Lin Hao's face appeared in her mind involuntarily, and then she shook her head and said, "Little clever ghost, I don't."

When she spoke, she also tapped Chao Meng's head with her fingers.

Chapter 440 The Bird's Nest of Platelets

Chaomeng held his head aggrievedly and said, "Hmph, let's not talk about this, anyway, you don't think Brother Lin Hao will tell us."

Then, before Ling Yao could speak, Chaomeng pushed the orange-haired girl beside him to her and said to Ling Yao, "Sister Ling Yao, get to know him."

Ling Yao doubtfully said, "You are"

Haven't waited for the orange-haired girl to speak, in "Three Nine Zeros"

Chaomeng behind her showed a head from behind and said: "She is a platelet! Don't look at Xiaoban's petite appearance, but Xiaoban is very powerful! In addition to her super strength, she also has a powerful therapeutic power.

At the same time, Xiaoban will also be able to do avatars, you must know that the Yunshui base outside the Yunshui Villa can run so well, in addition to the law enforcement team of Sister Zhao Xue and the others, Xiaoban is also a person who has contributed a lot!"

Chao Meng said so many words at once, and felt that she was a little out of breath.

Of course, this is just Platelet's personal feeling, she won't say it, because if she does, she and Chaomeng will definitely not be able to avoid a "war"

In Chaomeng and Platelet, Ling Yao, who was in front of him, after listening to Chaomeng's words, then smiled at Platelet, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Platelet, I'm Ling Yao."

Platelet also reached out and shook hands with Ling Yao and said, "Sister Ling Yao, I'm Platelet, please take care of me in the future."

"Please take care"

Ling Yao was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't help but murmur, because she had never heard such a way of greeting, so she naturally didn't know what it meant.

Just as Ling Yao was thinking about it in her mind, the Chaomeng behind the board was hee hee.

He smiled and said, "Ah! Sister Ling Yao, 'Please take care of me' means the same as 'Hello'!"

When Ling Yao heard Chaomeng's response, it turned out that this was a way of saying hello! So she also said to Platelet, "Please do more in the future!"


Platelet, nodded, and her orange hair swayed with her nodding movement.

After Ling Yao saw this, she didn't know why, but she always felt that the platelets in front of her would be more perfect if she wore a white hat! She shook her head, she didn't know where this idea came from. Ling Yao directly buried her thoughts in her heart, Chaomeng, and said to Ling Yao at this time, "Sister Ling Yao, are we going to deal with that little natural disaster with Brother Xia Zuo tomorrow?"

Ling Yao nodded after hearing this, but did not speak.

Chaomeng held his head aggrievedly and said, "Hmph, let's not talk about this, anyway, you don't think Brother Lin Hao will tell us."

Then, before Ling Yao could speak, Chaomeng pushed the orange-haired girl beside him to her and said to Ling Yao, "Sister Ling Yao, get to know him."

Ling Yao doubtfully said, "You are"

Haven't waited for the orange-haired girl to speak, in "Three Nine Zeros"

Chaomeng behind her showed a head from behind and said: "She is a platelet! Don't look at Xiaoban's petite appearance, but Xiaoban is very powerful! In addition to her super strength, she also has a powerful therapeutic power.

At the same time, Xiaoban will also be able to do avatars, you must know that the Yunshui base outside the Yunshui Villa can run so well, in addition to the law enforcement team of Sister Zhao Xue and the others, Xiaoban is also a person who has contributed a lot!"

Chao Meng said so many words at once, and felt that she was a little out of breath.

Of course, this is just Platelet's personal feeling, she won't say it, because if she does, she and Chaomeng will definitely not be able to avoid a "war"

In Chaomeng and Platelet, Ling Yao, who was in front of him, after listening to Chaomeng's words, then smiled at Platelet, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Platelet, I'm Ling Yao."

Platelet also reached out and shook hands with Ling Yao and said, "Sister Ling Yao, I'm Platelet, please take care of me in the future."

"Please take care"

Ling Yao was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't help but murmur, because she had never heard such a way of greeting, so she naturally didn't know what it meant.

Just as Ling Yao was thinking about it in her mind, the Chaomeng behind the board was hee hee.

He smiled and said, "Ah! Sister Ling Yao, 'Please take care of me' means the same as 'Hello'!"

When Ling Yao heard Chaomeng's response, it turned out that this was a way of saying hello! So she also said to Platelet, "Please do more in the future!"


Platelet, nodded, and her orange hair swayed with her nodding movement.

After Ling Yao saw this, she didn't know why, but she always felt that the platelets in front of her would be more perfect if she wore a white hat! She shook her head, she didn't know where this idea came from. Ling Yao directly buried her thoughts in her heart, Chaomeng, and said to Ling Yao at this time, "Sister Ling Yao, are we going to deal with that little natural disaster with Brother Xia Zuo tomorrow?"

Ling Yao nodded after hearing this, but did not speak.

At this time, Platelet looked at Ling Yao with pitiful eyes and said, "Sister Ling Yao, can you take your hand off my hair? If you rub it again, it will probably turn into a bird's nest."

Hearing platelets, the pitiful words, Ling Yao realized that her hand was still there: unconsciously rubbing platelets, her hair 2.

5. No wonder she has a feeling in her heart: It's a strange enjoyment! After Ling Yao took off her hand in embarrassment, she felt that her heart was empty, and then she turned her eyes to Platelet's hair.

Platelet, feeling Ling Yao's eyes, was so frightened that he hid behind Chaomeng like a frightened deer.

