As for platelets, Lin Hao, who laughed because of excitement, had a devilish smile in his eyes.

Where did he go to find these things? Lin Hao, who thought he was already very good, suddenly realized the name of the food when he heard the platelets. He is a descendant of a country that eats a lot. Instead, why don't you fight and kill every day? You have to protect your Garden of Eden. Lin Hao couldn't help sighing while holding his forehead. Then Lin Hao stretched out his hand and touched her head under the platelet and doubtful eyes. Said: "Platelet, we are in the last days now, and there are not so many delicious food.

But there will be sooner or later, I promise you! Go to Chen Xiao'e's place for delicious food, she is in charge of logistics."

Although the platelets were just summoned, the current Lin Hao is not... the former Lin Hao, the Pokémon spirits summoned by the current Lin Hao are directly injected into the memory and memory of the current stage by the system in order to save trouble. 4. Information

7. So platelets naturally know who Chen Xiaoe is.

When she heard Lin Hao say this, she realized that the world she was in was no longer her original world.

However, when I remembered some skills I learned because I had nothing to do, I immediately said excitedly: "Don't worry! Brother Summoner, in addition to my super combat power, my craftsmanship is also good."

Chapter 306 "Little Cutie" [Customize]

"So, I will work hard, and I will let Brother Summoner taste the food I made!"

Platelet, and told Lin Hao with determination.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Okay, I'm waiting to eat the food you made for me."


Platelet, nodded vigorously, and then said to Lin Hao, "Then I'll go to Sister Xiao'e's place first."

The voice fell, and the platelets disappeared all of a sudden.

Lin Hao touched his nose and muttered, "This little girl"

Then Lin Hao looked at what was left in his 26 warehouse.


][Dragon-type Pokémon is locked, and unlocking requires a 1 Dragon-type Poke Ball or a Dragon-type Poke Ball 4]] Then calculate the remaining experience cards, even if you add them up, it's still not enough After opening the... [Angel-type Poké Ball], Lin Hao glanced at his mouth in frustration, and lamented in his heart, "You can only accumulate experience in the next battle."

Don't let me down, Lin Hao thought so, and turned his eyes to the... the only white angel-type Pokeball.

Then Lin Hao went out to gather his manpower and the Pokémon to prepare for the summoning feast that would come two days later.

During this time, Lin Hao naturally met the little devil princess-Princess Loy.

What surprised Lin Hao was that this little devil princess was in front of her.

The fierce appearance is different, she is cute, cute and clingy in front of the group of beautiful girls she has conquered.

And that Princess Roy kept saying "sister" again and again

"elder sister"

, I'll go, that sweet voice, completely different from the way she looked when she faced Lin Hao alone.

It's just two extremes! Moreover, Lin Hao also found out sadly that this group of schoolgirls, with the little devil princess as the core, are especially loyal to this little devil.

Oh my god!!! Lin Hao cried, he raised cabbage for so much time in vain, he was protecting them and taking care of their food, but in the end it became like this.

Fortunately, Lin Hao secretly tested this group of young and beautiful girls.

"So, I will work hard, and I will let Brother Summoner taste the food I made!"

Platelet, and told Lin Hao with determination.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Okay, I'm waiting to eat the food you made for me."


Platelet, nodded vigorously, and then said to Lin Hao, "Then I'll go to Sister Xiao'e's place first."

The voice fell, and the platelets disappeared all of a sudden.

Lin Hao touched his nose and muttered, "This little girl"

Then Lin Hao looked at what was left in his 26 warehouse.


][Dragon-type Pokémon is locked, and unlocking requires a 1 Dragon-type Poke Ball or a Dragon-type Poke Ball 4]] Then calculate the remaining experience cards, even if you add them up, it's still not enough After opening the... [Angel-type Poké Ball], Lin Hao glanced at his mouth in frustration, and lamented in his heart, "You can only accumulate experience in the next battle."

Don't let me down, Lin Hao thought so, and turned his eyes to the... the only white angel-type Pokeball.

Then Lin Hao went out to gather his manpower and the Pokémon to prepare for the summoning feast that would come two days later.

During this time, Lin Hao naturally met the little devil princess-Princess Loy.

What surprised Lin Hao was that this little devil princess was in front of her.

The fierce appearance is different, she is cute, cute and clingy in front of the group of beautiful girls she has conquered.

And that Princess Roy kept saying "sister" again and again

"elder sister"

, I'll go, that sweet voice, completely different from the way she looked when she faced Lin Hao alone.

It's just two extremes! Moreover, Lin Hao also found out sadly that this group of schoolgirls, with the little devil princess as the core, are especially loyal to this little devil.

Oh my god!!! Lin Hao cried, he raised cabbage for so much time in vain, he was protecting them and taking care of their food, but in the end it became like this.

Fortunately, Lin Hao secretly tested this group of young and beautiful girls. Although they like a certain little devil so far, they only like it.

Maybe it's that group... The girls may have reached menopause, or maybe they are in the season of overflowing maternal love!! Lin Hao said that the above words are not what he said.

In the end, Lin Hao still found out that these beautiful girls still support him as a veritable "young master"

Yes! And they still put themselves first in their hearts.

