Sometimes, he even sent the mace straight up when Lin Hao wasn't paying attention. Thanks to Lin Hao's quick mind and a very agile figure, he escaped dangerously and dangerously several times. Lin Hao stopped him. Attacking and confronting the giant monster, Lin Hao frowned and looked at the black armor that was torn in several places on his body, thinking to himself: This is no way to go on like this, it seems that there is a different way.

After a little thought, he decided on the thought that had just flashed in his mind.

He knew that this was the effect of the potion, but unfortunately it was for a limited time. However, it also gave Lin Hao enough confidence.

He turned the tip of the black spear, and went up to the giant monster.

The giant monster looked at the strange behavior of the bug in front of him. He didn't need to think about it because he had developed limbs, because he firmly believed that all enemies would be crushed to death by his absolute power.

What's more, this "one forty zero" in front of you

The bug giant monster really doesn't understand why the old spider was killed by this weak and explosive bug in front of him. Maybe it lived too long! The giant monster shook his head, but put away himself. To Lin Hao's contempt, he watched Lin Hao hold the gun: he rushed over, and directly went up with a giant hand to shoot Lin Hao away.

But just when his palm was about to touch Lin Hao's body, he found that his body had disappeared.

It was a little puzzled, but then it felt a violent blow to its head, which caused the giant monster to stumble forward a few steps by this force.

The angry giant monster turned his head to look, only to find that Lin Hao was standing where his skull came out just now, and immediately knew that he had been attacked by him.

And when it saw the stone that Lin Hao was playing with, it became even more angry, because it felt a familiar aura from the small stone. Isn't this the stone behind its own head! The giant monster thought again After Lin Hao jumped from the front of it to the back of his head just now, he pondered for a while and thought to himself: Spider, you are not wronged to die.

Instead, it took a mace from an unknown place around its waist, and then held it with both hands, which meant it was serious.

Lin Hao sighed secretly when he saw the mace it drew out twitching: Sure enough

There are monsters.

However, his own aggressive tactics are easy to use. It seems that the monster in front of him is indeed the kind of guy with a simple mind and well-developed limbs. This way, it will be much simpler.

An idea in Lin Hao's mind had already formed, and he rushed forward with the gun.

As for the giant monster, despite its huge body, it is also extremely agile, waving the mace in his hand, constantly and accurately resisting Lin Hao's attacks again and again.

Sometimes, he even sent the mace straight up when Lin Hao wasn't paying attention. Thanks to Lin Hao's quick mind and a very agile figure, he escaped dangerously and dangerously several times. Lin Hao stopped him. Attacking and confronting the giant monster, Lin Hao frowned and looked at the black armor that was torn in several places on his body, thinking to himself: This is no way to go on like this, it seems that there is a different way.

After a little thought, he decided on the thought that had just flashed in his mind.

After that, Lin Hao suddenly threw his black spear towards the giant monster. The giant monster was already on guard. Seeing the black spear thrown out by Lin Hao, although he had disdain in his heart, he did not dare to have the contempt he had just now.


It looked carefully at the black spear that was flying towards itself, and only after finding that there was no fraud, it shot it away with the mace.

But in the blink of an eye, it found that Lin Hao had disappeared, which surprised the giant monster. It must know that he had been staring at him, how could he have disappeared under his own eyes! No other sound was heard except the sound of grass and trees.

Chapter 396 Ice and Fire Double Daggers

No! The giant monster didn't know when it had been led by Lin Hao to this unfamiliar place. It vaguely remembered that the place where it fought with Lin Hao just now was the one that attacked humans.

Now, apart from going to this place, how come there is no sound of human beings fighting with their subordinates? There is something strange here! The giant monster is more cautious, and it has raised its mental power to [-]%%. With the surrounding wind and grass, but if it is slightly wrong, it will immediately.

18 A stick passed.

In a short while, the surrounding environment full of vitality has been destroyed by it.

It's just that the giant monster doesn't care about this at all, it just wants to find the male creature that got itself into this predicament, and then smash him to pieces, using his blood to comfort its wounded heart.

At this time, Lin Hao was quietly watching what the giant monsters did not far away. Indeed, they were no longer in the original world.

The world they live in now is a "low-level undead plane"

, which is a plane Lin Hao obtained when he summoned the feast.

He has never been to this plane, and since Lin Hao obtained this plane, he has put it on hold.

Unexpectedly, although it is a low-level undead plane, the environment is better than the environment of their world.

But this time is not... When thinking about this, Lin Hao looked serious, because within his line of sight, there was a red countdown in the upper right corner, and there were still five minutes left.

Lin Hao also didn't think that the longest time he spent on this side was ten minutes a day.

And he, who had watched the giant monster vent for a long time, also thought how to kill it in five minutes.

Maybe it's because of his own black gun: a talented general

The giant monster was trapped here, so the black gun didn't come in.

And Lin Hao's only weapon now is the ice and fire double daggers obtained by killing monsters a few days ago, which was obtained by sacrificing the black magician girl and the others.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao took out the ice and fire double daggers. He held his right hand back, slightly arched his body, and his breathing gradually became steady. At this moment, he was like a natural assassin.

But Lin Hao felt guilt towards the black magician girls and the others, thinking that after the third apocalypse had passed, they would be resurrected from the system no matter what.

His eyes gradually became sharp and cold, the kind without a trace of emotion...

