1703. Chapter XNUM Special Sixth Round

Chapter 1703 Special Sixth Round

Since the Shanwangpan space test, many battle teams have been silent for many times, but none has lasted so long.

Finally a team was eliminated.

This means that the death ending that everyone is aware of has officially begun.

apocalypse started six years, and each person has not known how many times they have died. It stands to reason that there should be no more fear or discomfort.

But when they reached a certain level, death became strange to them again.

So the fear that had disappeared, or numb, was back.

This sentiment culminated especially when they saw the bright star where the Great America was located on the light curtain.

It turned out that death was in sight … again.

At this moment, let alone the weakest women’s camp and Gyanendra, even the ogre chain that has been playing soy sauce suddenly became tense.

All in my head are single thought heads.

What if I encounter Tianlei when it is my turn?

Gyanendra played expressionless crystals. Now, he has basically exhausted the cards in his hand. He doesn’t have much money on hand and his strength is greatly damaged. Whether he can go through this section of the road is a question.

Fortunately, he had a good luck in this round and landed on a planet that originally belonged to Great America. Although there was no spare money to buy bright stars, at least he didn’t need to fight or pay.

Now Gyanendra, there is no chance to turn around, even if every step has such a good luck to buy a star, it is destined not to be first, so for him, nothing is more important than stability.

Ye Zhongming then played the soaring crystal and landed on the bright star of the mechanical ghost. He was also not polite. He picked the guardian beast alone, and did not need anyone to help him at all. Of course, Yangos on the left and Rehmannia on the right, he doesn’t need anyone else.

Bad luck cards still exist. Even if Genting wins the challenge, it still needs to pay tolls, making Ye Zhongming and the others quite helpless.

Then came the women’s camp. What did their luck say? It was really not good. They went to the bright star of the mechanical ghosts again. Without money, they could only fight. Under double difficulty, even if the level of the guardian beast is not high, let them experience the hard battle again.

The last women’s camp won, but the number decreased again, and now they look much worse than Gyanendra.

Everyone can see that this is a shaky battle team. Maybe in the next round, they will follow in the footsteps of the Americas and be completely eliminated.

And Ira, or the black leader Jaina’s level and strength, would not have any equipment to die for.

The last one in this round is a mechanical ghost.

As if affected by the overall calm of this round, this nervous guy was also surprisingly quiet, hit the soaring crystal honestly, and fell on a bright star in the Americas. After buying the guardian beast, he put himself A bright star has been added.

However, he could not escape the bad luck card. After he bought the guardian beast and collected the bright star as his own, he got a prompt. Because of the bad luck card, the previous purchase was invalid.

In other words, the money is gone and the bright star is gone. The angry mechanical ghost burst out on the spot and issued an iconic scream.

After five rounds, Gyanendra’s ogre chain and women’s camp have lost their qualifications for competition. Only the mechanical ghosts and Genting Villa have the potential to make a difference.

The gap between the two sides has not yet opened, and Genting is three stars ahead.

The sixth round.

The ogre chain has entered the ‘death zone’, but the elimination of the Americas, there are many bright stars here, and it doesn’t matter if they fall on it. Others, just pay the money, they really don’t lack this money.

Gyanendra used a random card this round after observing the star road ahead.

In the previous section of the road, there are more bright stars in Genting and Mechanical Genius. Gyanendra not at all grasped that they fall on other influence bright stars. In his current state, if it falls on the bright stars of Mechanical Genius, it is OK. Desperately may be able to pass, but if it falls on the guarding beast star that has risen to Fifth Level at Genting Villa, Gyanendra will also have to peel off the skin.

Fortunately, he also has a random card, a card that can control the placement of the soaring crystal.

He landed on this bright star, only one after another from the Great America.

After that, Gyanendra was a bit relieved, because the thunder didn’t come.

When Ye Zhongming hit the soaring crystal, the mechanical ghost actually began to applaud or even curse without hope, but hoped that the thunder came, but after Ye Zhongming hit the soaring crystal, even if it was the last round of the bad luck card, it didn’t mess up. Ray just made him need to challenge the guarding beasts on the two nearby stars together, that is, one to three.

However, with the strength of Genting, they are really not afraid, and they went to the masses almost to the past.

In this battle, the Evolvers who were still in the roulette space were a little dumb.

Perhaps in the heyday before, the mechanical ghosts could continue with such a battle team, but now, people with good eyes can see that the teams of mechanical ghosts are not badly damaged. At least a dozen or twenty of those mechanical warfare even numbers have disappeared.

Seems not much, but the total number is not much.

At the women’s camp again …

Their luck is still not good, this round, they fell on the bright stars on the top of the cloud.

hit? Facing Genting, they have no strength to continue fighting and no confidence to continue fighting.

Then you can only pay.

But are they rich? No!

In the end, even Ela and Jaina, the leaders who ensure the bottom line of a battle team battle power, have begun to take off their beloved equipment.

Their ‘not powerful’ is compared with several battle teams here. They are placed outside. The women’s camp is powerful. Ella and Jaina are also the most elite Evolver. Their equipment will not be too bad, at least. Ye Zhongming saw that there were more than three gold-level equipment for two people, and one of them, although there were no rays of light, but from the formidable power shown in previous battles, it should be purple.

Many battalions of women’s battalions are reluctant for their leaders to surrender these equipment, because without them, they have truly become fish slaughterers.

“Treasures, at least we didn’t die this round, didn’t we?”

Jaina smiled and comforted her, but the smile looked a bit bitter.

After the women’s camp, the last player in this round was a mechanical ghost. Everyone was nervously preparing for it, but the mechanical ghost who was still in the mechanical war puppet did not stop cursing.

Because of this round, the destruction of the thunder will definitely come, and the mechanical ghosts with bad luck are likely to become the target of attack.

He had already experienced what Tianlei was like, and it was strange not to scold his mother.

Just before he went to hit the soaring crystal, the guy suddenly stopped cursing.

“This is the sixth round. It seems like … can you buy a new card?”

A few seconds after he finished speaking, a prompt came from space.

“Mechanism only buys luck cards!”

(End of this chapter)

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