When Lin Hao found out that he was still the male god in the hearts of these young and beautiful girls, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

Of course, if someone asks about this matter, Lin Hao will never admit it calmly. After all, only God knows this matter, he knows you know me, and others don't know what it is that will make Lin Hao feel embarrassed. .

So Lin Hao naturally won't admit it + won't say it.

Chapter 307 Countdown to Summoning Feast 【Customize】

Cough, cough, Rory has been talking so much, now back to the topic.

The two days were neither long nor short, but they seemed to have passed quickly with the hard work of Lin Hao and Yunshui Villa.

Early the next morning, Lin Hao and many people from Yunshui Villa and his Pokemon stood up late to work overtime to re-renovate.

On the city wall of Yunshui Villa.

The materials and tools used by Lin Hao and the others to rebuild the Yunshui Villa were actually prepared long ago, but they never had the opportunity to use them for all the buildings and fortifications of the Yunshui Villa.

This is not a good opportunity, so Lin Hao directly decided to distribute these materials to them, and then directly let this group of idle "eggs hurt"

When the beautiful girl students used it, they also asked these beautiful girl students to help Lin Hao decorate it.

Well, it's just that, Lin Hao doesn't have anything else to post, it's true! Lin Hao looked at these former beautiful girls and smiled in a blink of an eye, because these are all his.

Those people in the current Yunshui Villa still don't know Lin Hao's evil thoughts, but it is estimated that even if they do, they will accept it happily.

And won't do anything against it.

Not to mention Lin Hao's Pokémon elves, although they sometimes do not stay by Lin Hao's master's side, there is absolutely no need to guess their loyalty. After all, they are produced by the system and are absolutely excellent! Demon Princess Roy, she would not do anything that would hurt Lin Hao. Although she was a little naughty occasionally, when faced with major events, Princess Roy would definitely stand by Lin Hao.

As for the reason, it goes without saying that there are also Lin Hao's female students, who are also loyal to Lin Hao.

After all, in this apocalypse, Lin Hao is like their parents, because without Lin Hao's help and support, the top students of these girls' schools would have been swallowed up by this fucking apocalypse long ago.

Don't say it anymore, it's actually over.

Lin Hao looked at the sky in the distance, but he was actually looking at the time on the virtual panel that appeared in the system.

[There is still 00:: before the summoning feast to attack the host's Yunshui Villa] Now the virtual panel of the system is already red, and it is still blood red.

Lin Hao has never felt that time can pass so long, the time countdown on the virtual panel of the system disappears second by second, which makes Lin Hao's heart tighten.

Although Lin Hao felt that with his own strength, he should be

Cough, cough, Rory has been talking so much, now back to the topic.

The two days were neither long nor short, but they seemed to have passed quickly with the hard work of Lin Hao and Yunshui Villa.

Early the next morning, Lin Hao and many people from Yunshui Villa and his Pokemon stood up late to work overtime to re-renovate.

On the city wall of Yunshui Villa.

The materials and tools used by Lin Hao and the others to rebuild the Yunshui Villa were actually prepared long ago, but they never had the opportunity to use them for all the buildings and fortifications of the Yunshui Villa.

This is not a good opportunity, so Lin Hao directly decided to distribute these materials to them, and then directly let this group of idle "eggs hurt"

When the beautiful girl students used it, they also asked these beautiful girl students to help Lin Hao decorate it.

Well, it's just that, Lin Hao doesn't have anything else to post, it's true! Lin Hao looked at these former beautiful girls and smiled in a blink of an eye, because these are all his.

Those people in the current Yunshui Villa still don't know Lin Hao's evil thoughts, but it is estimated that even if they do, they will accept it happily.

And won't do anything against it.

Not to mention Lin Hao's Pokémon elves, although they sometimes do not stay by Lin Hao's master's side, there is absolutely no need to guess their loyalty. After all, they are produced by the system and are absolutely excellent! Demon Princess Roy, she would not do anything that would hurt Lin Hao. Although she was a little naughty occasionally, when faced with major events, Princess Roy would definitely stand by Lin Hao.

As for the reason, it goes without saying that there are also Lin Hao's female students, who are also loyal to Lin Hao.

After all, in this apocalypse, Lin Hao is like their parents, because without Lin Hao's help and support, the top students of these girls' schools would have been swallowed up by this fucking apocalypse long ago.

Don't say it anymore, it's actually over.

Lin Hao looked at the sky in the distance, but he was actually looking at the time on the virtual panel that appeared in the system.

[There is still 00:: before the summoning feast to attack the host's Yunshui Villa] Now the virtual panel of the system is already red, and it is still blood red.

Lin Hao has never felt that time can pass so long, the time countdown on the virtual panel of the system disappears second by second, which makes Lin Hao's heart tighten.

Although Lin Hao thinks that with his own strength, he should be able to resist most of the monsters, but the idea is the idea, the fact is the fact, this is different, who knows what will happen! Hope everything is fine! At this time, Lin Hao had no choice but to silently close his eyes and pray in his heart.

The beautiful girls who were partially transformed from Pokemon spirits beside Lin Hao seemed to feel the tension around Lin Hao, and they stopped making trouble.

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