violently, like a spring thunder from the ground shaking in the room, and the whole room was shaken like a violent wind.


With a violent drink, Di Ping suddenly took a small step with his right foot, his muscles burst in an instant, a violent aura erupted like a volcano, and his right fist shot out with the stride. The test force went away.


A muffled noise rang out in the entire room, like a muffled thunder, followed by a strong wind whistling tormenting in the room, encouraging Di Ping's clothes to hunt.

Di Ping felt that his punch was like hitting a piece of tough cowhide, without the hardness of a stone, but he didn't have time to think about it at this time. He almost used his full punch with this punch. How much force was 60,000 jin. It was terrible, and the violent power of Bengquan also penetrated in an instant.


With the first roar, five muffled air bursts followed.

This is Di Ping’s dark energy erupting on the test force stone. The five dark energy is so terrible, even if the second-order creatures of King Kong have to be injured under the full force of their own dark energy, this test stone is still stable. There seems to be no change.

Di Ping was a little slapped, what the material of this test stone was, his own punch didn't even affect it at all.

"Level 1, Tier Nine, fist strength of 73,000 jin, destruction of 90,000 jin, breaking the record of Tier Nine, test score A, etc., successfully advanced to the next level!"

Hearing the sound in his mind, Di Ping’s eyes showed a smile. Under the impulse of the fist, his punch reached more than 70,000 jin, and the burst of internal energy pushed the destructive force to 90,000 jin. The strength of Tier 1 and Tier 9 should not be considered low, and it is rated as Class A.

Although I don't know if the first class is the best, it would be extraordinary to break the first-level and ninth-level records.

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