On the opposite side of it, Lin Hao felt a gloomy feeling, Ying Chaomeng was in the same mind with him, and naturally his whole body was tense, and they realized that this might be the last explosive attack of the centipede giant! Sure enough, Lin Hao found that the surrounding airflow was rushing towards the giant centipede at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its body more than doubled in size in an instant.

At the same time, its aura has also become stronger, and there is a vague feeling that the surrounding air will burst.

[The giant centipede mutates, please kill it within ten minutes, otherwise there is a 34% chance of evolution.

】 Lin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, because he felt the difficulty of this mission.

The answer is definitely no.

The scene in front of him is the answer: I saw that the giant centipede's originally strong and shiny body instantly became: pitted, and the two tentacles on his head also became: mutilated because of the sharp blade in Lin Hao's hand.

And the dark energy ball of Shadow Mewtwo also burst into huge energy the moment it touched the giant centipede and attached to its body.

Although the giant centipede's carapace and its energy defense also resisted a part of the energy shock of Shadow Mewtwo, it was only a small part, and most of the damage was taken by this little one alone.

The feeling of being bombarded with energy is extremely unpleasant, you can see from the reaction of the centipede giant at this moment.

2 I saw that its current body was no longer the brighter color it used to be, and it kept twitching, indicating that the centipede giant was in a very bad mood at this time, and it also showed that it was also greatly injured.

Moreover, the centipede giant's hundred feet, which are enough to easily cut steel and wrought iron, became incomplete because of resisting the attack of Shadow Mewtwo just now.

At this time, Shadow Mewtwo and Lin Hao did not reluctant to fight after the attack on the giant centipede, and quickly withdrew to the safe area, and they stood side by side with full guard.

The centipede giant recovered from being attacked by two sudden and powerful forces, only to realize that his own strength was already exhausted.

Basically all of it was used in the previous outbreak. The shameful thing is that it was calculated by the two weak blood food in front of me. It is unforgivable! It is said that it is completely impossible to fight against Lin Hao and the shadow elves, because of its strength, it

The power of , can no longer support what to do.

But as one of the top ten giants, who doesn't have a trump card? Dangerous color.

On the opposite side of it, Lin Hao felt a gloomy feeling, Ying Chaomeng was in the same mind with him, and naturally his whole body was tense, and they realized that this might be the last explosive attack of the centipede giant! Sure enough, Lin Hao found that the surrounding airflow was rushing towards the giant centipede at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its body more than doubled in size in an instant.

At the same time, its aura has also become stronger, and there is a vague feeling that the surrounding air will burst.

[The giant centipede mutates, please kill it within ten minutes, otherwise there is a 34% chance of evolution.

】 Lin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, because he felt the difficulty of this mission.

It seems that since arriving at Yunshui Villa, he has never been stumped by the task of the system, but this time, although it is difficult for him, it is only a small difficulty.

At this point, Lin Hao said to Shadow Chaomeng without looking back: "How long does it take to release your super combined skills?"

Shadow Chaomeng pondered for a while and then replied: "Fifteen seconds!"

"Okay, get ready for super combined skills!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Hao had his armor attached to his body and charged towards the giant centipede with a black spear in his hand.

Chapter 407 Fifteen Seconds

With a heart like a mirror, he naturally knows that it is impossible for the giant centipede to let Shadow Mewtwo release a harmful attack on it. The main purpose of Lin Hao now is to delay time, delay for fifteen seconds! Although in normal days, ten Five seconds are fleeting, but now with Lin Hao and the giant centipede fighting against each other, he feels that every second is like a year, as if time is passing extremely slowly.

At first, the giant centipede thought that this bloody food was rushing up to find death, and it also knew that it could not last long in this state, so it was a ruthless move when it came up, and Lin Hao seemed to have expected it to block with a black gun.

It's just that your patience is exhausted after the giant centipede has fought against the blood food in front of you for a few times. First, it realizes that it is running out of time, and the second is the blood food it is standing from a distance. A deadly danger was felt in the dark black energy ball that slowly gathered in his hand.

In this way, the giant centipede's attack became more and more severe, and Lin Hao's block also became more and more difficult.

A black line that is enough to cut through the space is naturally one of the centipede giant's hundred feet. Because Lin Hao couldn't stop it, his left arm was scratched with a deep scar that could be seen from the bone.

