Sun Qiang wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at the [-]-meter-high city wall, almost full of bugs, and he could go straight down.

"Defend this wave, and there's the next wave.

Sun Qiang, send someone to clean the battlefield and burn all the bugs below.

Check whether the wall is damaged, repair as soon as possible if it can be repaired, and arrange for 24-hour alert if it cannot be repaired! Count the consumption of hot weapons, and then arrange for the wounded to receive treatment.”

Guo Haibing leaned against the city wall and said weakly.


At this moment, Lin Hao encountered a little trouble, or finally met his goal.

In the center of Huizhou Province, in a mountain pass, a black beam of light shot straight into the sky.

Not far from it, there was a survivor base on the top of the mountain, which was already dilapidated, but it was full of human corpses and Zhao's blood, and some small insects were eating the remaining flesh and blood.

Lin Hao rode the Flying Dragon in the air, looking at the two big guys coming towards him.

[Level [-] Venomous Flying Snake] That's right, it's the level [-] target that Lin Hao is looking for.

And two of them popped up all at once.

Although there is a snake in the name, it really looks like a dragonfly with three pairs of wings attached. Anyway, it looks a little weird. Its body is as long as a small train, and it flies in the air with three pairs of wings.

There are also jets on the body, which can spray out spherical venom that will explode, which is somewhat similar to the baneling insect.

"Two ninths.

It's a bit tricky, the Skycracker and the Fire-breathing Dragon are both resting, and it's not convenient to call them now."

Lin Hao frowned.

But there was not much time for him to think about it, because the two venomous cracking snakes had already spotted him.

It was flapping its wings and flying towards them.

Chapter 228 Level [-] Venomous Flying Snake? Win the first kill! 【Please customize】

Chapter 229 Fighting turkey warriors 【Customize】

After Latios beheaded his target, a figure rushed out of the dust, and at the same time, a reminder sounded in Lin Hao's mind.

[Latias killed the ninth-level poisonous cracking flying snake and gained 270 billion experience points.

For ten times the experience 11 cards, get 270 billion] [Latios Latias Level: 46 million 8 billion Attributes: Dragon Super Ability Special Ability: Super Evolution Skills: Mysterious Guardian, Dragon Claw, Dragon Breath, Clean Light, Dragon Dance, Healing Fluctuation, Tornado, Mind Shifter, Mind Hammer, Destruction of Death Light, Spiritual Power, Farewell Gift, Reverse Scale, Meteor Swarm, Self-Regeneration] Latios and Lattias have both entered Level [-] mark, and also learned a new skill, self-regeneration.

Self-regeneration is a skill with a limited number of times, which can restore half of one's own stamina after use.

Latios, who was weak enough to return to the Poké Ball, used self-regeneration at this moment, soaking his whole body in milky white light, but because of the parting gift he used.

Latios also only recovered [-]%.

Latias recovered [-]%.

The two at least still have fighting strength left and can continue to fight.

Lin Hao looked at the seven or eight Thunder King Insects with a playful smile on his face.

"Cut the leeks."

All the elves rushed up and launched a siege against the seven or eight Thunder King Insects.

Because there are several elves above 8, these thunder king bugs don't have much power to fight back.

And Lin Hao himself was taking a break from his busy schedule. He found a place free of bugs and watched the rewards given to him by the system.

Because of the completion of the mission of the first kill of the ninth-level monster.

There are three more things in Lin Hao's system warehouse: 【Five Billion Experience Cards 3】【Super Evolution Potion 1】【Random Attributes Choose 1 Poke Ball [-]】.

The super evolution potion, Lin Hao has no time to use now.

As for the extra sprites, although it may be a bit tasteless in such a vanguard team, one more can always kill more bugs.

Lin Hao directly clicked on this [Poké Ball 1 out of five random attributes] [Triggered random attributes out of five Poké Ball 1, now start extracting attributes] A series of small balls appeared in front of Lin Hao's eyes. They are all written with words, representing different attributes.

There are 19 in total.

They are: General, Fire, Water, Electricity, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Superpower, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Evil, Steel, Fairy, and Special.

Nineteen balls start spinning and disappear every second.

After Latios beheaded his target, a figure rushed out of the dust, and at the same time, a reminder sounded in Lin Hao's mind.

[Latias killed the ninth-level poisonous cracking flying snake and gained 270 billion experience points.

For ten times the experience 11 cards, get 270 billion] [Latios Latias Level: 46 million 8 billion Attributes: Dragon Super Ability Special Ability: Super Evolution Skills: Mysterious Guardian, Dragon Claw, Dragon Breath, Clean Light, Dragon Dance, Healing Fluctuation, Tornado, Mind Shifter, Mind Hammer, Destruction of Death Light, Spiritual Power, Farewell Gift, Reverse Scale, Meteor Swarm, Self-Regeneration] Latios and Lattias have both entered Level [-] mark, and also learned a new skill, self-regeneration.

