Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1332: Not be faithful

In the jungle, Wei Biao walked out with Du Zhong and Huang Tianhe. When he saw that it was these three people, Cao Ruida's heart sank, and his face showed a solemn expression.

"Wei Biao, last time you were attacked by the back, I didn't bother you, but you came first. Do you really think I am a soft persimmon and want to take it casually!"

Cao Ruida stabilized his mind, suppressed his anger, stared at Wei Biao and shouted in a deep voice.

"Cao Ruida, I didn't come this time to count this matter. We two have a chance to resolve our personal grievances. I came today to avenge my brothers. Your man killed my three brothers in Quancheng. Come out, I'll turn around and leave!"

Wei Biao stood still with a fierce light in his eyes, staring at Cao Ruida on the head of the city and shouted loudly.

"Nonsense! My brothers were with you yesterday. When did they kill your person? If Wei Biao wants to fight, just tell me, don't make any useless excuses to make me look down on you!"

Cao Ruida glared wide and shouted loudly.

"Cao Ruida, I'm not here to play tricks with you. I know better than anyone if people are killed by yours. As long as you hand them over today, you will never be embarrassed. If you don't make friends with you, today you will make your base be dead! "

Wei Biao sneered.

After that, Wei Biao, Du Zhong, and Huang Tianhe all stepped forward, and suddenly a sense of oppression that was coming up against the detention center pressed.

This caused the bodies of Cao Ruida who guarded the city to tremble, and the hands holding the guns shook. They were very scared after this kind of battle.

"Fuck your mother's shit! I said that if you don't have it, there will be no. If you want to fight, you can come and find such a low-level excuse!"

Cao Ruida's eyes shrank, but a raging flame rushed into his eyes immediately, and he shouted with a steel gun in his hand.


Wei Biao smiled coldly and reached out his hand to Di Ping who was standing next to Cao Ruida and said, "Is there any, you ask this kid next to you, dare you to say that people weren't killed by him!"

Wow! The guns on the head of the lower city were pointed at Cao Ruida’s subordinates, and they turned their eyes to Di Ping. Many eyes were filled with anger and resentment, thinking about you who would not provoke Wei Biao to do anything and bring disaster to you. The base.

The pressure of fear made them forget that this is their own person. Instead, they now do not blame others for attacking them, but resent Di Ping, the man who brought them disaster.

Di Ping certainly felt this look, but he didn't even have a trace of expression. He just looked at Wei Biao and his party calmly. It seemed that he didn't do what he did, and he didn't feel any tension in the face of powerful enemies.

Cao Ruida also turned his gaze to Di Ping, wondering whether he really killed Wei Biao's men in Quancheng, or it was possible to come. With his strength, Wei Biao's men would definitely be looking for death.

"Say! Did you kill it!"

Wei Biao pointed at Di Ping with cold light in his eyes, and stared at Di Ping's face closely, shouting angrily.

He was pressing on with his aura, and once the young man was scared and said it, then he had a reason to do it.

"Not bad!"

Di Ping said lightly.

When Wei Biao heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was filled with ecstasy. He originally thought he was going to persecute for a while! Unexpectedly, this kid was so unkind, he would admit it after asking.

"If you are still a man, I will save you a whole body soon!"

Wei Biao showed a cold smile on his face, then looked at Cao Ruida's face with a deep chill, and shouted sharply: "Cao Ruida, what else do you have to say now, hand over the people, or I will level your base! "


With his shout, hundreds of people in the city uttered a roar at the same time, and a violent aura pressed toward the detention center.

At this time, the faces of Cao Ruida's many men were filled with fear, and the hand holding the gun was shaking and was almost unable to point at the direction.

This battle is no longer fought. Before the battle, these people have lost their aura.

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