Xiao Yunrou saw that

[Flying Dragon Level: Attribute: Dragon Flight Special Ability: Super Evolution Skills: Flame Teeth, Thunder Teeth, Anger, Sparks, Dragon Tail, Dragon Breath, Head Hammer, Dragon Claw, Mind Hammer, Jet Flame, Steel Wing] [Fast Dragon Level:.

Billion 44 Billion Attributes: Dragon Flight Special Ability: Super Evolution Favorability: 10 Skills: Electromagnetic Wave, Tornado, Dragon Wrath, Dragon Tail, High Speed ​​Movement, Water Tail, Dragon Dance, Dragon Dive, Reverse Scale, Steel Wing , Thunder and Lightning Fist, Freezing Light, Flame Fist, Dragon Breath, Destruction Death Light] [Sky Girl Beast Level: .

billion 18.

Billion Attributes: Angel Element Light Element Special Ability: Super Evolution Skills: Sacred Bow and Arrow, Heavenly Purple Light, Sacred Bubble, Archangel Sword] Early the next morning, Lin Hao stood on the balcony 04, he clutched his waist, for the sake of these three Only the elf is super-evolved, but he worked hard all night.

In the end, the three dragons, the fast dragon and the beast, all possessed super evolutionary bodies.

And at this moment, Lin Hao is going to take them to see how their super evolutionary form is.

Lin Hao jumped onto the Flying Dragon, and this was his first time riding the Flying Dragon.

The back of the Stormwind Dragon is much wider than that of the Fire-breathing Dragon, and at least a dozen people can sit on it.

And because of the wings, the Flying Dragon is quite stable and comfortable in flight.

In the blink of an eye, the Flying Dragon flew over Ninghai City.

The container defense line in Ninghai City.

"Lord Xiao Yunrou, it's not good.

A violent sixth-level mutant creature appeared in the distance, and a group of fifth-level Hydralisks! They were biting and fighting each other.

And according to the trajectory of their movement, they will reach our Ninghai City in less than [-] minutes!"

Shao Tai hurriedly ran behind Xiao Yunrou.

Xiao Yunrou's face changed suddenly, she bit her lip lightly.

"A sixth-level mutant creature, and a group of fifth-level Hydralisks.

Damn, how could they come to us!"

Xiao Yunrou reached into her pocket and found that... a Chinese phone.

Such an enemy, Ninghai City could not resist, and it seemed that they had to turn to him for help.

"Look, a big bird appeared in the sky!"

"There are people on the bird!"

At this moment, the people on the container defense line pointed to the sky and shouted.

Xiao Yunrou suddenly raised her head and pulled out the mirror at the same time.

"It's him!"

Xiao Yunrou shouted in surprise when she saw that... riding a man she had never seen before.

"Lord Xiao Yunrou, could it be?"

asked eagerly.

"He's here, we're safe."

Xiao Yunrou's eyes were filled with admiration, her man came.

Lin Hao glanced at Ninghai City below.

Then take another look at the mutant creatures and bugs fighting in the distance.

The appearance of bugs naturally affected the original mutant creatures, and the battle broke out.

[Level [-], [-]-ton Black Pig King] [Level [-] Hydralisk] There is a total of a level [-] mutant creature and twenty or so level [-] Hydralisks.

Lin Hao got down from the Flying Dragon, and the Heavenly Beast flew behind Lin Hao, holding Lin Hao with both hands and flying into the air.

"Flying Dragon, super evolution!"

A blue-red splendid ray of light emanated from the Storm Flying Dragon, and then a behemoth that was even bigger, and could even be said to cover the sky, appeared.

After the super-evolution of the Tyrannosaurus, the two wings are twisted and glued together to form a huge crescent wing


Its head, neck, and torso have become slender, its limbs shortened, and its tail slender, giving it a streamlined body.

The uppermost pair of triangles on both sides of its head: the wings are greatly increased, the middle pair extends forward to the nose wing, and the bottom pair is unchanged.

The gray shell of its lower jaw peeled off, revealing smooth red skin, and the shell of its belly became: a vest-like armor.

It is because of the huge wings that it has the feeling of covering the sky.

"Flying Dragon, use your strongest means.

Destroy those enemies in the shortest time."

Lin Hao gave instructions.


The Flying Dragon raised its head and howled, as if it was responding to Lin Hao, and it seemed to be facing the enemy on the ground, announcing its own appearance.

