Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1368: Suspected watch system

Not to mention the panic and panic of the Sanctuary City team after the city lord was captured, and the fear like a concubine, let’s take a look at how Di Ping is now.

Di Ping felt like flying above the boundless sea of ​​forest, with gusts of wind whistling in his ears, and he secretly smacked his tongue. This speed was really fast, and he kept thinking about who this mysterious woman is?

How could there be such a powerful woman here, his own system is now only level one and nine, and this woman is so strong that he has no strength to fight back, he suddenly felt a sense of fear.

How many people are there?

Are all hiding there?

How could you suddenly find yourself?

Did you know that you have a system to grab your own system? In a short time, Di Ping had countless thoughts in his mind, but he couldn't understand it no matter what he thought.

Suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind. He remembered the two mysterious people in red robes who had rescued her last time, and the woman in front of him was also dressed in red. Could it be that they belonged to a group, or was it one of them?

While Di Ping was thinking, he suddenly found that he was falling from the top of the tree, and then he was shocked and his feet touched the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the hand clutching his shoulders loosened, and the previous strong pressure disappeared instantly, the power returned again, and he was able to move.

"who are you?"

Di Ping knew that he was not the opponent of this mysterious woman. He did not run away or attacked again. He just stared at this beautiful mysterious woman in red with a vigilant face with a heavy knife in his hand.

"You... do something for... me... things... I... give you... benefits!"

Suddenly the mysterious woman spoke, but she spoke very bluntly, almost at a halt, as if she had just learned to speak, her tone was very strange!

"What do you want me to do?"

Although the mysterious woman was very strange, Di Ping could understand it, and he could hear the chill and non-suspicious tone in it, so he had to nod his head.

"follow me....."

The mysterious woman collapsed three words again, and after speaking, she bypassed Di Ping and walked behind him.

Di Ping wanted to ask again, only to see her indifferent expression to know if she should say hello less, turned around and looked in the direction of her.

At this sight, Di Ping was taken aback. He had been to this place, and it turned out to be the place where he found the empty corridor last time. At this moment, he was standing under the steps and watching the mysterious woman descend and climb up the steps.

What is this woman doing here? Di Ping was confused. He looked at the back of the woman who was gradually stepping out of a dozen steps. He wanted to turn around and escape several times, but knew that he could not escape. The feeling of being locked in tightly existed. Then, he had to bite the bullet and walked up.

Standing in front of the void tunnel, Di Ping looked at the quiet and slowly rotating void tunnel, and some light flashed in his eyes. Just now he used the exploration technique to see that this void tunnel is still in an unstable state. How could this woman come back? Here, does she want to go in.

Is she going to die? The system has said that the unstable virtual tunnel is extremely dangerous, and the energy of the void can crush people.


The mysterious woman looked at this empty tunnel and said lightly.

"No way! This passage is unstable and dangerous?"

What is Di Ping's fear? Isn't this life-threatening? Didn't this woman know, so he said hurriedly.


The mysterious woman rarely turned her head to look at Di Ping and said lightly.

"Can you not go in? This is dangerous!"

Di Ping's scalp numb for a while, he saw that this woman must go in, and looked at the mysterious woman with a sad face.

" in...go...dead!"

The mysterious woman's eyes were cold, and she looked at Di Ping coldly with a bitter killing intent, and the cold Di Ping was agitated.

The woman's gaze was too ruthless, as if she was looking at a dead object, without a trace of emotional fluctuation, he felt like he would say one more thing, and he would immediately be slapped to death in the footsteps of the giant lion.

"Grandma's bear, if I have a chance, I can't kill you, dare to call me an ant!"

Di Ping flashed his eyes, but he was very aggrieved in his heart, and he bitterly cursed in his heart. He already hated this woman in his heart. If he could beat her, he would definitely punish her.

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