Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1319: Killing in the lane

"Name, hometown, occupation!"

After Di Ping and Cao Rui reached the gate of the city and passed a physical examination, he was taken to a registration desk. The registration clerk was a middle-aged man. He asked indifferently without raising his head.

"Di Ping, a native of Zhongzhou, a businessman!"

Di Ping also said lightly.

"This is your identity card. If you lose it, you will have to pay five catties of grain!"

The middle-aged man still threw a paper card with Di Ping's identity information without looking up, his voice said impatiently.

"Thank you!"

Di Ping didn't care about his attitude, took it and thanked him.

As if to thank you, the middle-aged man raised his head and took a look at Di Ping, and then suddenly said: "I have taken the ID card. If there is no ID card in the city, I will be punished!"

Hearing this, Di Ping turned his head to look at the middle-aged man and nodded with a smile, and then entered the Quancheng base with Cao Ruida.

He can understand why this person is so cold and impatient, sitting at the door every day is holding a pen to register his name, everyone will be annoying! So he didn't care about this person's attitude, but thanked him! And he also got a kind reminder from this person.

People are sometimes as simple as people. Others have a bad attitude. It may be a bad mood, or something happened at home. If you care, if you say a few more words, you might immediately quarrel. Why bother!

Quancheng was built by directly enclosing the new city south of the city, with a radius of nearly 20 kilometers. It is a real giant city. The streets and buildings in the city are still the previous streets and buildings. The new city is very orderly.

The only fly in the ointment is that the wide streets are full of people sitting or lying on both sides, and the shops on both sides are also full of people.

However, the conditions of the people here are much better than those in the Bianzhou base before. Although most of them are black and thin, their eyes are normal. Some people are communicating in low voices, and some people are looking at the street in a daze.

However, so many people did not dare to lie on the road, so the road was very clean. From time to time, there were teams of soldiers with live ammunition passing by on the road. They were obviously patrolling, and I didn’t understand Di Pinna. , This is Quancheng is managing the city with the Israeli army, otherwise this street will definitely become a garbage dump.

"Brother Cao, where did you change the supplies?"

Di Ping looked out through the car window and asked Cao Ruida.

"At the material office in the north of the city, it will be three blocks away!"

Cao Ruida hurriedly pointed to the front and said.

Di Ping just nodded and didn't speak, carefully observing everything in the city.

After turning three blocks, Di Ping suddenly felt quiet in his ears. Without the mess and hustle before, the scene in front of him has changed. It is not an eye-catching high-rise building, but a villa area, and a very high-end villa area.

A dozen heavily armed soldiers stood at the gate, guarding the gate of the villa area so tightly that they could not even fly in.

"What is this place!"

Di Ping looked at this villa area curiously and asked.

"Hehe! This is the rich area!"

Cao Ruida seemed to be very disdainful of this villa area and sneered twice.


Di Ping immediately understood, and looked at this villa area with a smile.

Wherever there are classes, this spring city is no exception, including his sanctuary. The castle can be said to be the envy of everyone, but the castle is so big that it is impossible for everyone to live in, so there must be a difference. .

There must be some dissatisfaction among them, but Di Ping can't move out by himself, drive away the high-levels and the city guards and leave it to ordinary people to live in, right?

What is fair when it is unfair?

Di Ping gives protection to ordinary people for free. Is it unfair to Di Ping? Similarly, the Quancheng military protects the people. It is not excessive for the high-level residence to live better. Since the emergence of mankind, it has been accompanied by the progress The existence of, even the animal kingdom also has classes.

This is Chi Guoguo's, whether he likes or dislikes him is objective.

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