"This should be the food that Lord Xiao Yunshuang and that Lord Lin Hao ate together last night.

I should be fine if I secretly eat a little."

Feng Xiaojie put down her work and squatted directly beside the trash can.

Carefully took out the plastic bag containing the broken bones, wiped it with a tissue, and stuffed it directly into the mouth.

Feng Xiaojie's eyes were wet, this was the taste of meat.

Although there is not much meat, the bones are still edible. She chewed the bones hard and ate this rare "deliciousness"

Outside, I don't know how many people can't even eat bones.

Don't look at Xiao Yunrou's statement that the Ninghai Survivor Base has a lot of food reserves, but those are all allocated in a limited amount, and it is impossible for everyone to eat well.

Otherwise, it is estimated that

the second day.

After a night, although Bai Shixiong's remnants were all wiped out, the Ninghai Survivor Base was still immersed in a perilous atmosphere.

After all, everyone knows that the sixth murloc mutant is about to strike.

This is a huge boulder pressing on everyone's chest.

Feng Xiaojie was sorting documents in Xiao Yunrou's office. When she was about to throw some useless things into the trash can, she actually found a pile of chicken bones and spare ribs in a plastic bag in the trash can.

Feng Xiaojie's eyes widened, saliva kept swallowing.

She was Xiao Yunrou's secretary, and her living conditions were naturally not bad, but it was only a salary of one can of fish and meat every day, which was already quite a high standard in Ninghai City.

If there is only Feng Xiaojie alone, this is enough.

But she has a pair of parents, an elderly grandfather, and a three- or four-year-old brother.

One can of fish is not enough for a family of five.

Feng Xiaojie only ate a little bit each time, and most of it was left to her family. The family was worried that she was not full, so she lied and said that she had already eaten at Lord Xiao Yunshuang's house.

In fact, she hadn't eaten at all.

But she didn't dare to show it, because her grandfather had wanted to die several times, so she could only lie to him, saying that her salary was enough for a family of five people.

Before the end of the world, she weighed [-] pounds, and she was still worried about her weight at that time.

And now she only has [-] pounds left.

In more than two months, I lost [-] pounds directly! This is something that was completely imagined before the end of the world.

"This should be the food that Lord Xiao Yunshuang and that Lord Lin Hao ate together last night.

I should be fine if I secretly eat a little."

Feng Xiaojie put down her work and squatted directly beside the trash can.

Carefully took out the plastic bag containing the broken bones, wiped it with a tissue, and stuffed it directly into the mouth.

Feng Xiaojie's eyes were wet, this was the taste of meat.

Although there is not much meat, the bones are still edible. She chewed the bones hard and ate this rare "deliciousness"

Outside, I don't know how many people can't even eat bones.

Don't look at Xiao Yunrou's statement that the Ninghai Survivor Base has a lot of food reserves, but those are all allocated in a limited amount, and it is impossible for everyone to eat well.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will not be able to support even half a month.

After all, there are more than [-] survivors in Ninghai City, and there are not many left after each person is divided.

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside the door, as well as Xiao Yunshuang's voice.

Feng Xiaojie immediately.

Panicked, she still had broken bones in her mouth that she had not had time to eat, and her hands were full of oil stains.

There was a sound of unscrewing the handle from outside the door.

In a hurry, Feng Xiaojie used stealth directly.

"The 'bait' thing was put in place last night.

Three hundred people, divided into three batches, placed them in three 'ambush points' designated by 3, and arranged for people to monitor them, and if there were any signs of mutant creatures attacking, they would immediately notify us."

Xiao Yunrou left in her usual cheongsam.

Mr. Lin Hao of Yunshui Villa followed behind.

Feng Xiaojie was afraid that she would be posted when she stole the trash can bones, so she subconsciously disappeared, and squatted in the gap under the desk.

Although she is very hard, but after all, everyone has their own self-esteem, and she doesn't want others to see her lying on the trash can and eating the leftover bones of others.

Anyway, the end of the world

Before, she was also a top student who graduated from 211.

"I can quietly walk out the door."

Feng Xiaojie comforted herself.

But Lin Hao has a good habit of closing the door subconsciously.

Feng Xiaojie looked at the closed door, and wanted to cry without tears.

At this time, if I opened the door myself, I would definitely alarm the two people in the room. It seemed that I had to continue to hide and wait until the two of them left.

Feng Xiaojie squatted under the desk, covering her mouth, motionless.

"Why are there still broken bones here?"

Lin Hao asked suddenly when he saw the broken bones in the trash can.

Feng Xiaojie, who was hiding, stared, "Don't look!"

Xiao Yunrou pushed Lin Hao away and blocked the trash can, with a shy expression on her face.

Feng Xiaojie looked at "Xiao Yunshuang" in disbelief

, she never learned from "Xiao Yunshuang"

seen such an expression on his face.

"I ate hot pot last night. I saw that there was a lot of leftovers at the end, so I wrapped it in plastic bags and used it for breakfast."

Xiao Yunrou did not expect that Lin Hao would see this matter.

She kind of regrets putting all these things in the trash can.

Lin Hao burst into a smile: "If you want to eat, tell me."

"We're not related. It's not good for me to ask you for food."

Xiao Yunrou's eyes dodged.

Lin Hao showed a faint smile and suddenly approached Xiao Yunrou: "Then what does Miss Xiao want us to do?"

Xiao Yunrou's butt was leaning on the desk, and below it was Feng Xiaojie who was hiding.

"I don't know."

Xiao Yunrou's heart was pounding, and she felt like she was about to suffocate.

Lin Hao saw Xiao Yunrou's appearance, he was not very good at teasing this woman, so he took a step back and prepared to stop.

And Xiao Yunrou was also relieved, and took a step forward subconsciously, but unfortunately stepped on a 930 pen on the ground, and that pen was still stained with oil.


When Xiao Yunrou was absent-minded, she suddenly slipped her feet and fell towards the back desk, she subconsciously reached out and grabbed Lin Hao.

It directly caused Lin Hao to press Xiao Yunrou on the desk.

Under the table, Feng Xiaojie covered her mouth, and she secretly scolded herself for not putting away the pen just now.


Why is there no movement above, instead there is a heavy breathing sound.

Feng Xiaojie did not dare to move, because "Xiao Yunshuang" was in front of her eyes.

The legs that overlapped with Lin Hao.

She then widened her eyes as she saw several pieces of women's clothing dropped.

After that, there was that sound.

There was also a creaking sound from the desk.

In Feng Xiaojie's heart, [-] grass and mud horses were running wild.

What the hell is going on? Is it because of my unintentional act that I came to a live performance?

Feng Xiaojie plucked up her courage and raised her head slightly to look upwards.

The picture that is not suitable for children is just less than ten centimeters above Feng Xiaojie's head.

Even Feng Xiaojie could feel water stains dripping on her face.

At this moment, Feng Xiaojie really wanted to calculate the shadow area in her heart.

Chapter 167 Trigger the achievement task 【Customize】

After more than two hours, the movement on the table finally subsided a little.

"Don't be in there."

Xiao Yunrou's weak panting voice sounded.

Afterwards, Feng Xiaojie felt that something had slapped her face.

Feng Xiaojie's eyes widened, looking at the thing in front of her, and the fishy smell on her face.

I was scorned by a snake, "It's your first time."

Lin Hao got down from the desk and looked at Xiao Yunrou mockingly.

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