The two scarlet soul fires swayed their bodies wantonly like two demons that eat people like their lives.

The skeleton warrior glanced coldly at the corpse of the skeleton dragon that had been destroyed by the fire of the soul.

He walked towards the Wuzhi Mountain that exudes strange power.

At this time, the dark magician girl suddenly opened her eyes and said, "It's here."

I saw that after the skeleton warrior walked to the middle part of the Wuzhi Mountain, he suddenly felt a coldness coming from behind.

Being cautious because of the sense of crisis, it directly pulled out the two skeleton daggers on its legs that alternated between ice and fire with lightning speed.

I didn't see any other movement of this skeleton warrior, just slashed with these two daggers, and a flashing red and blue protective shield swelled from the skeleton warrior's body.

So much to say, in fact, it is what happened between the electric light and flint.

That... the flashing red and blue protective shield was just propped up, and the energy cannonball behind him hit the skeleton warrior.

2 The energy shells are naturally sent out by the black magician girl.

It's just to test this "Twelve-level Skeleton Warrior" that has never appeared before.

just the strength.

As expected, this powerful monster did not disappoint the black magician girls.

It's just that the black magician girl did not show any frustration and disappointment after seeing the energy ball being easily offset by the shield of the skeleton warrior.

And the corners of her mouth ticked upwards slightly.

But with the IQ of this skeleton warrior, it is impossible to understand what this weak female creature is thinking.

But then again, it doesn't need to think about this matter, because the powerful ability of this skeleton warrior is enough to crush any creature present.

Of course, the premise is that the black magician girl and the leaf elves do not use that special magic circle.

The black magician girl suddenly disappeared.

The sight in front of him made the skeleton warrior stunned, because it didn't realize how the creature disappeared.

But then the two scarlet soul fires in the skull of this skeleton warrior jumped violently, which was a sign of excitement.

After all, for it, unknown challenges, unknown creatures, and unseen strengths are the most challenging.

Only in this way can this skeleton warrior have enough mood to continue killing.

Suddenly, the fire of the skeleton warrior's soul suddenly calmed down, and along with the calm of the fire of the soul, the surrounding air became eerily silent.

It seems that even the surrounding environment is helping the skeleton warrior to find the prey it wants.

But Ye Elf, the guide girl, and Xiaolei, who were hiding in the dark, were not worried at all when they saw the scene in front of them.

Because their current core energy has already poured into that..., and although each of their Pokémon is not dead now, it is basically close to death.

Whether it was killed by this powerful monster in front of him, or died together with this skeleton warrior in a momentary explosion.

It's just a matter of time, no big deal.

The skeleton warrior is staring

After a while, I suddenly felt that I was locked by a strange energy.

Its simple thinking tells it that this crisis cannot be avoided.

But the skeleton warrior still wanted to give it a shot.

It's a pity that just after it took out the huge bow behind it, it was directly annihilated by a force that was enough to annihilate everything in this world.

Not even a voice of resistance came out.

One of the most awesome skeleton warriors in the dignified way just hangs up.

Of course, what they paid for were the lives of the Dark Magician girl and Ye Elf.

They also went afar with this explosion

The sisters who were struggling to kill the skeleton monster at Yunshui Villa suddenly noticed a shocking explosion in the distance.

Even the ground beneath their feet trembled.

Platelet also felt that the breath of life in the distant piece was rapidly disappearing, but it was under her budget.

This explosion will not threaten Yunshui Villa here.

But in the dark, Platelet felt that she was missing something, and she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

But the fierce battle on the field did not distract her from these again, and instead went to help others.

Sister Calamity and the others did the same. After taking a look at the explosion, they continued to hunt down those high-level skeleton monsters.

As for Lin Hao, after finally killing the tenth-level skeleton leader, he just wanted to rest for a while.

Then he noticed a big explosion in the distance.

Immediately after Lin Hao's ears, there was a system mechanical sound with no emotion at all.

"Detected the host's summons - Thunder Elf, Leaf Elf, Dark Magician Girl, Minas, and Stormwind Dragon have been killed.

The system turns on the reincarnation pool by default.”

"Reincarnation Pool: You can spend materials to revive dead Pokémon and summoned objects. Currently, the characters that can be resurrected are: Thunder Elf, Dark Magician 593 Girl, Leaf Elf, Minas, and Flying Dragon."

Lin Hao was stunned when he heard this, and even the weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

How could they have Lin Hao's heart suddenly hurt, but fortunately they can still be resurrected.

But Lin Hao saw that the reincarnation stone needed by the resurrected props was not available to him.

But Lin Hao swore that he would find it.

"I'm sorry for you."

Lin Hao's eyes, which had not shed tears for a long time, were now a little wet.

He remembered the scene from the past.

Especially Xiaolei, she followed her from the very beginning.

You must be resurrected.

Lin Hao's eyes gradually became firmer.

Then he looked at the next message from the system.

"Congratulations to the host for leapfrogging and killing a special skeleton monster: level [-] skeleton warrior."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1 fire spar, 1 water spar, and 1 earth spar."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ice and Fire Double Dagger 1, the production method of the Ice and Fire Double Dagger 1."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission 2 2, and getting the reward new type of technology construction blueprint [-]."

"Due to the host killing and hiding, the morale of the undead monsters has collapsed, and the summoning feast will end in three days."

A series of system prompts made Lin Hao a little confused.

Chapter 362 Floating City

Only then did he know that Xiaolei and the others had actually killed an eleventh-level monster.

In the same way, Lin Hao is also very grateful to Xiaolei and the others, after all, because of them, Lin Hao can greatly increase his strength.

The next task is to find the remaining few spar, completely solve and control this low-level undead page.

Lin Hao waved his hand, and then returned to Yunshui Villa with the fire-breathing dragon.

Miss Disaster and her team are back

As Lin Hao's people gathered at Yunshui Villa, Lin Hao was also very sad to tell the news that Xiaolei and the black magician were dead but could be resurrected.

All the girls were weeping, but they also spent the next three days searching for the reincarnation materials and the remaining few spar.

Even Lin Hao, he went out all day like a soldier looking for those supplies and materials every day.

Because he was very guilty, because he really wanted to resurrect Xiaolei and the others.

Busy time is always short, and three days are fleeting.

In the last minute of the first Summoning Feast.

Lin Hao put six spar on the table.

Then I heard the voice from the system: "Congratulations to the host for collecting all six spar.

Mastered the low-level undead plane.


What Lin Hao wants to hear most is this

The voice came, and the undead monster also retreated at this time.

It was also time for Lin Hao to count the spoils.

After he looked at the things in the warehouse, he took out the [Pokémon Exclusive Floating City 1].

Then he said to the system: "Use [Pokémon Exclusive Floating City]."

Lin Hao was going to move his forces from Yunshui Villa to Floating Void City in order to better face the third apocalypse.

During this period, he also asked Sister Disaster to confirm the information about the arrival of the next black circle, and Sister Disaster told him that in a week, she would definitely arrive.

Only then did he know that Xiaolei and the others had actually killed an eleventh-level monster.

In the same way, Lin Hao is also very grateful to Xiaolei and the others, after all, because of them, Lin Hao can greatly increase his strength.

The next task is to find the remaining few spar, completely solve and control this low-level undead page.

Lin Hao waved his hand, and then returned to Yunshui Villa with the fire-breathing dragon.

Miss Disaster and her team are back

As Lin Hao's people gathered at Yunshui Villa, Lin Hao was also very sad to tell the news that Xiaolei and the black magician were dead but could be resurrected.

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