Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1372: The lord is lost

Xiaobi seems very satisfied with Di Ping's current attitude, the chill in her eyes is much less, but she still has a condescending tone, saying: "Go in....find...person, will...her. . Bring it out!"

"How to get in!"

Di Ping glanced at the dark gate and said lightly.

"Hand.... Press on... this!"

Xiaobi took the light source to look at the palm print on the door and looked towards Di Ping.

Di Ping didn't answer, and walked over. He knew that people had to bow their heads on the low wall. Now they couldn't run by themselves, and they couldn't beat them. If they wanted to survive, they had to listen to the woman's orders.


His hand was about to press on the fingerprint, when Xiaobi suddenly stopped, Di Ping stopped, turned his head and looked at her coldly and said, "What else?"

I saw Xiaobi staring at him with cold eyes and said: "Poison.....three....God, send can't come out...come...will die! "

Di Ping's body was shocked, his face was even more ugly, and his mind was stunned, but fortunately the strong mental power made him stabilize his mind. He just looked at Xiaobi coldly, and even Xiaobi felt the chill in his eyes. A little frightened.


Xiaobi was extremely angry and Di Ping looked at her with this look, and snorted coldly.

Di Ping felt that the grunt sounded like a thunder blasted in his mind, and his mind was trembling, dizzy, and his body suddenly retreated two steps before he banged on the door to stop his figure.

puff! Di Ping's chest became stuffy, and then a mouthful of blood came out, and his face turned extremely pale in an instant.

At this time, he knew how big the gap was with this woman. This mysterious woman vomited blood with a hum?

What a terrifying strength this is, at this moment he can't even hate hatred in his heart, he knows that he can't fight against such a person at all.

At this time, only the cold words of the woman in red rang in his ears: "Ant, dare, do things well, have...your benefits! "

Then in Di Ping's horrified gaze, a ray of light shot out from her wrist, and an illusory three-dimensional figure appeared in front of Di Ping Pian. This was an extremely beautiful woman.

It's just that Di Ping was thinking about paying attention to women at this time, and even the gods couldn't let him pay attention. He was shocked now.

He looked at the thing on the red wrist, which was very similar to his own watch, except that the woman was holding a simple metal bracelet, which looked very atmospheric.

"Why does she have a watch?"

Di Ping stared at Xiaobi's wrist in a daze. At this time, his mind was confused. He was already a little sure that this mysterious person must also have a system, otherwise she could have such advanced things that surpassed the earth technology countless times.

Is this unexplainable?

Thinking that others might have systems, and they are so much stronger than him, Di Ping was in a state of confusion, loss and panic. It turns out that he is the only one who has a system on earth?

But without waiting for him to think about it, a powerful aura suddenly pressed on him, and his body sank under pressure, and he almost didn't kneel down, so he had to calm down.

Just listen to the woman in red saying again: "Remember her, you must...find her...bring it out!"

Di Ping stretched out his hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, took a closer look at the illusory figure, then turned around and pressed his hand to the fingerprint on the door without looking at the woman in red.

No matter how they use the watch, whether there is a system or not, he can't understand at this time. Now he can only save his life first, go first to see what this place is, let's get out of this mysterious and terrible woman first!

As for the matter of saving people, he doesn't think about it now. This woman is too terrible and there is no guarantee of life by her side.

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