Then I specifically look for that one... Hidden in the sea of ​​​​insects, the individual is relatively young, and they are hunted one by one.

Jiangnan Expressway.

这 是

Bing Jiuwei used the polar beam to kill the little bugs that rushed up one by one.

The fire nine tails use the flame vortex, and wherever the flame passes, the insects are burned by the flame, making a crackling sound.

This double heaven of ice and fire attracted some insects to rush forward one after another, as if they were not afraid of death at all.

Similar to zombies in this regard.

"Archangel's Sword!"

The Heavenly Girl Beast raised her arm high, and a luminous sword appeared in the Heavenly Girl Beast's hand, she swooped down, and harvested the lives of those insects with her own blade.

At this time, a few black shadows appeared in the sky, spitting poisonous stingers on the opposite side.

The celestial beast raised its head, it was a few insects with wings in the distance, the tail kept shooting poisonous stingers against the ground, and the poisonous stinger also had the function of explosion.


The fossil pterosaur roared and rushed up.

'High-speed movement' and 'Steel Wing' fossil pterosaurs used two skills, the wings were like two steel knives at high speed, and they directly split the bodies of those flying insects.


At this time, a worm floating in the air like a tumor appeared in the distance, and they would spray venom from their mouths, and those venoms could rot stones.

It will also spray energy beams, and the cement wall will be directly shot through.

When Tiannu Beast saw these creatures, it immediately noticed that these creatures were not weak.

She put away the sword of the archangel and opened her hands.

"Holy Purple Light!"

The purple light shot out, killing these floating tumor bugs

The battle here on Lihu Avenue is relatively spectacular, because a group of small dog-sized bugs swarms like a tide.

"Level [-] Magical Death Ripple!"

The black magician girl casts her own group attack spell, which is really a large piece.

But when one piece of worms dies, another piece of worms will appear immediately, as if it can't be killed at all.

Minas defended their positions with divine protection, and then used water cannons to destroy the bugs.

The fast dragon is constantly flying in the air, coming to a tornado or dragon's rage.

Then I specifically look for that one... Hidden in the sea of ​​​​insects, the individual is relatively young, and they are hunted one by one.

Jiangnan Expressway.

This is a highway that runs through the entire Jiangnan Province, along which you can reach various cities in Jiangnan Province very quickly.

This is also the closest place to the black beam of light in downtown Lihu, where the battle first started.

Thunder, grass, magic.

All kinds of tricks appear here, the Leaf Elf, the Thunder Elf, and the Fairy Elf stand on the highway like three 3-turrets, constantly releasing their skills.

Latias and Latios are two

A bomber, facing the sea of ​​​​worms below, tilted his attack

Cangyang Reservoir The Cangyang Reservoir also has traces of insects at this moment, and it is a large area.

Suicune, the water arrow turtle released the skill 'Rain'.

The next moment, the entire Cangyang Town was covered by torrential rain.

The water level of Cangyang Reservoir began to rise rapidly, and in a few minutes it submerged the entire Cangyang Town, which became a water bay.

Suicune, water arrow turtle, and tyrannical carp dragon are in this water ocean, fighting to their heart's content.

slaughter those bugs

Back to Lin Hao here.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

Lin Hao raised his hand and released [-] volts in one move. Electricity flashed, and the bugs were directly electrocuted.

Shanaido's hypnotism is also very effective on these bugs, and after releasing it, a piece of bugs all fell asleep.

0 Then, is Shanaido releasing, magic leaves and strong mental thoughts, which directly make these bugs die in a coma.

"Pika Pikachu!"

Don't look at Pikachu's small body, Lin Hao has seen this "divine beast"

of the power.

It's small body seems to have endless current.

One hundred thousand volts, the power grid, the electrical site, and the charging beam are released one after another.

The scene was like a thunder god descending from the earth.

"Fortunately, these insects are only in large numbers, and most of them are first-class larvae."

Lin Hao breathed a sigh of relief

[First-class larvae] Many of these insects are larvae, but the number is really terrifying, tens of thousands of them appear.