Lin Hao was staring at a part of the giant monster's head, but he didn't stare at the giant monster, because he knew

No! The giant monster didn't know when it had been led by Lin Hao to this unfamiliar place. It vaguely remembered that the place where it fought with Lin Hao just now was the one that attacked humans.

Now, apart from going to this place, how come there is no sound of human beings fighting with their subordinates? There is something strange here! The giant monster is more cautious, and it has raised its mental power to [-]%%. With the surrounding wind and grass, but if it is slightly wrong, it will immediately.

18 A stick passed.

In a short while, the surrounding environment full of vitality has been destroyed by it.

It's just that the giant monster doesn't care about this at all, it just wants to find the male creature that got itself into this predicament, and then smash him to pieces, using his blood to comfort its wounded heart.

At this time, Lin Hao was quietly watching what the giant monsters did not far away. Indeed, they were no longer in the original world.

The world they live in now is a "low-level undead plane"

, which is a plane Lin Hao obtained when he summoned the feast.

He has never been to this plane, and since Lin Hao obtained this plane, he has put it on hold.

Unexpectedly, although it is a low-level undead plane, the environment is better than the environment of their world.

But this time is not... When thinking about this, Lin Hao looked serious, because within his line of sight, there was a red countdown in the upper right corner, and there were still five minutes left.

Lin Hao also didn't think that the longest time he spent on this side was ten minutes a day.

And he, who had watched the giant monster vent for a long time, also thought how to kill it in five minutes.

Maybe it's because of his own black gun: a talented general

The giant monster was trapped here, so the black gun didn't come in.

And Lin Hao's only weapon now is the ice and fire double daggers obtained by killing monsters a few days ago, which was obtained by sacrificing the black magician girl and the others.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao took out the ice and fire double daggers. He held his right hand back, slightly arched his body, and his breathing gradually became steady. At this moment, he was like a natural assassin.

But Lin Hao felt guilt towards the black magician girls and the others, thinking that after the third apocalypse had passed, they would be resurrected from the system no matter what.

His eyes gradually became sharp and cold, the kind without a trace of emotion...

Lin Hao was staring at a part of the giant monster's head. He didn't stare at the giant monster, because he knew that if he stared at a living being, whether it was a human or a different species, he would definitely be aware of it.

After the giant monster vented for a while, he found that it was useless, and he felt a 217 unknown fear permeating his body.

You must know that if people stay in an unknown environment, there will be an unknown fear, and any living body is no exception.

Even as a monster as strong as a giant, he feels this way now.

Lin Hao originally wanted to exhaust the patience of the giant monster, wait until he couldn't help it until his heart collapsed and then hit it to death, but he tragically found that he only had five minutes.

At this time, he had just bought a blasting formation from the system, and quietly posted a circle around the giant monster.

Then wait until its power runs out.

Chapter 397 Military Power!kill!

Although a monster like him would not easily run out of energy, it would be less of a threat to Lin Hao at any rate. It's like having it! Finally, there is only the last minute left.

The giant monster is also exhausted. No matter what he is, the damned male creature will not come out, and he is almost driven crazy by this environment! But at this time, an ice blue dagger is at its neck. Quietly protruding, there is also a fiery red dagger protruding, but the position is at the heart of his back.

Now the giant monster is alert, but unfortunately it is too late. The giant monster's already big pupils instantly widen, and the mouth wants to make a sound but only "squeaky"

the sound of.

Because the blood from his neck has spewed out, and the blood on his heart has been completely evaporated by the scorching breath on the fiery red dagger, I am afraid that at this moment, the heart of the giant monster no longer exists.

A fourteenth-level Xiaotian was there, and he died in Lin Hao's hands. The system's reward sound also kept ringing in Lin Hao's mind.

Lin Hao didn't care about this, because the time had come, and the corpses of him and the giant monster suddenly returned to the place where they fought at Yunshui Villa.

His figure did not attract many people's attention.

But the huge body of the giant monster smashed down many monsters that were attacking the human area.

Feeling the mighty aura from this corpse, the low-level monsters dared not move forward, and shivered on the ground, while the high-level monsters changed their expressions. I didn't expect that there were people here who could kill even small natural disasters. Immediately resigned.

But the order they received was to attack, and no, they had no choice but to launch another attack on humans with trembling legs.

As for the humans on the Yunshui Villa, the ones who died were

A monster that had just destroyed one of their areas immediately felt relieved when they saw the figure that looked like a god of war beside the giant monster.

People's fighting spirit instantly began to change because of something else, just because of Lin Hao.

At this time, Lin Hao put the brain of the giant monster that he just cut off under the city wall, and then shouted: "This is military might! Kill.

! "

The people below also cheered up and shouted along with Lin Hao: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The momentum of the humans skyrocketed, and in contrast to them, the momentum of the monsters began to decline, and people held the weapons in their hands, whether it was a thermal weapon or a weapon with enhanced skills.

All of them desperately fired at the swarm of natural disaster monsters.


Although a monster like him would not easily run out of energy, it would be less of a threat to Lin Hao at any rate. It's like having it! Finally, there is only the last minute left.

The giant monster is also exhausted. No matter what he is, the damned male creature will not come out, and he is almost driven crazy by this environment! But at this time, an ice blue dagger is at its neck. Quietly protruding, there is also a fiery red dagger protruding, but the position is at the heart of his back.

Now the giant monster is alert, but unfortunately it is too late. The giant monster's already big pupils instantly widen, and the mouth wants to make a sound but only "squeaky"

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