Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1361: The Great Terror of Life and Death

Why do you call Big Cat?

At present, only Big Cat can cooperate with Di Ping in strength. Owen's strength is only Level 1 and Level 5. He is not the opponent of this giant tiger at all. Not only can he not give Di Ping a boost, but Di Ping in turn. Also pay attention to rescue him.


The giant lion was irritated by Di Ping's provocation. It suddenly turned its head to look at Di Ping who was rushing. There was no joking in its eyes, and it became hideous in an instant. It rushed towards Di Ping with a low roar.

It moved as fast as lightning, like a monster running wildly, bringing up a violent wind, and its momentum was amazing.

"Owen get out of here!"

With a loud shout, Di Ping suddenly accelerated, like a giant galloping horse, with a roaring sound under his feet, and a knack sound, Di Ping had an odd-shaped war knife in his hand.

This knife has no decoration. The whole body is pitch black like black steel. It is cast in one piece. It has a wide handle and a wide blade. The knife is 1.5 meters long, eight fingers wide, and the blade is **** thick. At first glance, you can see that it is absolutely heavy, although The whole body is dark but shimmering with a faint cold light that is daunting.

This knife is called a heavy knife, yes, a heavy knife!

Di Ping has lost the wave chaser, without the sharp blade. It is useless to use a weapon like the ghost face slasher when encountering a powerful mutant beast. There is only the destiny of destruction. Without the power of sharpness, he will be there. I have figured out a way in terms of weight. As the saying goes, one strength is reduced for ten times. If you use a heavy knife, you believe that your power will increase greatly.

So he bought this heavy knife, weighing a thousand catties, which is the heaviest kind of first-order knife weapon in the system.

Holding the heavy knife in his hand, his heart burst into pride, as if there was a feeling of nothing but nothing but nothing unbreakable. With this heavy knife, his strength would be better used.

Di Ping looked at the giant lion that rushed forward, with a fire in his eyes, "Crash!" He suddenly yelled, his speed surged again, his body turned into a phantom before the giant lion, and the heavy knife in his hand rose and turned into A black light slashed towards the top of the giant lion's head with unrivalled power.

The giant lion didn't expect Di Ping to increase its speed suddenly. When it reacted, Di Ping had already arrived in front of him, and he suddenly cut it down with a heavy knife in his hand.


There was a loud noise, and then a fierce wind blasted all around, and the leaves within a three-meter radius of the powerful force were all shredded and flying all over the sky.

boom! Di Ping flew five meters upside down and fell heavily on the ground. His body retreated five or six steps before stopping his figure. He was breathing fast, his chest was violently ups and downs, and the hand holding the heavy knife was trembling slightly. .


The giant lion uttered a horrible roar, and its huge body was hit by Di Ping's heavy beating. The huge body crawled on the ground, and its two huge fangs plunged into the hard mud. Ground.

There was an extra one-meter-long blood red wound on the top of the head, and blood flowed out with the red seal.

The giant lion seemed to be slashed by Di Ping's streak. It stood up from the ground shaking its head, and its steps seemed a little messy, as if drunk.

Di Ping’s 60,000 jin of force broke out with all his strength. The strength was terrifying. The giant lion’s power and defense were not its strong points. If this blow was replaced with a wave-breaking knife, Di Ping might chop it into serious injuries. The heavy knife is heavy, but after all, the first-order powerful weapon can't break the defense, it just leaves a deep scar.


Di Ping couldn't wait for the giant lion to react. He rushed up again with a low growl, as fast as lightning, with a heavy knife in his hand rising from the back wheel, "Woo" was actually hung with the wind whistling, and he knew the terrible power contained within .


The giant lion also reacted, it was angry!

With a sudden low roar, he slammed toward Di Ping who was coming, and a pair of huge sharp claws shining coldly like sharp knives slashed over.

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