Self-regeneration is a skill with a limited number of times, which can restore half of one's own stamina after use.

Latios, who was weak enough to return to the Poké Ball, used self-regeneration at this moment, soaking his whole body in milky white light, but because of the parting gift he used.

Latios also only recovered [-]%.

Latias recovered [-]%.

The two at least still have fighting strength left and can continue to fight.

Lin Hao looked at the seven or eight Thunder King Insects with a playful smile on his face.

"Cut the leeks."

All the elves rushed up and launched a siege against the seven or eight Thunder King Insects.

Because there are several elves above 8, these thunder king bugs don't have much power to fight back.

And Lin Hao himself was taking a break from his busy schedule. He found a place free of bugs and watched the rewards given to him by the system.

Because of the completion of the mission of the first kill of the ninth-level monster.

There are three more things in Lin Hao's system warehouse: 【Five Billion Experience Cards 3】【Super Evolution Potion 1】【Random Attributes Choose 1 Poke Ball [-]】.

The super evolution potion, Lin Hao has no time to use now.

As for the extra sprites, although it may be a bit tasteless in such a vanguard team, one more can always kill more bugs.

Lin Hao directly clicked on this [Poké Ball 1 out of five random attributes] [Triggered random attributes out of five Poké Ball 1, now start extracting attributes] A series of small balls appeared in front of Lin Hao's eyes. They are all written with words, representing different attributes.

There are 19 in total.

They are: General, Fire, Water, Electricity, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Superpower, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Evil, Steel, Fairy, and Special.

Nineteen balls start spinning and disappear every second.

The fire disappeared first, followed by flight.

Lin Hao stared at the Dragon Element, and he hoped that he would still be able to drive to the Dragon Element.

Unfortunately, at the tenth time, this genus also disappeared.

This feeling is like when the lottery is played, there is a feeling of unease.

In the end, there are only five 55 attributes left.

General, insect, grass, water, fighting.

"You have to choose attributes, normal attributes don't pick when you look at the name.

I also have quite a few spirits of water and grass, and what insects deal with now is insects, so forget it.

So far I haven't had a fighting class, so I'll choose a fighting class."

Lin Hao soon

The fighting attribute is selected.

The other four 44 balls disappeared, and in the end only the fighting-type balls remained.

And five 55 identical balls appeared.

[Consume one of five special Poke Balls, please choose a Pokemon you want within ten minutes, 'mosquito-repellent tadpole', 'naughty panda', 'fire chick', 'arm strength', 'monkey monster'] The first mosquito-repellent tadpole at first It is not a fighting type, but a water type elves. The second stage of evolution is also a water type mosquito-repellent frog. It was not until the third stage that it evolved into a fast swimming frog with water type and fighting type.

The second naughty panda is a fighting type, and its evolution is a rogue panda, which has fighting type and evil type.

The third fire chick is also not a fighting type, but a fire type elf.

The second stage of evolution has become a strong chicken with fire and fighting styles, and the third stage is a turkey warrior.

The fourth arm is of the fighting type, and its second stage has two evolutions, the heroic and the strange, both of which are fighting.

Five fighting spirits were displayed in front of Lin Hao.

In the end, Lin Hao chose the turkey chicks that could evolve into fire and fighting turkey warriors.

Because the fire attribute is second only to the dragon type and the flying type, the power is only a little worse than the electric type, and the fire type also restrains bugs.

【Obtain the elf 'Fire Chick'】Lin Hao summoned the Fire Chick.

The turkey chick is quite cute, with a body similar to that of a chick, the body is mainly orange, and there are two small wings.

Lin Hao directly blessed it with [-] billion experience cards.

The body of the turkey chick immediately.

There is an upgrade light.

[Fire chick upgrade 1, evolve 'lizhuang chicken'] Lizhuang chicken is much stronger than fire chicken, and its body is mainly composed of light yellow and orange.

It has very sharp claws

The body of the strong chicken continues to shine with upgraded light.

[Strong chicken upgrade 3, evolve 'turkey warrior'] The turkey warrior completely has the body shape of a human.

The turkey warrior has a white feather, sharp claws wrapped in bandages and strong legs. Its feathers are very gorgeous, and the contrast between the blue eyes and the color of the whole body highlights its extraordinary temperament.

[Turkey Warrior Level: 5 Attributes: Fire Fighting Skills: Spark, Sand, Flame Fist, Jet Flame, Split, Lightning Flash, Flame Splash, Flame Vortex, Double Kick, Knee Kick, Flame Kick , Parroting] Let's take a look at the skills of the turkey warriors, not to mention the skills of fire and fighting.

Lin Hao couldn't help imagining that this turkey warrior would look like a god horse when he turned into a humanoid. "There are still [-] billion experience cards, so I will upgrade the blue bird for the Qixi Festival."

Lin Hao also gave [-] billion experience points to the Qixi Blue Bird.

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