Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1353: Cut rhinoceros again to get blood

With Di Ping's departure, his strategy for Zhongzhou stopped. Now he must speed up his return. One month is not long or short, but the time is really tight after calculating it.

Early in the morning, the entire base was already busy. At eight o'clock, the large troops drove out of the asylum city, attracting a large number of city residents to watch. Almost everyone knew that this was the city’s main mission and would definitely bring it back. A lot of supplies.

Di Ping now all the city people are gods in their hearts, they are the representatives of invincibility. They are not worried that the city lord will have problems, as if the powerful mutant animals outside cannot help the god-like city lord.

His strength increased again, and Di Ping really had a battle spirit in his heart, and he also wanted to find a powerful mutant beast to try!

There are a large number of awakened people, and the front is advancing quickly. Ordinary mutant animals can't stop the strong advancing speed of the sanctuary. It has already advanced near the zoo before noon. It is straight after crossing the river where the mutant python was encountered. Really entered the city.

With the victorious battles, a large number of refugees were rescued, and trucks of supplies were found and transported to the sanctuary. The soldiers were passionate, even Di Ping rarely showed a relaxed smile on his face.

Standing again on the bridge where he was in distress last time, Di Ping looked at the lake with calm eyes, where he got Diluo fruit, and the powerful King Kong was also killed by himself. These short days seemed to have passed. After a long time, it seemed that it was only yesterday, which made him feel unreal.

"City Lord, I really didn't expect that there were so many survivors in this city, and the number of people we rescued is almost three thousand!"

Xu Sheng stood beside Di Ping with an excited expression on his face.

Hearing this, Di Ping regained his gaze from the lake, his eyes swept across the city surrounded by green, his face also showed a trace of emotion, and said: "The resilience of human beings is beyond your imagination. They are very fragile and humble, but they always show amazing tenacious vitality!"

Xu Sheng also nodded, with deep emotion on his face, and said, "Yes! In the city with so many mutant animals, these people can hide until now and have not been starved to death. It is really amazing!"

"Let's go! Let's move on! Our next task is very heavy. The urban area is too large. At this rate, it is difficult to knock down the entire Zhongzhou in less than ten and a half months. I am afraid that many people will not be able to make it through that time! "

Di Ping patted Xu Sheng on the shoulder and let out a long sigh of relief, as if to vomit all the depression and discomfort in his heart, and then turned and left. He didn't have much time to express his emotions.


Just after taking two steps, the watch on his wrist screamed. The urgent scream made my heart tighten. Di Ping's heart suddenly burst, and the legs that stepped away were also frozen, and said in a deep voice, "Zero! What happened?"

"Buji sent a distress signal, they encountered a powerful mutant beast, please help.....The location is 1.5 kilometers to the east..."

Zero's voice sounded, and then a map appeared in front of Di Plane, and the red dot where Buji was located was flashing rapidly.

"Xu Sheng, stop advancing and stand by!"

Di Ping's face changed. He yelled at Xu Sheng, and the person had already shot out. When Xu Sheng reacted, Di Ping had already reached a few tens of meters away. The speed was like wind, only a shadow was seen. .

"What's going on here, where is the city lord going?"

At this time, the surrounding city guards and the awakened were all awakened by Di Ping's roar, and they came forward to inquire.

"The lord of the city has his orders, and he is on standby.

Xu Sheng did not explain but shouted with a solemn expression.

When everyone saw this posture, they returned to their positions one after another, even though Gina was worried but stayed in place and waited for orders.

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