The second place is the guy named Yue Fei, his kill count is 108, and his contribution point is 209 points.

[-]rd place [-]th place in the second plate.

The first place is the Yunshui Villa, with 100 kills.

Donate none.

Why none, because things, most of them are

It is supplied by Yunshui Villa.

How dare you ask for contribution points from Yunshui Villa.

The second place is a survivor group called Weihutang.

Most of them are big men above [-] meters, and most of their awakening abilities are biased towards melee support.

But their

As for the crap, intelligent race! Lin Hao knew that no human beings would live in that place, nor could they survive.

So Lin Hao squinted his eyes and confirmed his thoughts.

It was now seven o'clock.

Many survivors looked at their floating watches excitedly in their own area, refreshing the page over and over again.

Just like before the end of the world, "seven nine, zero"

It's like people are madly grabbing things on Double Eleven.

Finally, after refreshing the page again, Lin Hao's figure slowly appeared on the floating watch.

His projection said to the person in front of the floating watch: "Hello, thank you very much for your help and resistance.

Our goal is not only this, our goal is the whole earth, we want to take the earth back from the monsters, he belongs to us humans!!!"

The speech was not long, but it aroused the passion in the hearts of everyone.

Then everyone's floating watch will automatically jump to the redemption page.

It's just that there is a leaderboard at the top of the exchange page, and the leaderboard is divided into three sections.

The first is personal kills and contribution points earned.

The second is the number of team kills and contribution points earned.

The third is the number of individual kills.

Everyone looked at the first panel.

There is no doubt that the first place is naturally Lin Hao, his kill count is 102, and his contribution points are 301 points.

Each monster's contribution points are different.

The second place is the guy named Yue Fei, his kill count is 108, and his contribution point is 209 points.

[-]rd place [-]th place in the second plate.

The first place is the Yunshui Villa, with 100 kills.

Donate none.

Why none, because things, most of them are

It is supplied by Yunshui Villa.

How dare you ask for contribution points from Yunshui Villa.

The second place is a survivor group called Weihutang.

Most of them are big men above [-] meters, and most of their awakening abilities are biased towards melee support.

However, their young master Ning Bingbing awakened to the ability of long-range, and the strange thing is that they can also add their own power energy to him.

thereby becoming more powerful.

In the battle just now, their young patriarch did not need to use the arrows of Hundred Steps Chuan Yang.

Coupled with their strength, almost a single arrow can clear a vertical natural disaster monster, and the power is comparable to a laser cannonball.

And the laser shells still need to be recharged, but their arrows are very fast.

Naturally, more kills.

It's just a pity that the monsters killed like this are shared equally by all of them, so Ning Bingbing is not on the personal list.

The third section of individual kills: the first place is also Lin Hao, and the kills are one at level [-].

The second place is Jiang Tianhan, who kills one at level [-]

When everyone looked at the board and talked about it, some smart people turned to the page of contribution exchange and began to browse the exchange list.

"Wow, cultivation capsule, what is this 2.

3 Something that can make your cultivation more effective, so I only bought it from two exchange points in Nima!"

"The Vajra Talisman can help you resist a fatal attack below level [-]!"

"Ascension Sword can increase your attack speed by [-]%%, and cut iron like mud, and there is a half-month warranty period!! Bought it!"

All of a sudden, very happy voices came from all over the place, like a vegetable market.

Chapter 381 Level [-] Monster!

Sure enough, but fortunately there is him! Here, Lu Ya looked at the still cute platelet with a bewildered expression, but a group of people rushed in behind him, led by his father Lu Wen.

As soon as Lu Wen met, he punched Lu Ya in the chest and said, "Good boy, you can! Let's make our District 023 famous!"

Although the system does not spread, don't forget that they are people with floating watches, so the news spread all over Yunshui Villa in the blink of an eye.

Area 0 and Lu Ya are also famous! So others followed suit after learning the method. After a while, all areas on the building panel of Lin Hao's system were lit up.

The voice of the system is also coming at this moment——【Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [-], and obtaining a Poké Ball immediately after obtaining the star level.

It's being screened for you, please wait a moment] [Congratulations on getting Magic Team 10] Lin Hao didn't expect to get this.

This is equivalent to him owning a long-range artillery battery! It seems that this time is not a loss! Lin Hao looked at the sky outside the window, the originally bright moonlight has long disappeared.

All that remains is endless darkness.

I don't know if the moon completely disappeared or was blocked.

Lin Hao thought

No matter how happy they are, they will eventually be separated.

Even if you get it, it will eventually leave you.

The quiet night will eventually leave, but Bai, who is the dawn for people, is the most unwilling to face it.

But still have to face it.

People hurriedly sorted themselves out and returned to their posts.

Get ready for the next day's Scourge.

Lin Hao looked at the busy people below, and knew that it was time for him to set off.

Today's monster is much stronger than yesterday's, but he is not afraid.

Because he is the same! Lin Hao led the Poké Army out of the border of Yunshui Villa towards

A black hole flew away.

It's just that this time, there is also a new Pokémon elf - Mewtwo! Mewtwo itself has the ability to fly and space, so flying in the sky and keeping up with Lin Hao's speed is not a problem at all.

Level [-] Mewtwo is already terrifying, and if it reaches level [-], [-], or [-], Lin Hao thinks that the more he looks at Chaomeng, the cuter he looks, the more pleasing to the eye.

But not now... At that time, Lin Hao and the others came here once because of yesterday.

In addition to the "magic detective"

Sure enough, but fortunately there is him! Here, Lu Ya looked at the still cute platelet with a bewildered expression, but a group of people rushed in behind him, led by his father Lu Wen.

As soon as Lu Wen met, he punched Lu Ya in the chest and said, "Good boy, you can! Let's make our District 023 famous!"

Although the system does not spread, don't forget that they are people with floating watches, so the news spread all over Yunshui Villa in the blink of an eye.

Area 0 and Lu Ya are also famous! So others followed suit after learning the method. After a while, all areas on the building panel of Lin Hao's system were lit up.

The voice of the system is also coming at this moment——【Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [-], and obtaining a Poké Ball immediately after obtaining the star level.

It's being screened for you, please wait a moment] [Congratulations on getting Magic Team 10] Lin Hao didn't expect to get this.

This is equivalent to him owning a long-range artillery battery! It seems that this time is not a loss! Lin Hao looked at the sky outside the window, the originally bright moonlight has long disappeared.

All that remains is endless darkness.

I don't know if the moon completely disappeared or was blocked.

Lin Hao thought

No matter how happy they are, they will eventually be separated.

Even if you get it, it will eventually leave you.

The quiet night will eventually leave, but Bai, who is the dawn for people, is the most unwilling to face it.

But still have to face it.

People hurriedly sorted themselves out and returned to their posts.

Get ready for the next day's Scourge.

Lin Hao looked at the busy people below, and knew that it was time for him to set off.

Today's monster is much stronger than yesterday's, but he is not afraid.

Because he is the same! Lin Hao led the Poké Army out of the border of Yunshui Villa towards

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