But Lin Hao knew that he couldn't back down at this moment, there were still eight seconds left! Lin Hao counted silently in his heart, resisting the pain from his left arm, holding the black spear in his right hand, and stabbed the giant centipede suddenly.

The centipede giant was very disdainful of Lin Hao's shot, but Lin Hao's weapon was enough to injure himself, so he was distracted and pulled the gun away: at the same time, he swung another paw towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao hurriedly used the black spear: his arm to block, but the huge force from the spear caused him to fall to the ground from mid-air, smashing a deep hole.

Lin Hao swayed up from the deep pit, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and felt the exhaustion from all over his body, but when he saw that the giant centipede did not come to chase him, he wanted to. When I'm about to go to Shadow Mewtwo.

Lin Hao didn't even care about his body, he directly supported his body and quickly passed the giant centipede, blocking it between it and the Shadow Mewtwo.

The centipede giant was stunned for a moment, obviously he did not expect that the blood eater in front of him would be so courageous, and he would have to stop himself after suffering such a serious injury.

There was a hint of admiration in the depths of its eyes, but it was only fleeting, after all, it was not his subordinate, no matter how brave it was, it was useless.

When the giant centipede thought of this, it waved directly, trying to tear the weak blood food to pieces.

Just at this moment, Lin Hao didn't care about the dark shadows that could kill him. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said silently, "Fifteen!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Hao's figure had already disappeared?

With a heart like a mirror, he naturally knows that it is impossible for the giant centipede to let Shadow Mewtwo release a harmful attack on it. The main purpose of Lin Hao now is to delay time, delay for fifteen seconds! Although in normal days, ten Five seconds are fleeting, but now with Lin Hao and the giant centipede fighting against each other, he feels that every second is like a year, as if time is passing extremely slowly.

At first, the giant centipede thought that this bloody food was rushing up to find death, and it also knew that it could not last long in this state, so it was a ruthless move when it came up, and Lin Hao seemed to have expected it to block with a black gun.

It's just that your patience is exhausted after the giant centipede has fought against the blood food in front of you for a few times. First, it realizes that it is running out of time, and the second is the blood food it is standing from a distance. A deadly danger was felt in the dark black energy ball that slowly gathered in his hand.

In this way, the giant centipede's attack became more and more severe, and Lin Hao's block also became more and more difficult.

A black line that is enough to cut through the space is naturally one of the centipede giant's hundred feet. Because Lin Hao couldn't stop it, his left arm was scratched with a deep scar that could be seen from the bone.

But Lin Hao knew that he couldn't back down at this moment, there were still eight seconds left! Lin Hao counted silently in his heart, resisting the pain from his left arm, holding the black spear in his right hand, and stabbed the giant centipede suddenly.

The centipede giant was very disdainful of Lin Hao's shot, but Lin Hao's weapon was enough to injure himself, so he was distracted and pulled the gun away: at the same time, he swung another paw towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao hurriedly used the black spear: his arm to block, but the huge force from the spear caused him to fall to the ground from mid-air, smashing a deep hole.

Lin Hao swayed up from the deep pit, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and felt the exhaustion from all over his body, but when he saw that the giant centipede did not come to chase him, he wanted to. When I'm about to go to Shadow Mewtwo.

Lin Hao didn't even care about his body, he directly supported his body and quickly passed the giant centipede, blocking it between it and the Shadow Mewtwo.

The centipede giant was stunned for a moment, obviously he did not expect that the blood eater in front of him would be so courageous, and he would have to stop himself after suffering such a serious injury.

There was a hint of admiration in the depths of its eyes, but it was only fleeting, after all, it was not his subordinate, no matter how brave it was, it was useless.

When the giant centipede thought of this, it waved directly, trying to tear the weak blood food to pieces.

Just at this moment, Lin Hao didn't care about the dark shadows that could kill him. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said silently, "Fifteen!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Hao's figure had disappeared, okay, replaced by Shadow Mewtwo's figure.

I saw Shadow Super Dream holding Lin Hao in one hand, while a dark black light ball was suspended in the other hand, but although the light ball was small, it exuded a coercion opposite to its size.

