
Lin Hao asked.

"There is a large repair shop on the southern border of Jiangning Province called Dajiang Repair Shop.

In the first month of the end of the world, because there were few awakened people at that time, no one dared to confront zombies or mutant creatures head-on.

The food problem is serious. I heard that the people at the Dajiang Depot actually started to eat human flesh and hunt human beings! I don't know if it is because of this reason that a large number of Awakened people appeared in their team.

From then on, they began to loot the supplies, and in the following month, almost half of the supplies in Jiangning Province were looted to their own camp.

Except for places with inheritors like the Xiajiang Survivor Base, they will not provoke them, other small camps have been looted by them."

The survivor's eyes were red, he clenched his fists, his fingernails had pierced his palms, and blood dripped down.

"I came from a small town where there were about three hundred survivors.

Three weeks ago, the brutes attacked our camp and stole our food.

Moreover, in order not to eat their own people, they also robbed our people and stored them as meat animals! That group...is the beasts that eat people! My brother was taken away by them!"

Cannibalism can improve one's own strength. This was the first time Lin Hao heard of such a thing.

"Miss Yang Ru, is that so?"

Lin Hao looked at Yang Ru and asked.

Yang Ru sighed and nodded.

"That's right.

It is because of the existence of this Dajiang repair shop, although they dare not attack our camp because I am the inheritor.

But all the food around was scavenged.

Coupled with the large number of survivors who came to the camp because they destroyed the camp, our camp is also a little difficult to support.

That's why we had to take the risk and dare not come to the Dajiang repair shop.

, to search for food.

As a result, we did not expect that we still underestimated the strength of these monsters.

Being besieged here, if it wasn't for your help, sir, we would probably be doomed."

Yang Ru looked at Lin Hao gratefully.

The humming earth began to tremble, and the factory buildings trembled.

"not good

Now, a large number of mutant creatures around the black circle are swarming towards us."

Someone exclaimed.

Yang Ru was shocked.

Lin Hao looked over, and indeed a large number of mutant creatures appeared, which should have been attracted by the battle just now.

"Miss Yang Ru, take your people and evacuate."

Lin Hao said lightly.

"How about you, sir?"

Yang Ru looked at Lin Hao worriedly.

Lin Hao smiled slightly, and he pointed to the fire dragon behind him: "Miss Yang Ru is still worried about me?"

Yang Ru laughed at herself, yes, people have such summons that come and go freely, if she could also summon flying creatures, then she wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"Then let's say goodbye."

Yang Ru took a few steps, then turned around and asked, "By the way, I don't know what your name is, sir, and where you come from.

In the future, Yang Ru will also repay my kindness."

"Jiangnan Province, Yunshui Villa, Lin Hao.

You don’t need to repay your kindness, in the end times, just live your own life.”

Lin Hao waved his hands lazily.

Yang Ru took a look at Lin Hao, and then asked her people to bring back the overturned car downstairs. Fortunately, it was good to use 0. Then she quickly took out food from the warehouse, and filled several cars. Enough for a survivor base of a thousand people to eat for half a month.

"Let's go quickly."

Yang Ru asked the team to immediately.

Set off.

Because the car is full of food, the speed is not very fast.

Some able-bodied Awakeners even carried a few sacks of food on their backs while pushing the cart.

A few minutes later, Yang Ru's convoy had traveled to a hillside a few kilometers away, and from that position, they could see the warehouse factory where they had been besieged before.

At this moment, in front of this warehouse building is already a large group of mutant creatures, and they are about to be engulfed by these monsters in a blink of an eye.

But the next moment, dozens of rays of light appeared, and strange creatures appeared on the warehouse.

Some are standing there, some are on all fours, and some are flying in the air.

"So many summons"

Yang Ru was stunned.

If you count it carefully, there are at least twenty summoned creatures, and they are of different types.

Even Yang Ru, she can only summon five or six types of summons at most.

And the next scene made them stunned, because these creatures that appeared were completely crushing those mutant creatures.

Raging flames, bone-piercing ice, turbulent torrents, thunder and lightning, and various energy shock waves.

This is exactly 1.

3 is a sci-fi blockbuster full of special effects.

Thousands of first-level mutant creatures were all burned to the ground in front of a vortex of flames.

Even hundreds of third-level mutant creatures were harvested by the cute squirrel-shaped summoning thing with electricity.

Even if it is a fifth-level or sixth-level mutant creature.

It is also not a match for the flying summons at all.

For those flying summons, those mutant creatures are like rabbits on the ground waiting for them to hunt.

"When will I be able to become such a summoner?"

Yang Ru's heart was extremely excited, she clutched her chest, and she felt that a belief was gathering.

A name left a deep imprint on her mind.

Lin Hao!

Chapter 201 Dajiang Society 【Customize】

The battle was over after an hour.

Yang Ru and the others just stared at the top of the hill for an hour.

"It's all gone"

"And it seems that none of Mr. Lin Hao's summoned beasts were damaged."

"That fire dragon is so handsome, I really want to have one."

"I'm in love, I'm really in love, that celestial beast is so perfect."

Everyone in Yang Ru's team was deeply shocked by this battle.

For the first time, they discovered that the original zombies and mutant creatures are not scary, and there are times when they are timid and slaughtered.

Before, when they encountered large-scale zombies and mutant creatures, they could only avoid and escape.

They only dare to face some lonely zombies and mutant creatures, and they can only choose some low-level ones.

Even the sixth-level inheritor Yang Ru would not dare to provoke a sixth-level mutant creature.

Even in the face of fifth-level mutant creatures or zombies, Yang Ru needs the cooperation of more than 08 awakened people to kill them.

After all, the stamina of the awakened and the inheritor is much worse than that of the zombies and mutant creatures.

And now, more than [-] summoned beasts have slaughtered two million mutant creatures and zombies.

There are post-war smoke, potholes, and mountains of monster corpses and wreckage everywhere.

This one-hour battle, it can't be called a battle, it's a one-hour special effect blockbuster! Yang Ru suddenly ran off the car and ran towards the battlefield at a quick pace.

"Yang Ru!"

"Sister Yang!"

Several survivors shouted, but they had no choice but to drive after them.

Yang Ru ran into the post-war ruins.

"Sister Yang, why are you running down here?

That Mr. Lin has long since left."

a player said.

Yang Ru opened her arms and took a deep breath: "I am feeling the breath of this battle, and I will definitely become a powerful summoner like that Lin Hao in the future."

Before that, Yang Ru had taken a fancy to her ability to control fire, thinking that the inheritance of the Undead Summoner was too tasteless.

Not only does it consume a huge amount of time, but it takes a long time to recite the spell, and the strongest summoned objects are only equivalent to the strength of a third-level awakener.

She will not use the power of the Undead Summoner until it is absolutely necessary.

The battle was over after an hour.

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