[Received] [Deducting Doomsday Coins] [Deducting is completed, connecting the plane] [Preparing to summon creatures] [Summoning completed] [The system task 17 has been issued, please check the host in time and work hard to complete it.

] [Main quest: This summoning randomly came to a low-level plane - the plane of the undead.

There aren't many other species in the Undead Plane.

They are generally a group of bone racks with white flowers.

And there was a blue soul fire beating in their eyes.

The most difference is that their species determines their rank.

The main task of the host That is: to hit the undead of the low-level undead plane to prepare for the future invasion of the undead.

and gain control of this lower plane.



They are: fire spar, water spar, gold spar, wood spar, earth spar, light spar, dark spar.

Note: Each spar can greatly increase the power of your Pokémon, or evolve into a new mutant species.

】【Side quest 1: As the highest training master in this world, how can you occupy a place in this world without enough strength? Please have at least ten or more before the end of this summoning feast.

's Pokémon.

The Pokémon currently owned: [Fire-breathing Dragon] [Absol] [Fast Dragon] [Water Arrow Turtle] [Shanaiduo] [Heavenly Beast] [Pikachu] [Mizuki Suijin] [Latios] [Lady] Dias][Flying Dragon][Cracking Seat][Minas][Leaf Elf][Thunder Elf][Fairy Elf][Dark Magician Girl][Fire Nine-Tails][Ice Nine-Tails][Fossil Pterosaur] 【Rainbow Carp Dragon】【Wonderful Frog Flower】【Geng Ghost】【Qianxi Blue Bird】【Turkey Warrior 023】【Frozen Bird】【Lightning Bird】【Bite Land Shark】【Big Steel Snake】【Fire Breathing Camel】 lie in.


Chapter 277 Mission Appears 【Customize】


So please get new types of weapons and equipment production lines in the next battle.

Reward: New type of technology construction blueprint 2 Note: There will be new types of technology equipment that are higher than the host in the next attacking enemy.

】Lin Hao frowned as he watched the mission. The mission of killing the undead in the main storyline is still passable. After all, he has a Sky-Splitting Seat and a Fire-breathing Dragon, as well as a series of Pokemon spirits that can be super-evolved.

Moreover, Lin Hao had already killed level [-] bugs, but at that time it was only two at once.

So Lin Hao is not too worried about this kill mission.

It's just that the task of obtaining spar is a bit difficult, after all, it's just a few small things.

How to find the time in such a huge number, Lin Hao can only wait and see what happens.

Side quest [-] can still be completed. After all, Lin Hao already has seven Pokemon spirits that are over level [-], and Sister Disaster is already level [-]. Among the remaining Pokemon spirits, Flying Dragon and Little Dragon Girl It is also the closest Pokémon to level [-].

[Sister Absolu Disaster Level: 25 million 10 billion Attributes: Hate and Favorability: [-] Special Ability: Predicting Calamity, Super Evolution Skills: Claws, Lightning Flash, Provocation, Knife, Sword Dance, Shadow Clone, Destruction Death Light , Evil Fluctuation, Dark Attack, Spirit Blade, Yan Return, Ultimate Impact, Hell Stab] [Quick


Then I gave all the [One Billion EXP Card 6] and [Five Billion EXP Card 1] that were left over to Xiaolongnu.


So please get new types of weapons and equipment production lines in the next battle.

Reward: New type of technology construction blueprint 2 Note: There will be new types of technology equipment that are higher than the host in the next attacking enemy.

】Lin Hao frowned as he watched the mission. The mission of killing the undead in the main storyline is still passable. After all, he has a Sky-Splitting Seat and a Fire-breathing Dragon, as well as a series of Pokemon spirits that can be super-evolved.

Moreover, Lin Hao had already killed level [-] bugs, but at that time it was only two at once.

So Lin Hao is not too worried about this kill mission.

It's just that the task of obtaining spar is a bit difficult, after all, it's just a few small things.

How to find the time in such a huge number, Lin Hao can only wait and see what happens.

Side quest [-] can still be completed. After all, Lin Hao already has seven Pokemon spirits that are over level [-], and Sister Disaster is already level [-]. Among the remaining Pokemon spirits, Flying Dragon and Little Dragon Girl It is also the closest Pokémon to level [-].

[Sister Absolu Disaster Level: 25 million 10 billion Attributes: Hate and Favorability: [-] Special Ability: Predicting Calamity, Super Evolution Skills: Claws, Lightning Flash, Provocation, Knife, Sword Dance, Shadow Clone, Destruction Death Light , Evil Fluctuation, Dark Attack, Spirit Blade, Yan Return, Ultimate Impact, Hell Stab] [Quick


Then I gave all the [One Billion EXP Card 6] and [Five Billion EXP Card 1] that were left over to Xiaolongnu.

