Although they released the posture breath, there was a strange light flashing in their eyes.

Lin Hao recognized this kind of gaze, and he also saw it from the spirits he summoned.

After all, this is also my childhood memory, and their strength is also amazing! I only see that there are only four cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh! area, and each card is memorized.

The original sin, hero, star, and phantom were written from left to right.

As a seasoned veteran player, Lin Hao knows that this is the faction in the card.

Then he turned over the four cards impatiently.

After the first card was turned over, the one who entered Lin Hao's eyes was the Time Machine Witch.

Her body is made of gold with a pink glow around it.

The reason why the body of the Time Machine Witch is golden is because her body is all made of machinery, and her whole body is full of protruding bayonets made of machinery.

Lin Hao knew that this time-machine witch was actually a less powerful one-star-light angel in Original Sin, and her abilities were just enough.

But before the apocalypse, this time weapon witch was not easy to collect in reality, and thinking of this made him feel better.

The second card is a hot girl with red flames all over her body.

The third one is the Light Mage Star Phantom.

Her body is white, her arms also have white bandages, she holds a scythe-like wand, and she has a blue cape.

The last one is a harpy girl with goose-yellow hair and wings like an angel.

The most distinctive feature of her is that after removing her soft hair and blue and purple shoes, her whole body is pink and toot, and even the pair of wings are pink! Just when Lin Hao opened these four games After the king's card, the four cards just paused for a moment and turned into four streamers that flew out of the system panel.

Then these four cards appeared in Lin Hao's shocked eyes.

His eyes turned into stars.

At this time, Lin Hao's mind also sounded a system prompt.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the original sin time-tool witch, the hero hot girl, the phantom of stars and stars, and the girl with the phantom eagle body.

】Why did the system directly give it to himself? Lin Hao thought about it for a long time, but he didn't understand it, so he stopped thinking about it.

And when Lin Hao came back to his senses, there were four beauties with different postures standing in front of him.

Although they released the posture breath, there was a strange light flashing in their eyes.

Lin Hao recognized this kind of gaze. He had also seen such a gaze from the elves he summoned. It was a loyal gaze.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao calmed down and swept over the humanoid bodies that the four 44 monsters turned into one by one, and then said to them, "I'm Lin Hao, hello."

The hot girl with a hot body looked at Lin Hao with a charming smile and said delicately.

"Hello, master, I'm a hot girl."

after her.

The other three also introduced themselves to Lin Hao in different voices.

Lin Hao nodded after listening, then opened their attribute panel and looked at them.

[Name: Time Machine Witch Level: Level 1 Attribute: Light Race: Angel Faction: Original Sin Skill: Double Figure, Blade Assault] [Name: Hot Girl Level: Level 1 Attribute: Flame Race: Warrior Faction: Hero Skill: Fire Elemental , Red Lotus Flame, Bursting Flame] [Name: Star Phantom Level: Level 1 Attribute: Light Race: Mage Faction: Star Skills: Light Element, Phantom Departure, Phantom World Zhang]

Chapter 455: Zhong Wuyan?

[Name: Harpy Girl Level: 1 Attribute: Wind Race: Birds and Beasts Faction: Phantom God Skills: Wind Element, Flying Blade, Subtle Attack] After reading these four monster cards, Lin Hao fell into contemplation.

Because if they only talked about the time of their appearance, they would definitely be stronger than the elves that they had summoned before.

It's just that Lin Hao is a little upset that they still need "62"

To upgrade.

But this is not bad, after all, it is a product that came out after the system was upgraded, and the strength is definitely not much worse, maybe when they grow up, they will be even more powerful than Chaomeng and the others.

After thinking about it, Lin Hao looked at their different appearances and thought about their strengths, and was silent for a while.

But then he found that the fire of his soul was not deducted from his attribute panel! What does this mean? It means - Lin Hao's mind suddenly exploded, making him think of something! Could it be these four monster cards? It was extracted, doesn't that mean! Lin Hao didn't continue to think about it.

Of course, it wasn't that he didn't dare, but he was waiting, and the system in his mind also rang, which just verified his own guess.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Yu-Gi-Oh! Summoning Card 4.

The number of summon cards in the game bar this month has been used up.

】This Lin Hao heard the voice of the system, and found that there was some gap between his guess and the updated content of the system, but it was still similar.

Moreover, Lin Hao found that the current system update that draws four Monster Summoning Cards from the King of Drama series every month is almost the same as the one before the update... The selection of various levels of Poké Balls is almost the same.

In this way, Lin Hao did the math, and found that the system still takes care of himself.

