"Fire-breathing dragon, these experiences will be given to you."

Lin Hao rode the Flying Dragon and looked at the fire-breathing dragon beside him.

Flames were burning in the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon, and it looked like it was ready to go.

"[Ten times the experience of 11 cards for one hour] Bless the fire-breathing dragon.

Fire-breathing dragon, super evolution!"

[Fire-breathing dragon super evolution, please choose the evolution form 'fire-breathing dragon''' fire-breathing dragon' "fire-breathing dragon"

The blue flame burned out the entire body of the fire-breathing dragon, and the blue-black fire-breathing dragon emerged from the flames, swooping down towards the Thunder King insect below.

The speed of the dragon's dive was extremely fast, and it directly hit the Thunder King Insect, and the Thunder King Insect even had two feet off the ground, and its body almost rolled over.

"Hoo ho ho."

The Thunder King worm roared, and the whole body was covered with lightning.

A more ferocious roar sounded from the fire-breathing dragon's mouth.

The fire-breathing dragon then used the dragon's claws, and the two claws were inserted into the scales of the Thunder King Worm.


The fire-breathing dragon let out a long roar, and its wings flapped violently.

The huge Thunder King Insect was abruptly lifted into the sky by the fire-breathing dragon, which is enough to show how terrifying the power of the fire-breathing dragon is.

This time, the fire-breathing dragon only flew to five or six kilometers, and then swooped down again with the Thunder King Insect. Because of the weight, it was no slower than the speed of diving down at an altitude of [-] meters! Throwing a mountain on the earth!

Chapter 225 The Master's Summoned Beast Is So Strong [Customize]

The fire-breathing dragon threw the Thunder King Worm right in the middle of the bridge on the northwest side of the Modu Yangtze River Bridge.

All the worms on the bridge were crushed to death and turned into mashed meat.

Blue gas came out of the fire-breathing dragon.

"Dragon Wave!"

With one move, Dragon Wave smashed down, completely killing the life of the eighth-level Thunder King insect, and at the same time smashing the Yangtze River Bridge in the Demon Capital.


Flame Vortex, Flame Fang, Flame Splash, Jet Flame, Earth Throw, Dragon Tail, Purgatory, Explosive Flame, Tornado, Big Character Explosion, Dragon Dance, Air Slash, Dragon Breath, Dragon Dive, Dragon Wave, Flash Charge: Fire-breathing dragon has learned a new skill 'Flame Charge'.

This is a fire-based skill, allowing the flame to cover the whole body and then slam into the enemy, which will cause terrifying damage to the enemy, but you will also suffer some damage.

The super-evolved fire-breathing dragon, facing an eighth-level thunder king bug, could easily handle it in less than half a minute, and it was also upgraded two levels to seven.

However, such a high-intensity battle is estimated to consume a lot of physical strength.

"Good fire-breathing dragon, now you go to hunt down all the eighth-level thunder king bugs in the entire magic capital!"

Lin Hao ordered.

Visually, if the five or six Thunder King worms were hunted by the fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon could gain at least 80 billion experience points, and there would be no problem in breaking through to level [-].

"Others, start fighting.

Hunt down as many high-level bugs as possible, and slaughter those seven-level Corrupted Cannon Beasts across the bridge for me!"

Lin Hao also gave orders to the other elves. He carried the Heavenly Girl Beast himself, and Sister Dao landed in a convenient place to fight the bugs.

But a group of people on Changxing Island had absolutely no idea what was going on.

All they know is that a fire dragon suddenly appeared, then turned into a super handsome blue-black dragon, and took the giant bug that attacked them into the sky.

He threw it down heavily, and then used a super powerful trick to destroy the Yangtze River Bridge and that... bug.

"That...that...the giant dragon, what the hell is it? It's too strong."

The Thunder Magician swallowed.

Remember what you just said

The fire-breathing dragon threw the Thunder King Worm right in the middle of the bridge on the northwest side of the Modu Yangtze River Bridge.

All the worms on the bridge were crushed to death and turned into mashed meat.

Blue gas came out of the fire-breathing dragon.

"Dragon Wave!"

With one move, Dragon Wave smashed down, completely killing the life of the eighth-level Thunder King insect, and at the same time smashing the Yangtze River Bridge in the Demon Capital.