Shadow Chaomeng was very angry at this time, because she found that her master had made her look like this in order to let her perform this powerful super combined skill, and she must avenge her master!

Chapter 408 Dragon's Reverse Scale

Chapter 409 Killing the Giant Centipede

In the surrounding area, although the centipede giant, one of the ten giants here, has died, the power it left behind is still there, so naturally there are no other natural disaster monsters to come to trouble her and Lin Hao.

Chao Meng has been sitting on the boulder like this, secretly sending his own energy to Lin Hao to heal him.

Gradually, the sun slanted westward, and then the moonlight shone on the earth. When the moonlight shone on Chaomeng and Lin Hao, who had already transformed into human figures, Lin Hao also slowly opened his eyes at this time.

The first thing that catches Lin Hao's eyes is Chaomeng's very anxious pretty face, the already white and tender skin may be because he is too worried about Lin Hao, it looks pale under the moonlight.

There are dense beads of sweat on the delicate forehead.

Seeing this, Lin Hao couldn't help showing a distressed look, and he touched Chao Meng's cheek and forehead with his hand to wipe off the dense beads of sweat for her.

Chao Meng only realized that her master was awake when Lin Hao touched her cheek, and the big stone in her heart fell to the ground, and then she found that Lin Hao's somewhat rough palm was actually there: wiping away the sweat for herself.

Somewhat shy, she dared not look directly into Lin Hao's eyes, so she narrowed her very beautiful blue eyes and secretly looked at Lin Hao's angular face.

It's just that Lin Hao just happened to look at her, and Chaomeng blushed quickly when they looked at each other.

Although they had a skin-to-skin relationship, Mewtwo didn't know why there was a sense of shyness in my heart

After a long time, the power left by the giant centipede gradually dissipated, and the surrounding natural disaster monsters also began to cry one after another, showing their extremely uneasy mood and child.

Apparently they also smelled the blood food here, and the rich blood food, if you eat it

Going down will definitely make their strength soar, and maybe they can take this opportunity to evolve.

But these natural disaster monsters were forced by the power left by the giant centipede before it died, so they did not dare to move forward and attack.

At this time, Lin Hao also recovered his body with the help of Chaomeng, and his strength is near the peak.

At this time, Chaomeng was standing aside, looking at Lin Hao, obediently like a little girl next door.

At this time, Lin Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and Chao Meng quickly moved his eyes to the side.

Lin Hao didn't care about this, so he said to her: "The natural disaster monster here has begun to be restless, let's go back.

Anyway, there are no powerful monsters, so let the three armies practice their skills!"

Chaomeng nodded obediently, apparently tacitly acquiescing to Lin Hao

In the surrounding area, although the centipede giant, one of the ten giants here, has died, the power it left behind is still there, so naturally there are no other natural disaster monsters to come to trouble her and Lin Hao.

Chao Meng has been sitting on the boulder like this, secretly sending his own energy to Lin Hao to heal him.

Gradually, the sun slanted westward, and then the moonlight shone on the earth. When the moonlight shone on Chaomeng and Lin Hao, who had already transformed into human figures, Lin Hao also slowly opened his eyes at this time.

The first thing that catches Lin Hao's eyes is Chaomeng's very anxious pretty face, the already white and tender skin may be because he is too worried about Lin Hao, it looks pale under the moonlight.

There are dense beads of sweat on the delicate forehead.

Seeing this, Lin Hao couldn't help showing a distressed look, and he touched Chao Meng's cheek and forehead with his hand to wipe off the dense beads of sweat for her.

Chao Meng only realized that her master was awake when Lin Hao touched her cheek, and the big stone in her heart fell to the ground, and then she found that Lin Hao's somewhat rough palm was actually there: wiping away the sweat for herself.

Somewhat shy, she dared not look directly into Lin Hao's eyes, so she narrowed her very beautiful blue eyes and secretly looked at Lin Hao's angular face.

It's just that Lin Hao just happened to look at her, and Chaomeng blushed quickly when they looked at each other.

Although they had a skin-to-skin relationship, Mewtwo didn't know why there was a sense of shyness in my heart

After a long time, the power left by the giant centipede gradually dissipated, and the surrounding natural disaster monsters also began to cry one after another, showing their extremely uneasy mood and child.

Apparently they also smelled the blood food here, and the rich blood food, if you eat it

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