Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1350: Mutant Rhinoceros Destroying Sword

Di Ping looked at the three people in front of him. The first one was Xu Qingshan, a senior engineer proficient in electronic design and manufacturing. He was in his thirties, not tall, and very thin. At this time, he was a little nervous, standing in front of Di Pianyang, shaking straight. , And didn't dare to look up, just lowered his head and looked at his feet.

The second one is Bi Mincai, who is proficient in computer programming and design, high-end talents in electronic information, and serves an international technology company. He is not old, at most 27 or 28 years old, medium-sized, yellow-skinned, and very ordinary, but He was very quiet, with a gentle look with black-rimmed eyes.

The third one is Fang Yuanqing, an expert in mechanical and electronic manufacturing. He is in his forties and he seems to be the most frightened. At this moment, he is sweating and he seems to be in a hurry.

Di Ping put the folder with the information of the three people together and handed it to Han Zhongguo, then looked at the three people with a smile on their faces and said, "Are you still used to living here?"

"Back..... the lord.... Xi..... used to it!"

Hearing Di Ping's questioning, Fang Yuanqing among the three of them was the first to reply tremblingly.


The other two seemed to react, and quickly raised their heads and turned back.

Di Ping continued: "How's the food? Are you full?"


The three answered tremblingly.

Di Ping looked at the fear of the three of them, shook his head slightly, and smiled gently: "Don't be afraid, just relax when you come here, no one will harm you!"


Fang Yuanqing touched a sweat ball and smiled bitterly.

"What's the worry, I haven't had three heads and six arms, and I won't eat you!"

Di Pin laughed.

Han Zhongguo also laughed, and Liu Bingyu, who was standing behind Di Ping, also pursed his lips and chuckled.

Perhaps because they felt the heartiness in Di Ping's words, the three of them slowly let go of their nervousness. Although their eyes were still a little wandering, they were obviously not shaking much.

Di Ping saw that the three of them were almost able to communicate normally. He motioned to Liu Bingyu, and then slowly said, “I’m looking for you to ask you to do something special. Don’t worry, there will be no danger!” It seemed that he was afraid of the three of them misunderstanding, Di Ping He added another sentence, and then waited for Liu Bingyu to hand over the three pieces of information to the three of them, and then he continued: "Look at this piece of information. Does the content match you? Can you get it done?"

The three of them got the information one by one. After turning over two pages, the state changed obviously. Their eyes became focused, and they looked at the content of the information carefully.

When Di Ping saw this, he nodded insignificantly. Judging from the attitude of the three of them, they should only be really talented. People who don’t understand will get a big head when they look at the information, and they won’t be like them. Invest.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the three of them turned over the information in their hands. Xu Qingshan looked at Di Ping and said, "Sanlord, the manufacturing of this loyalty card and credit card machine is very simple. As long as I find the manufacturing machine and the required components, I can get it out in a few days! "Speaking of this, he frowned and said: "This communication watch manufacturing will be difficult. I still don't understand many things in it!"

Di Ping's brows are also frowned. Of course he knows that the loyalty card and the credit card machine are easy to handle. This earth has a mature art that is believed to be mature and easy to manufacture. Then, as long as the intelligent system provides a special program, his main purpose is to make smart wrists. table.

This watch system can be designed and activated by knowing the system zero, but the problem is the manufacture of this carrier. The reason why he spent a lot of time to get these people from Bianzhou. If this thing is made, if it does not work, he is not in vain. Up.

"Where are you two?"

Di Ping looked at the other two.

"This involves quantum knowledge, and we really don't know it. It takes time to study and digest the knowledge!"

Fang Wu’s innocent and fat face gleamed with excitement, as if he saw a prey. He just read a brief introduction. He immediately knew that this was definitely advanced technological knowledge that leapfrogged modern technology. The excitement of getting treasures.

Bi Mincai also said with a look of excitement: "The information and communication technologies in it are all new technologies that far exceed those of human beings. Give me time, I will definitely understand!

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