This is not good."

The subordinate looked at Shao Tai with some concern.

Shao Tai was a businessman before the end of the world, although he likes to be called a boss by others.

"This is our vote for Xiao Yunshuang, even though we were neutral in Bai Shixiong's rebellion.

But if Xiao Yunshuang felt uncomfortable, he might have wiped us all out in one fell swoop.

And Xiao Yunshuang has the strength to eliminate Bai Shixiong, and it is not easy to deal with us, so this certificate of vote must not only be handed over, but also must not be taken lightly!"

Shao Tai said eloquently.

"I understand, Boss Shao, I'll do it now."

The subordinate nodded.

After that, there was a funny scene in the whole of Ninghai City. The original neutral faction became the most active one to eradicate Bai Shixiong's remaining party.

"Kill, rush in.

Arrest all of Bai Shixiong's remnants!"

A close associate of Xiao Yunshuang led a group of people into a residential area, but they only saw one scene, not a single person.

"What's going on here"

The man was dumbfounded.

Such a scene also happened in a place in Ninghai. Every time Xiao Yunshuang's people arrived at a place, most of them went to the empty building.

They didn't know until later that all the people in that place let the people from the middle faction strike first and send them to Xiao Yunshuang.

"Shao Tai, you wallflower!"

Bai Dafei covered the wound and pointed angrily at the group of people in front of him.

Shao Tai had a cold smile on his face: "Bai Dafei, a distant relative of Bai Shixiong.

One of Bai Shixiong's cronies in Bai Shixiong's faction, a second-level awakener.

Arrest him for me and send it to Lord Xiao Yunshuang."

"Bai Dafei, I beg you.

As long as you let me go, I'll give you all the food I've hidden!"

Bai Dafei begged for mercy.

Shao Tai chuckled and shook his head: "The food is gone, we can still find it.

But what I have to do now is to make our master, Lord Xiao Yunshuang, happy."

"Bastard, Shao Tai, you two-faced, you lackey."

Bai Dafei was furious, but was directly pierced by the arms of several awakened people with spears, and stuck to the ground, leaving only screams.

Shao Tai said plainly: "I am a two-faced person, I am a wallflower, and I am also a lackey.

But I will choose my master very wisely, which is also one of the laws of living in this world.

Blame it on your master, Bai Shixiong lost this game."

Xiao Yunrou did not expect that the efficiency of her subordinates would be so fast. In just an hour, all the remnants of Bai Shixiong in Ninghai City were caught, and those who were killed were killed.

"Lord Xiao Yunshuang, you are back.

Everyone in Ninghai City is waiting for you."

Shao Tai came out with a look of embarrassment on his face, with tears on his face, as if he was miserable.

The people around looked at Shao Tai with contempt.

Who doesn't know that their centrists are the luckiest in this wave, and almost not many people died.

Xiao Yunrou naturally knew what kind of person this Shao Tai was, but now Ninghai City couldn't kill anyone, so these people had to be kept.

"I see.

This time, it's all Bai Shixiong's good deeds, and it has nothing to do with other people in Ninghai City."

Xiao Yunrou's remarks can be regarded as making most people's centrists put their minds at ease.

Shao Tai looked at the man behind Xiao Yunrou, and his eyesight from having been in business for so many years was immediate.

Make him realize that this person is absolutely unusual.

"Lord Xiao Yunshuang, this gentleman is the reinforcements invited this time."

Shao Tai asked flatteringly.

"Yes, this... is Mr. Lin Hao from Yunshui Villa."

After Xiao Yunrou finished speaking, she specially added: "Mr. Lin Hao is not from Ninghai City, but Mr. Lin Hao represents me Xiao Yunshuang.

If anyone dares to offend Mr. Lin Hao, it is to offend me Xiao Yunshuang.

I think you should be very aware of the consequences of this."

There was a threat in Xiao Yunrou's words, but she was actually afraid.

She was afraid that these people would offend Lin Hao, causing Lin Hao to anger Ninghai City, and Ninghai City could not bear Lin Hao's anger.

Shao Tai looked at Lin Hao, actually took out a business card from his pocket and handed it flatteringly to Lin Hao.

"You are Mr. Lin Hao of the famous Yunshui Villa.

We have heard about the deeds of the battle of Yuncheng.

This is my business card, my name is Shao Tai.

If Mr. Lin doesn't mind, just call me Lao Shao."

Lin Hao took the business card with a slight smile on his face.


In the last days, there is never a shortage of such sloppy and flattering people.

For these people, in fact, you only need to master the absolute strength, this kind of grass is a dog under your command.

Chapter 165 With me here, you don't need to disguise 【Customize】

Night fell on Ninghai City.

After more than a day of twists and turns, Ninghai City has returned to its previous order.

The team that originally left with Xiao Yunshuang to look for help was long overdue.

In the face of what happened in Ninghai City, they were dumbfounded, and they only knew from the mouths of others that they were lucky to escape a danger.

Xiao Yunrou's villa was still dimly lit.

"This time, after getting rid of the remnants that have been eliminated, there are about [-] Bai Shixiong remnants who have been arrested.

What to do with these people?"

A woman with glasses wearing a professional hip skirt and black stockings high heels stood beside Xiao Yunrou.

Holding a notebook in her hand, this woman's name is Feng Xiaojie and she is Xiao Yunrou's secretary.

She was originally Bai Shixiong's target, but "[-]"

Her awakened ability is stealth, so she survived by luck.

"More than [-] people are troublesome, and many of them are Awakened.

It would be too wasteful to execute it directly."

Xiao Yunrou was also a little distressed.

"Kill the waste directly, and the waste can be used."

Lin Hao walked downstairs, holding a bottle of iced Coke and a chicken drumstick in his hand.

Feng Xiaojie swallowed continuously when she saw the food in the man's hand.

"How should it be handled?"

Xiao Yunrou asked.

Lin Hao smiled slightly: "You said before that those murloc mutants like to go ashore to collect food, then we can use these guys to set up a few traps, right on the coast.

Leading the snake out of the hole, this is the last contribution these people made to Ninghai City."

Feng Xiaojie's body trembled, she looked at this man with some dread, and she could say these things with a smile on her face, this is simply the devil's smile.

Xiao Yunrou nodded, she agreed with Lin Hao's arrangement, anyway, these people should be damned, let them use their lives to make the final contribution to Ninghai City.


Xiaojie, you go to arrange.

Place these people on the coast overnight, and send people to monitor them 24 hours a day. If there is any change, they will immediately.

inform us!"

Xiao Yunrou gave instructions

Night fell on Ninghai City.

After more than a day of twists and turns, Ninghai City has returned to its previous order.

The team that originally left with Xiao Yunshuang to look for help was long overdue.

In the face of what happened in Ninghai City, they were dumbfounded, and they only knew from the mouths of others that they were lucky to escape a danger.

Xiao Yunrou's villa was still dimly lit.

"This time, after getting rid of the remnants that have been eliminated, there are about [-] Bai Shixiong remnants who have been arrested.

What to do with these people?"

A woman with glasses wearing a professional hip skirt and black stockings high heels stood beside Xiao Yunrou.

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