Chapter 178 Green caterpillar evolution! 【Please customize】

Chapter 179 Come Out!Crack the empty seat! 【Please customize】

When I summoned Latias Latios and Suicune before, they all injected experience points in advance, and the summoning was successful.

If you think about it this way, the level is too low indeed is very reasonable.

Lin Hao pondered for a while, since the level of the splitting seat is not enough, then upgrade it.

Just this time, there are [-] billion experience cards.

Lin Hao first used a [-] billion EXP card on Korakuza.

[Cracked empty seat level:.

9 million attributes: Dragon flight skills: Tornado, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Air Slash, Dragon Dance, Primal Power, Dragon Wave, Divine Speed, Loud Sound] Kakuza jumped from 1 to 5, this skill One column is much richer than before. Tornado, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Dragon Dance, these are all skills that have appeared before.

Primordial power is to attack with the legendary primal power.

The dragon's wave is to gather the power of the dragon and spray energy waves from the mouth.

Divine Speed ​​is to increase the speed of Rift Seat for a period of time.

The loud noise is a roar, which can cause mental oppression to the enemy, and even for weak enemies, the enemy will directly lose the will to fight, or even fall into a state of chaos.

"It's already 5 now, and the time it can be summoned should be a little longer.

By the way, find a stronger opponent and test the power of this divine beast."

Lin Hao pondered.

He took back the celestial beast, and rode the fire-breathing dragon to find the prey of the first battle of the sky.

When flying to a canyon on the outskirts of Jiangnan Province, Lin Hao found four identical prey.

[Level [-] Pangolins] These are four level [-] Pangolins, and it looks like their prototypes are pangolins.

But this is a giant pangolin, four or five stories high, and it is covered with thick scales. Its face is not as cute as the pangolin before, it is as ugly as a crocodile, and its blood-red eyes are quite penetrating. .

"The defense is quite high, so it's just right for a trial move."

Lin Hao took out the... Poké Ball from the Fissure Seat.

The Poké Balls in Rift Block are a little different, they are golden, I don't know if it's because of the divine beast.

"Come out, Cracked Seat!"

Lin Hao summoned the empty seat.

The size of his fingers is completely different from the previous one, and his body size is already equivalent to a giant python, but looking at this situation, the level is not high enough, and it is not yet complete.

the following four

When I summoned Latias Latios and Suicune before, they all injected experience points in advance, and the summoning was successful.

If you think about it this way, the level is too low indeed is very reasonable.

Lin Hao pondered for a while, since the level of the splitting seat is not enough, then upgrade it.

Just this time, there are [-] billion experience cards.

Lin Hao first used a [-] billion EXP card on Korakuza.

[Cracked empty seat level:.

9 million attributes: Dragon flight skills: Tornado, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Air Slash, Dragon Dance, Primal Power, Dragon Wave, Divine Speed, Loud Sound] Kakuza jumped from 1 to 5, this skill One column is much richer than before. Tornado, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Dragon Dance, these are all skills that have appeared before.

Primordial power is to attack with the legendary primal power.

The dragon's wave is to gather the power of the dragon and spray energy waves from the mouth.

Divine Speed ​​is to increase the speed of Rift Seat for a period of time.

The loud noise is a roar, which can cause mental oppression to the enemy, and even for weak enemies, the enemy will directly lose the will to fight, or even fall into a state of chaos.

"It's already 5 now, and the time it can be summoned should be a little longer.

By the way, find a stronger opponent and test the power of this divine beast."

Lin Hao pondered.

He took back the celestial beast, and rode the fire-breathing dragon to find the prey of the first battle of the sky.

When flying to a canyon on the outskirts of Jiangnan Province, Lin Hao found four identical prey.

[Level [-] Pangolins] These are four level [-] Pangolins, and it looks like their prototypes are pangolins.

But this is a giant pangolin, four or five stories high, and it is covered with thick scales. Its face is not as cute as the pangolin before, it is as ugly as a crocodile, and its blood-red eyes are quite penetrating. .