After all, if the summon monster card of the Yu-Gi-Oh series is still as expensive as the hero card to 100 spirits

If there is only one soul fire, then I guess I really can't survive in the end times.

After all, there is still a person above the minor natural disaster level who is staring at the Yunshui base where he is.

I don't know when he will call, so every minute and every second is extremely nervous now.

Naturally, Lin Hao would not spend time looking for natural disaster monsters above level 0 to brush Soul Fire to [-]. If these Yu-Gi-Ohm monster cards really want Soul Fire, Lin Hao might not buy them at the expedient. This kind of card, go to buy the hero summoning card first.

Because in Lin Hao's mind, the third category is always better than the second category.

However, because the second category can be drawn for free, Lin Hao now has surplus money to buy hero summons.

[Name: Harpy Girl Level: 1 Attribute: Wind Race: Birds and Beasts Faction: Phantom God Skills: Wind Element, Flying Blade, Subtle Attack] After reading these four monster cards, Lin Hao fell into contemplation.

Because if they only talked about the time of their appearance, they would definitely be stronger than the elves that they had summoned before.

It's just that Lin Hao is a little upset that they still need "62"

To upgrade.

But this is not bad, after all, it is a product that came out after the system was upgraded, and the strength is definitely not much worse, maybe when they grow up, they will be even more powerful than Chaomeng and the others.

After thinking about it, Lin Hao looked at their different appearances and thought about their strengths, and was silent for a while.

But then he found that the fire of his soul was not deducted from his attribute panel! What does this mean? It means - Lin Hao's mind suddenly exploded, making him think of something! Could it be these four monster cards? It was extracted, doesn't that mean! Lin Hao didn't continue to think about it.

Of course, it wasn't that he didn't dare, but he was waiting, and the system in his mind also rang, which just verified his own guess.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Yu-Gi-Oh! Summoning Card 4.

The number of summon cards in the game bar this month has been used up.

】This Lin Hao heard the voice of the system, and found that there was some gap between his guess and the updated content of the system, but it was still similar.

Moreover, Lin Hao found that the current system update that draws four Monster Summoning Cards from the King of Drama series every month is almost the same as the one before the update... The selection of various levels of Poké Balls is almost the same.

In this way, Lin Hao did the math, and found that the system still takes care of himself.

After all, if the summon monster card of the Yu-Gi-Oh series is still as expensive as the hero card to 100 spirits

If there is only one soul fire, then I guess I really can't survive in the end times.

After all, there is still a person above the minor natural disaster level who is staring at the Yunshui base where he is.

I don't know when he will call, so every minute and every second is extremely nervous now.

Naturally, Lin Hao would not spend time looking for natural disaster monsters above level 0 to brush Soul Fire to [-]. If these Yu-Gi-Ohm monster cards really want Soul Fire, Lin Hao might not buy them at the expedient. This kind of card, go to buy the hero summoning card first.

Because in Lin Hao's mind, the third category is always better than the second category.

However, because the second category can be drawn for free, Lin Hao now has extra money to buy hero summoning cards.

After thinking about it, he summoned the red panel of the system, and then focused his thoughts on the third category in the system store.

Then he saw that the blurred appearance on the system panel showed the third type of hero summoning card in an instant.

I only saw that the five 55 hero cards that Lin Hao had seen before were lined up in order.

Lin Hao saw 3.

After 4, he became: hesitant, because he didn't know which one to choose first, knowing that this might be related to the life and death of Yunshui Base.

He frowned and looked at the five hero cards, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind.

The first hero card is Zhong Wuyan.

Although Lin Hao hadn't touched the game for a long time after the end of the world, he was a king-level player before that.

Remind you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 456 King Hero

Therefore, she is naturally very proficient in each hero, and there is a skill introduction below Zhong Wuyan that is more than her own.

In this way, it will be more convenient for Lin Hao to choose which hero is more beneficial to his current form.

Lin Hao frowned and thought while looking at the skill information below the hero card.

In Zhong Wuyan's words, she is a hero of the meat shield plus group damage type.

And what Lin Hao needs most now is a hero who can compete with or even kill a mysterious monster that surpassed the small natural disaster.

So after Lin Hao thought for a while, Zhong Wuyan was dropped by him.

Among the remaining four hero cards, Cai Wenji is a hero of the meat shield and healing type.

2 She was also given away by Lin Hao.

After all, Lin Hao doesn't need healing heroes now.

Besides, even though Cai Wenji has a strong healing power, she can heal in groups.

But Lin Hao still doesn't need it, because now Lin Hao already has a platelet that can be treated remotely.

And even if her treatment is not as good as Cai Wenji's, Lin Hao believes it will not be much worse.

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