Chapter 441 Frost Dragon (1)

When Ling Yao saw the platelets, she couldn't help rubbing her nose in embarrassment, and then she said depressedly, "Am I that scary?"

In front of him, Chaomeng smiled and said, "Sister Ling Yao, you scared Xiaoban."

When Ling Yao heard Chaomeng say this, she waved her hand helplessly.

But they didn't care about anything, it was just a small episode in the middle.

Then Chaomeng took Ling Yao to know many people, and there were many elves that Lin Hao summoned from the system. Ling Yao was indeed impressed by their appearance. Early the next morning, Lin Hao brought a neatly dressed The super dream follows Ling Yao and her Xiaobai on their journey to kill the little natural disaster.

1 I saw three figures flying in the air, Lin Hao was pulled by Chaomeng and flew in the middle, Ling Yao rode Xiaobai beside him, and flew in a certain direction at a very fast speed.

They were talking and laughing, and they didn't seem to be fighting at all.

Because Lin Hao and Ling Yao felt that Ling Yao's own strength was enough to kill that little natural disaster, but they didn't know what kind of battle was waiting for them.

At this time, on the hillside tens of thousands of miles away from them, the little natural disaster that Lin Hao and the others regarded as the target was shivering and crawling on the ground.

And in the same state as him, there are also the five natural disaster monsters beside them. They are also the same. They are extremely afraid and dare not raise their heads. They buried their heads deeply at this time because of the huge body, showing that their surrender.

And standing in front of these six small natural disasters is a kind of creature.

He looks like a human, and there are two peculiar dragon horns on his head.

This person is the dragon creature, the Frost Dragon, and in a sense, he is the real character in the Scourge Legion. As for these small natural disasters, they are just some great guys for testing. .

Thinking of this, the terrifying aura of the frost giant dragon was unabashedly released by it, deterring the six small natural disasters beside him.

The six little natural disasters kept their heads down all the time, not knowing why the big man in front of them came here in person.

As for the Yunshui Base, they are no longer interested in it. After all, their few small natural disasters have almost occupied the ground of this planet.

Therefore, for their group of small natural disasters, the location where the Yunshui Base is located is simply not worth mentioning relative to the location occupied by them.

Naturally, they will no longer manage the affairs in the Yunshui Base.

When Ling Yao saw the platelets, she couldn't help rubbing her nose in embarrassment, and then she said depressedly, "Am I that scary?"

In front of him, Chaomeng smiled and said, "Sister Ling Yao, you scared Xiaoban."

When Ling Yao heard Chaomeng say this, she waved her hand helplessly.

But they didn't care about anything, it was just a small episode in the middle.

Then Chaomeng took Ling Yao to know many people, and there were many elves that Lin Hao summoned from the system. Ling Yao was indeed impressed by their appearance. Early the next morning, Lin Hao brought a neatly dressed The super dream follows Ling Yao and her Xiaobai on their journey to kill the little natural disaster.

1 I saw three figures flying in the air, Lin Hao was pulled by Chaomeng and flew in the middle, Ling Yao rode Xiaobai beside him, and flew in a certain direction at a very fast speed.

They were talking and laughing, and they didn't seem to be fighting at all.

Because Lin Hao and Ling Yao felt that Ling Yao's own strength was enough to kill that little natural disaster, but they didn't know what kind of battle was waiting for them.

At this time, on the hillside tens of thousands of miles away from them, the little natural disaster that Lin Hao and the others regarded as the target was shivering and crawling on the ground.

And in the same state as him, there are also the five natural disaster monsters beside them. They are also the same. They are extremely afraid and dare not raise their heads. They buried their heads deeply at this time because of the huge body, showing that their surrender.

And standing in front of these six small natural disasters is a kind of creature.

He looks like a human, and there are two peculiar dragon horns on his head.

This person is the dragon creature, the Frost Dragon, and in a sense, he is the real character in the Scourge Legion. As for these small natural disasters, they are just some great guys for testing. .

Thinking of this, the terrifying aura of the frost giant dragon was unabashedly released by it, deterring the six small natural disasters beside him.

The six little natural disasters kept their heads down all the time, not knowing why the big man in front of them came here in person.

As for the Yunshui Base, they are no longer interested in it. After all, their few small natural disasters have almost occupied the ground of this planet.

Therefore, for their group of small natural disasters, the location where the Yunshui Base is located is simply not worth mentioning relative to the location occupied by them.

Naturally, they will no longer manage the affairs of the Yunshui Base.

And the reason why I wanted to go to the Yunshui Base at that time was just because the same existence as them was killed by the creatures in the Yunshui Base! This was extremely humiliating for them, knowing that they were also a natural disaster. The top ten generals of the vanguard in the legion.

Someone actually killed one of their top ten generals right under their noses.

Although only the weakest of them died, such behavior was enough to anger this arrogant top ten generals!

Chapter 442 Frost Dragon (2)

So they were so angry that they wanted to send the fifth-ranked Corrosive Wasp to take a look, only after he left.

The adult came, and immediately took the remaining five small natural disaster grades to find the Corrosive Wasp who was flying with a group of disciples.

Then the six little natural disasters heard that the adult said that the seal that prevented them from coming to this world could not last long.

They were instantly ecstatic, but then a trace of loneliness flashed in the eyes of their six creatures.

Because their top ten generals are the vanguard troops sent to attack other worlds.

It's just because their power is too low.

And the vanguard troops attacking other worlds are the vanguard troops if it sounds better.

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