He Liuqing condensed water blades in both hands and hit the Thunder Spirit.

The other second-level Awakeners also fought desperately.

The Thunder Elf directly used the skill "discharge" in the face of the enemy rushing in front of him.

A small area of ​​current is formed around the Thunder Spirit.

Everyone who entered was pierced by the electric current, crackling and smelling burnt.

Under the lightning of the 4 elves, these are only the second-level awakened guys, that is, the ants waiting to be harvested.

Lei Elf turned his head to look at an alley next to him. Seeing that the situation was not good, He Liuqing ran away.

"Move at high speed."


Bai Shixiong gritted his teeth, feeling uneasy in his heart, being stared at by the man in front of him, he had a feeling of being stared at by a demon.

Three 3s, three 3s! Up to now, there have been three 3s of level [-] or above, and they all have very terrifying tricks.

Most importantly, the woman who can turn into a fire dragon, in front of her flames, her group is as fragile as straw.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Bai Shixiong said nothing, immediately.

Pat the tank below him.

The remaining four 44 teams survived by chance, and less than fifty awakened ones also fled.

They have no will to fight now.

These guys in front of them are not opponents that they can be God of War at all.

"Thunder Elf, Leaf Elf, Fairy Elf, Minas, Ice Nine-Tails, Fire Nine-Tails, Dark Magician Girl, Shanaido.

These people pay "May [-]"

Practice your hands.

Water arrow turtles, fire-breathing dragons, you swept the array."

Lin Hao ordered.


Several people were dispatched, some transformed out of their body, and some rushed out directly.

Xiaolei transformed into a thunder elf, relying on a flash of electric light to directly block in front of the fleeing team...a female third-level water-based awakener named He Liuqing.

There were only about ten people left in her special team.

"Master said, you are all going to die."

Thunder Elf spit out human words.

"Kill, rush out!"

He Liuqing condensed water blades in both hands and hit the Thunder Spirit.

The other second-level Awakeners also fought desperately.

The Thunder Elf directly used the skill "discharge" in the face of the enemy rushing in front of him.

A small area of ​​current is formed around the Thunder Spirit.

Everyone who entered was pierced by the electric current, crackling and smelling burnt.

Under the lightning of the 4 elves, these are only the second-level awakened guys, that is, the ants waiting to be harvested.

Lei Elf turned his head to look at an alley next to him. Seeing that the situation was not good, He Liuqing ran away.

"Move at high speed."

The Thunder Elf flashed a few moments before appearing directly in front of He Liuqing again.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

Lightning that was even more terrifying than before was released from the Thunder Spirit.

"don't want!"

In a hurry, He Liuqing released a water shield directly in front of her.

But she forgot that water conducts electricity.

In the end, He Liuqing fell to the ground with charred body, his body was still twitching.

The Thunder Spirit disappeared silently.

Another crossroads.

The survivors of the first special team captain all stared at the scene in front of them in stunned eyes.

Their opponent, Luo Yuhua, the third-level Fire Fist Awakened, stood reluctantly in front of a beautiful woman with nine red tails.

On Luo Yuhua's body, this is a strange flame floating.

The flames burned Luo Yuhua's body, but Luo Yuhua didn't feel it at all.

This is the skill "Ghost Fire" of the fire nine tails

"Who wants to try it."

Huo Jiuwei licked his fingers, showing a smile like a cat catching a mouse.

"No, no."

"Help, help."

"Devil, devil."

Usually in Ninghai City, he was a Level [-] Awakened, but at this moment he was crying and running away like a bereaved dog.

"It's boring."

Huo Jiuwei showed a hint of boredom, and then raised his jade finger.

'Flame vortex' The flame vortex burned all these people, leaving only hysterical screams.

Wei Jijun was very regretful now. He never thought that Xiao Yunshuang would invite such a powerful rescuer. If he had known, he would not betray Xiao Yunshuang.

But there is no regret medicine in this world, and now he can only find a way to escape.

As long as he leaves Ninghai City, he relies on the strength of his third-level awakener.

Just find a small survivor organization and you can dominate.

At this time, a woman in a green and white dress blocked his way pretty pretty.

And in this woman's hand, she was holding a head of his subordinate.

Such a pure and beautiful woman actually held a head, and her face was as indifferent as always, this is really a rather strange scene.

"As a woman, I should be able to deal with her.

If you can subdue her, then take her away and torture her slowly.

It's not a loss this time."

Wei Jijun confidently thought that he could take care of this woman, but he also had bad thoughts in his heart.

Wei Jijun pulled out... two knives, ready to use his trick "seal."

Shanaido raised his hand and let out a soft squeak.

Wei Jijun had a pattern like an inscription on his body, wrapping him in the center.

This made the tricks in Wei Jijun's mind suddenly disappear, and there was no way to display it, and even the sword skills that he depended on for survival could not be displayed.

"What about my swordsmanship and my skills.

I can't use it anymore."

Wei Jijun shouted to Shanaido in horror: "What have you done to me?"

"My 'seal' can seal other people's skills.

For you awakened ones, if the strength is too low, I can even directly seal your awakening ability.

You are a third-level awakener, sorry, I am a 5."

Shanaido waved his finger.

The skill 'Magic Leaf' cast out the magic leaf, which directly penetrated Wei Jijun's head and chest at an extremely fast speed.

Wei Jijun fell so uselessly, he didn't even have a chance to fight.

Compared with these three places, another cross: the road is much more dynamic.

"Level [-] magic, shadow magic bullet."

The black magician floated in the air at a height of three meters, constantly waving the staff in her hand, and releasing skills at the enemy below.

And her opponent is that... the team led by Zeng Shan, the third-level power awakener.

Now Zeng Shan and their hearts are as broken as they are.

They are warriors, but they are mages, and they are still flying mages! Don't play like this 4.


"No, don't come here!"

Bai Shixiong panicked and ran back from the direction of escape, and returned to the square again.

Behind him, the huge water arrow turtle was using the tank as a Coke bottle, twisting it into a mass of scrap iron, and blood was constantly flowing out of the scrap iron.

In the end, Bai Shixiong fell twenty or thirty meters in front of Lin Hao.

"What's wrong with Mr. Bai? Didn't you just smile and be very happy?"

Lin Hao looked at Bai Shixiong with a light smile.

In just a few minutes, Bai Shixiong completely fell from heaven to hell.

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