Lin Hao looked around and saw the map of the walled city next to him.

He walked over, and on the original map, a red line was drawn around the ancient city, which seemed to be the existing area of ​​the Yuncheng base.

Less than 10% of the entire urban area of ​​Yuncheng.

"Give you one month, with Yunjiang as the boundary.

The existing Yuncheng base is the inner city, and a larger Yuncheng base will be established.”

Lin Hao drew a circle covering half of Yuncheng directly according to Yunjiang.

"Is there a problem"

Lin Hao looked at Xu Yibing.

Xu Yibing's eyes lit up, she saw Lin Hao's plan, which was to cultivate the Yuncheng base.

"no problem!"

Xu Yibing stood up straight and said excitedly.

"As for food, if there are not enough seeds for crops, tell me.

As for the water source, you can send someone to repair a water pipeline leading to Yunshui Villa, and Yunshui Villa can supply water to you."

Lin Hao's two words relieved Xu Yibing's worries.


Xu Yibing looked at Lin Hao and asked cautiously, "Then, Mr. Lin, what kind of place are you going to make Yuncheng into?"

"You want to ask me how many survivors are you going to accommodate?"

Lin Hao looked at Xu Yibing with a smile, of course she knew Lin Hao's careful thinking.

Xu Yibing was actually eager to accommodate more refugees, but she was worried about Lin Hao.

"I don't set an upper limit on the number of people.

My request is still the same...

Yuncheng base, lenient out and strict entry, everyone who comes in must ensure their nature.

These things can be done slowly, don’t worry, but don’t let me down in Yuncheng Base.”

Lin Haodao.

The reason why he supported Yuncheng Base so much was because of the black circle, the appearance of the black circle brought a certain threat to Yunshui Villa.

So Lin Hao is going to build several defensive zones around Yunshui Villa.

The first one is naturally the Yuncheng base, and a large number of awakened people can provide security for the surrounding area of ​​Yuncheng Villa.

As for the next few seat belts, Lin Hao is not in a hurry.

"Okay, that's it.

I still have some things to deal with, so I'll leave first."

Lin Hao got up and said goodbye to leave.

Xu Yibing watched Lin Hao ride away on the fire-breathing dragon's back, and she clenched her fists: "I will definitely build a Yuncheng base that will satisfy you!"

Lin Hao rode the fire-breathing dragon and did not return to Yunshui Villa, but took out the map and compass.

"Zhouzhuang, Jiangning Province, is this direction.

Fire-breathing dragon, fly three hundred kilometers in this direction."

Lin Hao gave instructions.

He had to find out what a black circle that person was talking about.

Three hundred kilometers, at the speed of the fire-breathing dragon, although there is no super evolution, it is a matter of more than ten minutes.

Soon the fire-breathing dragon crossed the provincial border, and flew a few minutes before reaching the sky above Zhouzhuang.

There are a large number of zombies and mutant creatures gathered below, and a black circle with a diameter of two hundred meters is particularly obvious in the center.

"Damn, that's what it is."

Lin Hao frowned, he didn't think there was such a thing here.

"If Jiangning Province has this thing, will other places have this thing too."

Lin Hao had a bad premonition in his heart. He drove the fire-breathing dragon to fly low to other places, carefully searching for all the places where zombies and mutant creatures gathered.

Chapter 197 The weak and helpless zombie lord 【Customize】

In the middle of the night, the lights of Lin Hao's villa were always on.

Lin Hao sat in his office for a long time without speaking.

"You're in a bad mood."

Said Sister Disaster, who was sitting by the window.

Lin Hao smiled helplessly and lit a cigarette for himself: "In this situation, how can I be in a good mood.

In my earliest days, I thought that if I established Yunshui Villa, I would be able to be a free and easy earth emperor in the last days.

But then I found out that I was wrong, and there are always troubles looking for you. After one is dealt with, there will be another immediately.

I doubt whether this apocalypse is a game set up by God, or it is constantly playing with us, and we humans have only one ending, and that is destruction!"

Lin Hao's eyes were fixed on the map in front of him. This afternoon, he spent five hours patrolling several provinces at a low altitude, and even the furthest Lin Hao flew to seven or eight hundred kilometers away.

The result of this afternoon's search was the dazzling black dots on the map in front of me.

"I just found 13 black circles!"

Lin Hao patted the table and scolded: "If the thirteen black circles all have a threat as big as the one in Lihu City...the black circle, how can the existing survivor organization be able to withstand it!"

"Are you worried about those people?"

Sister Disaster looked at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao rolled his eyes: "I'm worried about what they are doing, I'm worried about ourselves, although we are strong.

But if all the survivor organizations in those provinces were destroyed, or we would be the only place left on this land.

You think we can survive the disaster, and then it will be a sea of ​​worms!"

Lin Hao seemed to have seen that scene, millions, tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of bugs swarmed towards Yunshui Villa from all directions.

"I don't see it that way.

Human beings are very fragile, and they may be temporarily unable to resist the threats of nature.

However, the threat of the existence of this kind of creature, I believe there will still be someone who can support it.

Although it is possible to pay a very heavy price", it seems that in your human society in the past, in order to eradicate the creature, you made a lot of things, chemical sprays, or some kind of medicine.

In the end, the cockroaches were not killed.

And now facing this end of the world, you are no different from that cockroach. As long as human beings still hold the belief of living, then naturally

In the middle of the night, the lights of Lin Hao's villa were always on.

Lin Hao sat in his office for a long time without speaking.

"You're in a bad mood."

Said Sister Disaster, who was sitting by the window.

Lin Hao smiled helplessly and lit a cigarette for himself: "In this situation, how can I be in a good mood.

In my earliest days, I thought that if I established Yunshui Villa, I would be able to be a free and easy earth emperor in the last days.

But then I found out that I was wrong, and there are always troubles looking for you. After one is dealt with, there will be another immediately.

I doubt whether this apocalypse is a game set up by God, or it is constantly playing with us, and we humans have only one ending, and that is destruction!"

Lin Hao's eyes were fixed on the map in front of him. This afternoon, he spent five hours patrolling several provinces at a low altitude, and even the furthest Lin Hao flew to seven or eight hundred kilometers away.

The result of this afternoon's search was the dazzling black dots on the map in front of me.

"I just found 13 black circles!"

Lin Hao patted the table and scolded: "If the thirteen black circles all have a threat as big as the one in Lihu City...the black circle, how can the existing survivor organization be able to withstand it!"

"Are you worried about those people?"

Sister Disaster looked at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao rolled his eyes: "I'm worried about what they are doing, I'm worried about ourselves, although we are strong.

But if all the survivor organizations in those provinces were destroyed, or we would be the only place left on this land.

You think we can survive the disaster, and then it will be a sea of ​​worms!"

Lin Hao seemed to have seen that scene, millions, tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of bugs swarmed towards Yunshui Villa from all directions.

"I don't see it that way.

Human beings are very fragile, and they may be temporarily unable to resist the threats of nature.

However, the threat of the existence of this kind of creature, I believe there will still be someone who can support it.

Although it is possible to pay a very heavy price", it seems that in your human society in the past, in order to eradicate the creature, you made a lot of things, chemical sprays, or some kind of medicine.

In the end, the cockroaches were not killed.

And now facing this apocalypse, you are no different from that cockroach, as long as human beings still hold the belief of living, there will naturally be some people who will go upstream in this perilous situation.”

"I hope so."

Lin Hao looked at the map with black dots in front of him.

There are five days left until the end of March.

Lin Hao went out early the next morning, riding a fire-breathing dragon to the sky above a farm in Haixi Province.

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