[Sister Absolu Disaster Level: 30 million 10 Attributes: Dislike and Favorability Degree: [-] Special Ability: Prediction of Calamity, Super Evolution Skills: Claws, Lightning Flash, Provocation, Cyclone Knife, Sword Dance, Shadow Clone, Destruction and Death Light, Evil Fluctuation, Dark Attack, Spiritual Blade, Yan Return, Ultimate Impact, Hell Stab, Fatal Strike Miscellaneous]

Chapter 278 Improve Strength 【Customize】

Chapter 279 Clearance 【Customize】

After Lin Hao used up these things, he found that his warehouse backpack was quite empty.


There are only [10 Billion EXP Cards] and [2 Million EXP Cards] these two items that directly enhance the power of Pokémon.

Lin Hao thought for a while, and then used two more [Skill Learning Cards].

He obtained a [Whirlwind Knife] from Sister Calamity and [Air Slash] from a fire-breathing dragon.

Lin Hao was quite satisfied with these two skills, after all, they were both offensive skills.

In this way, he also has two more means of attack.

Lin Hao thought about it for a while, and then opened the 70 diamond balls. Of course, he was trying to clear his inventory, so he didn't use Shanaido's lucky spell.

The result was tragic.

Two-thirds of the 70 diamond balls are empty, and that's all.

[Dongfeng Express 1] [Diamond Elf Ball 4 [One Hundred Cow 1] [Charging Device 1] It's gone, yes, it's gone.

This made Lin Hao cover his bleeding heart, and comforted himself secretly: "It's alright, it's not important, it's not important."

The only thing that made Lin Hao a little relieved was the four 44-stone Poké Balls] and the [Charging Device].

The charging device Lin Hao also looked at the system, it can be used for any electrical energy


Moreover, it makes its own resources, and there is no need for Lin Hao to go to the electricity series elves to recharge it.

This charging device is completely self-sufficient.

In this way, it can replace Lin Hao's... device that has been around since the beginning of the apocalypse.

Now that I think about it, that... the big guy who has been following Lin Hao and the others and converting electrical energy for them seems to be something that Song Lei made together in her laboratory.

But with the system-produced charging device, it's time to retire.

Lin Hao originally wanted to turn on all the [Diamond Poke Balls], but when he thought about how many Pokemon he controlled, he decided to use these [Diamond Poke Balls].

After Lin Hao used up these things, he found that his warehouse backpack was quite empty.


There are only [10 Billion EXP Cards] and [2 Million EXP Cards] these two items that directly enhance the power of Pokémon.

Lin Hao thought for a while, and then used two more [Skill Learning Cards].

He obtained a [Whirlwind Knife] from Sister Calamity and [Air Slash] from a fire-breathing dragon.

Lin Hao was quite satisfied with these two skills, after all, they were both offensive skills.

In this way, he also has two more means of attack.

Lin Hao thought about it for a while, and then opened the 70 diamond balls. Of course, he was trying to clear his inventory, so he didn't use Shanaido's lucky spell.

The result was tragic.

Two-thirds of the 70 diamond balls are empty, and that's all.

[Dongfeng Express 1] [Diamond Elf Ball 4 [One Hundred Cow 1] [Charging Device 1] It's gone, yes, it's gone.

This made Lin Hao cover his bleeding heart, and comforted himself secretly: "It's alright, it's not important, it's not important."

The only thing that made Lin Hao a little relieved was the four 44-stone Poké Balls] and the [Charging Device].

The charging device Lin Hao also looked at the system, it can be used for any electrical energy


Moreover, it makes its own resources, and there is no need for Lin Hao to go to the electricity series elves to recharge it.

This charging device is completely self-sufficient.

In this way, it can replace Lin Hao's... device that has been around since the beginning of the apocalypse.

Now that I think about it, that... the big guy who has been following Lin Hao and the others and converting electrical energy for them seems to be something that Song Lei made together in her laboratory.

But with the system-produced charging device, it's time to retire.

Lin Hao originally wanted to turn on the [Diamond Poke Ball], but when he thought that he controlled too many Pokemon, he should leave these [Diamond Poke Ball] to Jessica and the others.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao thought of how Jessica and the others were paralyzed on the bed that day, so that in the next few days, Jessica Tao Fangyuan and the others did not dare to meet Lin Hao.

0 I guess he was scared by Lin Hao that day.

Those three [Elf Skill Learning Machines], Lin Hao directly gave to Rift Seat to use, after all, Rift Seat is the strongest Pokémon among the Pokémon he summoned so far.

And they are about to face the invasion of the undead, so the stronger the cracking seat is, it also proves that Lin Hao and the others have a higher winning rate.

So Lin Hao did his part and gave all three 3 [Elf Skill Learning Machines] to the split empty seat.

And Lin Hao's dragon series has a lot of elves, so he chose the most powerful skills among the many dragon and flying elves.

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