Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1366: Wonderful space with many beautiful views

Di Ping abruptly stood up from the ground. At this time, his fighting spirit was boiling. Since he can't hide, let's fight!

Although there was a sharp pain in his chest, Di Ping's face was like ice at this time, his eyes were cold, his hands held knives, and he stared closely at the huge open mouth of the giant lion.


The giant lion is like a huge fire dragon. A group of flames erupted and shot towards Di Ping. The scorching temperature ignited the air. A strong heat blasted everywhere, and the burning air burst into flames. sound.

Di Ping suddenly took a step forward, holding the hilt of the epee in both hands, and staring at the flames closely. This blow decided life and death. He had no way out, only the sword!

Hum! The heavy sword hummed and trembled, and the seven layers of sword strength instantly condensed, and the air around the blade seemed to be distorted by the strong fluctuation of strength.


The sound of waves hitting the reef sounded in the jungle, as if standing on the beach at this time, watching the waves surging.

Everyone did not see a woman in red tight armor standing on the top of a building. She was looking down at everything on the battlefield from above. Suddenly, there was a look of excitement in her eyes, and her body shot from the sky. Entering and falling, the speed is astonishing, like a meteor.

"Crazy Wave Knife Technique·Seven Layers of Knife Strength of Wind Surge"

Di Ping yelled, and the heavy knife in his hand suddenly shook the wheel, and he also made the strongest one, saw a round of sword moon suddenly rise from him, bursting with dazzling cold light.

His eyes were fixed on the front, and there was a fire like the sun in his eyes getting bigger and brighter.

At this moment, his heart was as calm as water, as if not facing a life and death crisis, he suddenly opened his eyes and took a step towards him, shouting in his heart: kill.


At this moment, a flower suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and only a bang was heard, and a red figure suddenly fell from the sky and appeared between him and the flame.

His forward movement suddenly stopped after the sudden change, and he looked at the mysterious person who suddenly appeared in shock.

After the mysterious person fell to the ground, he raised the corner of his mouth at the flame that had already rushed in front of her, showing a disdainful smile, a slender palm suddenly protruded and patted the huge flame.


The huge flame seemed to encounter an extremely powerful invisible force, and it exploded, but none of the endless flames turned forward, but suddenly all flew back, as if being swept back by a violent wind, hitting it with a bang. On the mutant giant lion.

The giant lion was stunned by this sudden mutation. With the powerful impact, it overturned its body and turned over. Only then did the giant lion stand up dizzy and dizzy, with humanized surprise in his eyes. Look at this mysterious person who suddenly appeared.

At this time, the mysterious man moved, suddenly lifted a step, but as if he shrank into an inch, he instantly crossed a distance of forty to fifty meters, appeared in front of the giant lion, and patted it with a light palm, like a small insect random.


A muffled sound was being shot on the head of the giant lion. The giant lion seemed to be hit by a big mountain. The giant lion's entire head was "boomed" into the ground, and then a more shocking scene appeared.

The giant lion’s eyes and mouth and nose squirted blood quickly, like spring water, its red eyes quickly dissipated, its huge body trembled twice and slammed to the ground, its hind limbs still twitched a few times, and then Stop the action.

Di Ping stared at this scene dumbfounded, unable to recover for a while, only when he saw a group of dark green soul energy shooting at him from the giant lion body, he suddenly woke up!

The giant lion died like this?

He swallowed his saliva and looked at this mysterious woman who suddenly appeared, with deep curiosity and deep fear and alert in his heart.

This amazing change was not only shocked to Di Ping, but Owen and Zhang Zhengyi who were rushing were instantly stuck in the charge and looked at the sudden scene in front of them with shock, and Daniel, who was holding a gun in the distance, was also stunned. The gun eyes were full of shock, not to mention the awakened ones and the city guard soldiers.

At this moment, all of them were silly, all staring blankly at this sudden scene on the battlefield. This scene was too sudden, too shocking, yet such a powerful giant lion was killed like this?

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