The Flying Dragon swooped down.

The Storm Dragon directly used the jet flame, and the raging flames stopped the fighting on both sides.

Then the stormy dragon spotted a hydralisk, swooped down, and took a bite.

The flame-fanged snake worm burned directly into the residue in the mouth of the flying dragon.

The hill-like body of the million-ton black pig king stared at the Flying Dragon, and it opened its mouth to the Flying Dragon.

Its bloated poison sac began to swell, as if something was condensed inside, and a second later, a black beam of light shot straight up.

In the face of this move of the million-ton black pig king, the Flying Dragon spread his wings and stayed where he was.

There was a boom boom, and the smoke dissipated.

The Flying Dragon was still flying in the air, and some wounds appeared on its body, making it look a little embarrassed.

However, the eyes of the Storm Flying Dragon became more and more divine.

It roared, and the whole body was enveloped in light.

"It uses 'anger'"

Lin Hao understood why the Flying Dragon would take this move, it was entirely because of one of its skills, 'Anger'.


The effect of this skill 993 is that the heavier the injury, the greater the improvement of one's own strength in a short period of time, so the Flying Dragon deliberately resisted the enemy's attack, and then used "anger"

skills to improve your strength.

[Modify according to the needs of the plot, please do not lift the bar] The Flying Dragon used the 'ideal hammer', an energy group appeared on the forehead, and then smashed towards the black pig king below.

There was another huge explosion.

It's just that the Black Pig King can't stop the super-evolved Storm Flying Dragon.

The black pig king's belly like a hill was directly blasted out of a hole, and the black pig king fell into a pool of blood.

Stormwind looked at the remaining Hydralisks.

'Dragon Breath' The continuous dragon breath of the Flying Dragon directly smashed the slag of these hydralisks and insects.

[Flying Dragon kills the sixth-level million-ton black pig king, and gets 400 experience points] [Flying dragon kills the fifth-level Hydralisk, gaining experience points 430] Before and after less than twenty seconds, the battle will come to an end, Lin Hao left here riding the Flying Dragon. He still has two elves to test, and he needs to find the next target.

Leaving behind a group of people on the container defense line of Ninghai City, looking at the potholes smashed by the dragon breath in the area in the distance.

And the hill-like corpse of the Black Pig King.

This must be too strong.

Chapter 192 Twelve-Winged Angel? Heavenly Beast 【Customize】

In the battle of the Storm Flying Dragon, Lin Hao can be sure that the super-evolved Storm Flying Dragon can easily fight against the sixth-level enemy, and can fight against the seventh-level monster heads-up.

Coupled with the advantages of attributes, they tend to have the upper hand in real battles.

Soon, Lin Hao rode the Flying Dragon and arrived at the second test site. Below was a small county town. Inside the small county town, a group of cattle were running wildly.

Chief among them was a monster cow with three horns and flames under its feet.

[Level [-] Flame Demon Bull] This is a monster headed by a level [-] mutant creature.

"Come out, fast dragon."

Lin Hao summoned the fast dragon.

The fast dragon flaps its wings and flies.

"Fast dragon, super evolution!"

Lin Hao snorted.

The official version of the super evolution of the fast dragon has not yet come out. This is the version set by the book itself. The fast dragon radiates light. After a few breaths, the brand new fast dragon appeared in front of Lin Hao.

The wings are twice as large as before, and when fully opened, it is at least ten meters wide, and the body is much rounder than before. Appears sharper.

"Fast dragon, use the fastest speed to kill the enemies below."

Lin Hao gave instructions.

The fast dragon looked at the town below, and it directly cast the dragon's dive and galloped down.

The sixth-level flame bull noticed the enemy attacking in the sky, it opened its mouth and sprayed out raging flames to try to stop the fast dragon.

The fast dragon moves at a high speed, leaving only a few afterimages in the air at the extremely fast speed.

The Blazing Demon Bull couldn't capture the location of the fast dragon at all.

And when it reacted, the fast dragon had already flown in front of the flaming demon bull.

The fast dragon swung his fist full of electricity.

Lightning Fist! The flaming demon bull was dragged far away by Kuailong's punch, and the whole body was covered by electric current.

When the fast dragon stopped, the flaming demon ox was already slumped to the ground, looking scorched and dead.

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