Flame Vortex, Flame Fang, Flame Splash, Jet Flame, Earth Throw, Dragon Tail, Purgatory, Explosive Flame, Tornado, Big Character Explosion, Dragon Dance, Air Slash, Dragon Breath, Dragon Dive, Dragon Wave, Flash Charge: Fire-breathing dragon has learned a new skill 'Flame Charge'.

This is a fire-based skill, allowing the flame to cover the whole body and then slam into the enemy, which will cause terrifying damage to the enemy, but you will also suffer some damage.

The super-evolved fire-breathing dragon, facing an eighth-level thunder king bug, could easily handle it in less than half a minute, and it was also upgraded two levels to seven.

However, such a high-intensity battle is estimated to consume a lot of physical strength.

"Good fire-breathing dragon, now you go to hunt down all the eighth-level thunder king bugs in the entire magic capital!"

Lin Hao ordered.

Visually, if the five or six Thunder King worms were hunted by the fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon could gain at least 80 billion experience points, and there would be no problem in breaking through to level [-].

"Others, start fighting.

Hunt down as many high-level bugs as possible, and slaughter those seven-level Corrupted Cannon Beasts across the bridge for me!"

Lin Hao also gave orders to the other elves. He carried the Heavenly Girl Beast himself, and Sister Dao landed in a convenient place to fight the bugs.

But a group of people on Changxing Island had absolutely no idea what was going on.

All they know is that a fire dragon suddenly appeared, then turned into a super handsome blue-black dragon, and took the giant bug that attacked them into the sky.

He threw it down heavily, and then used a super powerful trick to destroy the Yangtze River Bridge and that... bug.

"That...that...the giant dragon, what the hell is it? It's too strong."

The Thunder Magician swallowed.

Recalling what he said just now, should he call this fire dragon father "I don't know, we are better now anyway."

The... muscular girl walked back, her dignified brows stretched a little.

"But we cannot let our guard down.

You have eradicated all the bugs on our side of the bridge, and arranged 24:[-] vigilance here.

Then I instructed to go on and set up observation posts every ten meters around Changxing Island. If any insects are found, immediately.

report and destroy it!"

Muscle said.


Xiajiang City Yang Chen was worried about Lin Hao's departure from Yang Ru.

But after seeing the combat power of the four 44 powerful creatures, my mind was in my stomach.

"All critically wounded, please come here for treatment


In the center of the camp, a long line had already appeared in front of Shanaido.

Many of the wounded are waiting for Shanaido's treatment.

And Shanaido still maintains the elf form, but everyone looks at this cute "little princess" who can speak human words

, have a feeling of love.

It's so beautiful and so gentle.

The moment that thought popped into those men's minds, they all smiled bitterly in their hearts: Is it because they have been single for too long and look at a summoned beast, and they all feel good-looking.

The water arrow turtle is currently standing at the highest position in the Xiajiang city camp, and it has now turned into a fixed fort.

Any dense insect swarms or high-level insects that appear within ten kilometers will face its high-pressure water cannon.

If the distance is less than one kilometer and approaching the defense line, then reward a destruction light.

With the existence of this big turtle, the entire camp seems to have taken a reassurance pill. In addition, there are Pikachu and Suicune.

Pikachu, a cute creature, is completely a pet in the eyes of others, not like a summoned beast that can fight.

But the strength it shows is sometimes even more astonishing.

It's just that it is particularly pestering Yang Ru now, and when there are no enemies, it likes to get into Yang Ru's chest to rest.


Pikachu aimed at a group of bugs and released hundreds of thousands of volts, which directly focused the bugs.

"Pikachu, you are really amazing."

Yang Ru kissed Pikachu, then turned her head to see that she was still there: the headless knight in battle.

Although the Headless Horseman is also very powerful, he has speed, and he is also very sturdy, has no pain, and is not afraid of life and death.

Too bad it's not as cute as Pikachu.

Suddenly, hundreds of hidden Banelings appeared in the swarm, and they rolled over and began to charge towards the defense line.

Yang Ru has already seen the power of these Baneling insects. If these Baneling insects are allowed to explode in front of the defense line, the defense line will collapse directly.

At this moment, a bright blue light appeared.

'Mirror Reflection' Suicune released a mirror reflection, blocking the Baneling directly in front of him.

Boom boom, all explosions were blocked, and 4.

3 The bugs in the back suffered.

'Strong wind, freezing light, freezing wind' Suicune's continuous attacks made it difficult for those bugs to approach the direction.

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