"The defense is quite high, so it's just right for a trial move."

Lin Hao took out the... Poké Ball from the Fissure Seat.

The Poké Balls in Rift Block are a little different, they are golden, I don't know if it's because of the divine beast.

"Come out, Cracked Seat!"

Lin Hao summoned the empty seat.

The size of his fingers is completely different from the previous one, and his body size is already equivalent to a giant python, but looking at this situation, the level is not high enough, and it is not yet complete.

The four mountain-piercing beasts below felt the different aura above their heads, and they all started digging holes to escape.

"Korakuza, use the power of primal!"

Lin Hao shouted.

The cracking seat released its original power and instantly hit a mountain-piercing giant beast below that was about to escape.

Primordial power directly pierced through the scales of the giant beast, and was bruised all over the body. It is estimated that if the defense was not good, it would have fallen directly under this move.

"Crack the empty seat, use the air slash.

Take its head."

Lin Hao was very excited, and the combat effectiveness of the cracking seat was quite good.

It seems that there is absolutely no problem with single-handedly level [-].

Splitting the empty seat used the air slash to directly split the seriously injured mountain-piercing beast in half, and the blood splattered all over the ground.

[Kaikongza kills the sixth-level mountain-piercing beast, the test value is 300] "There are three more."

Lin Hao looked at the other three, the three had already burrowed into the soil, give them a few more seconds, and it is estimated that they will be gone.

"Crack the empty seat, use the loud noise!"

Crackling Seat raised his head and let out a roar.

Wherever the sound reached, all the mutant zombies, even if they heard the trembling of the heavens and the earth, stopped their movements.

And the three mountain-piercing beasts below were so frightened they didn't know what to do.

"Good opportunity! Dragon dance, with the dragon's fluctuation!"

Lin Hao will not let go of the experience of these three sixth-level mountain beasts.

The body of the cracking seat emits light, which is the bonus of Dragon Dance

its combat power.

Then Risakuza opened its mouth, and an energy wave shot out from the mouth, sweeping directly across the canyon below.

Boom boom, the canyon that originally had only one one, has now become a "ten"


And those three mountain beasts have been turned into powder.

Another ninety million experience.

"It's too awesome, as expected of a divine beast! I really want to see your human form."

Lin Hao looked at Kaikongza with some curiosity and expectation. After all, such a powerful divine beast, the humanoid body is Kaizakongza. Looking at Lin Hao, he seemed to understand what Lin Hao meant. It radiated light, and the embryonic form of a young girl gradually Appear.

But the next moment, a ray of light flashed into the Poké Ball, and the Rift Seat disappeared.

The air was suddenly quiet.

"No way.

It's only ten seconds."

Lin Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The battle before and after is only 1 seconds.

And the most important thing is the humanoid posture of Rivenza, which he hasn't seen yet.

"It seems that high-intensity battles will also increase the energy consumption of Rift Seat.

If you don't release skills and don't fight, it is estimated that it can exist for about five minutes."

Lin Hao speculated.

"never mind.

It is enough to have such a strong strength. This combat power is even stronger than the fire-breathing dragon of 7. It is estimated that only in the super-evolutionary state, there is hope to fight against it.

And it's still more than ten levels apart.

Facing those seventh-level mutant creatures is also trivial, and as long as the eighth-level creatures are not very troublesome, most of them are fine.

That is equivalent to the grade of the ninth-level mutant creature!"

Lin Hao was very happy in his heart, because he got a powerful divine beast. Although the time limit was a bit short, it was better than nothing, and it could be regarded as a killer at a critical moment.

"I still have [-] billion experience, if I give it to the split seat.

It won't even go up a few levels."

When the fire-breathing dragon was upgraded before, Lin Hao had already made great efforts to figure out the experience points between level 50 and 70, which was quite terrifying.

Instead of just leveling up a few levels, it's better to expand your existing team.

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