If you attack some survivor bases, it is estimated to be more terrifying than zombies and mutant creatures.

Because once broken through a corner, these larvae will swarm in and hunt all humans.

Even if the Awakened and the army survive, the vast majority of civilians will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

In addition to the larvae, there is also a bug that looks like an enlarged version of plankton.

[Second-level face blasting bug] The shape of this bug is a bit similar to the one in the movie that Lin Hao has seen before. It will explode extremely fast in a short time. It may be a great threat to the awakened, but for Lin Hao It's just one more target to hunt.

[Tier [-] Banelings] What is worth mentioning here is that the... exploding insects have green poison sacs, and when they approach a certain position, they will explode.

The explosive liquid will also corrode, and the power of the explosion is no less than that of one.

Lin Hao dared to say that only one thousand 1,00 of these bugs can blow up the city wall of Tianhai City.

Chapter 185 Crack Empty Seat vs Eighth-level Thunder King Insect 【Customize】

In addition to these, there are [fourth-level wingworms] that are creatures with wings and tails that fly in the air, but they are suppressed by high-altitude firepower.

[Level [-] Hydralisk] This is a seahorse-like and snake-like creature with sharp scythes on both arms, which can be used in melee combat and can release attacks similar to energy balls.

Just when Lin Hao thought there were no high-level monsters in this group of creatures.

The ground was still shaking, and cracks appeared in the ground under Lin Hao's feet.

"Be careful going underground!"

Lin Hao snorted.

At this time, a few dozen meters behind Lin Hao's line of defense, a huge worm-like creature emerged. Most of its body was still there: inside the soil, only a huge mouth was outside.

It sprayed spherical objects towards the surroundings, and after these spherical objects fell to the ground, they burst open, hatching larvae one by one, and the number became "seven-three-three" in an instant.

Thousands of them.

"This guy!"

Lin Hao stared at the creature.

[Level [-] Crypt Lord] Lin Hao immediately.

The order: "The fire-breathing dragon uses the big character blast on this big worm."

The fire-breathing dragon flew over the crypt lord and used a large character explosion.

The large-character flames formed by the raging flames roared down, directly hitting the sixth-level crypt lord below.

Lin Hao actually found out that the effect of fire skills on these bugs is very good. Maybe these unknown bugs are just as afraid of flames as the bugs on earth.

That... Crypt Lord's big mouth was blasted into slag by the big characters, and turned into a piece of meat with black smoke.

However, during this time, the crypt lord had released at least [-] to [-] larvae on Lin Hao's line of defense.

Fortunately, Lin Hao, Shanaido, and Pikachu's fighting power was good, and they stabilized this line of defense in no time.

"If this crypt lord appeared in Tianhai City, or in Ninghai City"

An idea popped into Lin Hao's mind.

As for the final result, Lin Hao didn't need to think too much.

The half-hour battle passed quickly.

The fire-breathing dragon also quickly recovered into a fire-breathing dragon due to excessive physical energy consumption.

Pikachu and Shanaido were also out of breath.

Lin Hao clenched the magic spider knife in his hand that had been covered with green liquid, he didn't even know how many insects he had killed.

In addition to these, there are [fourth-level wingworms] that are creatures with wings and tails that fly in the air, but they are suppressed by high-altitude firepower.

[Level [-] Hydralisk] This is a seahorse-like and snake-like creature with sharp scythes on both arms, which can be used in melee combat and can release attacks similar to energy balls.

Just when Lin Hao thought there were no high-level monsters in this group of creatures.

The ground was still shaking, and cracks appeared in the ground under Lin Hao's feet.

"Be careful going underground!"

Lin Hao snorted.

At this time, a few dozen meters behind Lin Hao's line of defense, a huge worm-like creature emerged. Most of its body was still there: inside the soil, only a huge mouth was outside.

It sprayed spherical objects towards the surroundings, and after these spherical objects fell to the ground, they burst open, hatching larvae one by one, and the number became "seven-three-three" in an instant.

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